
Against Edom

1The Vision of Obadiah. This is what the Lord God says about Edom:

We have heard news from the Lord, and a messenger has been sent to the nations to say, “Rise, let us go against Esau.”

2The day has come: you are now small among the nations and utterly despised.

3Your arrogance has led you astray,

you, who live in the clefts of the rock;

you, who make the heights your home;

you, who say to yourself:

Who can bring me down to the ground?

4Though you soar like an eagle, though you make your nests among the stars,

I will bring you down again.


5If thieves or plunderers come at night,

what a disaster awaits you then!

Would they not ransack till they had enough? If grape gatherers worked in your vineyard, would they not leave only gleanings? 6See how Esau has been looted,

even his hidden treasures pillaged!

7You have been driven to the frontiers:

And those were your very friends!

Those who partook of your bread

set for you a trap in secret.


8The Lord declares: Shall I not destroy

the wise men of Edom on that day

and deprive the mountain of Esau of sages?

9Your warriors, O Teman, will be afraid,

and all from Mount Esau will be slaughtered.

10For the violence done to Jacob, your brother,

you will be disgraced and destroyed forever.

11You stood aloof in waiting,

when strangers carried off his wealth;

when foreigners entered his gates

and cast lots for Jerusalem,

you were as guilty as the rest of them.

12Do not come to see and gloat

over the misfortune of your brother.

Do not exult over Judah’s ruin,

nor brag on the day of her destruction.

13Do not go through the gate of my people

on the day of their disgrace;

nor gloat over them in their misfortune

on the day of their adversity;

nor lay your hands upon their possessions

on the day of their destruction.


14Do not wait at the crossroad

to slay their stragglers;

nor betray their survivors

on the day of their disaster.

15For the day of the Lord is near

for every nation.

As you have done to another,

so will it be done to you.

Whatever you have done

will come back upon your head.

16For as you have drunk on my holy mountain,

so will the surrounding nation drink;

drink, and drink up to the brim…

Then they shall be as if they had never been.

17But there will be survivors on Mount Zion

—a holy remnant.

The house of Jacob will take possession

of its inheritance.

18The nation of Jacob will be a fire,

the nation of Joseph a flame;

but those of Esau will be stubble;

and they will burn and consume them.

And of Esau’s house, none will remain, for it is the Lord who has spoken.


19People from the Negeb

will occupy Esau’s mountains;

those from the plains,

the land of the Philistines;

they will occupy Ephraim and Samaria,

and Benjamin will possess Gilead.

20The Israelite exiles who are in Canaan

will possess Phoenicia as far as Zarephath;

the exiles from Jerusalem are now in Sepharad

will possess the towns of the Negeb.

21Deliverers will ascend Mount Zion

to rule over the mountains of Esau,

—then the Lord will reign.