Nahum Chapters

1 |  2 |  3

What Do You Plot Against the Lord?

1 | •  1Oracle against Nineveh. This is the book of the vision that Nahum of Elkosh has seen.


2The Lord is a jealous and avenging God,

the Lord takes vengeance in his wrath;

3The Lord is slow to anger

though immense in power.

He does not overlook evil.

In storm and whirlwind is his path;

clouds are the dust of his feet.

4He rebukes the sea and dries it;

he drains rivers of their water.

Bashan and Carmel wither;

the blossoms of Lebanon fade.

5Before him, the mountains quake

and the hills melt;

the earth trembles

and all the people.


6Who can stand before his fury?

Who can face his blazing anger?

His wrath is poured out like fire,

and the rocks are rent asunder.

7The Lord is good for those who hope;

in the day of trouble, he shelters them.

He remembers those who trust in him

8when the flood engulfs them.

He utterly destroys his adversaries

and pursues his foes into darkness.


What are you plotting against him?

The Lord will bring it to an end,

9oppression will not rise a second time.

The Lord gives his foe no quarter,

he stores up fury for his enemy.

10They will be entangled,

devoured like thorns,

and be consumed like dry stubble.

11The Lord will take off Judah, his enemy

the one who plots evil.

12Thus the Lord says to Judah:

“Though they be strong and many

they will be annihilated.

Though I had afflicted you,

no more shall I afflict you.

13I will break their yoke from your neck

and tear away your shackles.”

14To the people of Nineveh,

here is the Lord’s decree.

“No descendants shall bear your name.

I will abolish from your temple

the carved image and the molten idol.

I will make your tomb an object of shame.”


2 | 1See, there on the mountains, the feet of one

who brings good news, one who proclaims peace.

Judah, celebrate your feasts

and carry out your vows.

For the wicked have been destroyed,

they will not attack you anymore.

3The Lord will now restore

Jacob’s magnificence, like Israel’s splendor.

For they had been plundered,

laid waste as a ravaged vineyard.

Nineveh shall fall

2Against Nineveh, a destroyer advances.

Watch the road, man the fortress,

brace yourselves, muster your forces.

4The shields of his soldiers are red;

his warriors are crimson-clad.

His chariots gleam as if on fire

when mustered in battle array,

while prancing horses and frenzied horsemen

wait impatiently for bloody action.

5As chariots storm through the streets

and dash madly through the squares,

they look like flashing torches

or darting lightning bolts.

6The picked troops are called out;

ranks break at their charge.

Having set up the mantelet

they rushed toward the rampart.

7The river gates are thrown open,

and the palace defense collapses.

8The goddess is taken captive

together with all her handmaids,

moaning like doves and beating their breasts.

9Nineveh looks like a pool

with its waters running away:

All flee: “Stop, stop!”

but no one comes back.

10All kinds of wealth, gold and silver—

it is an endless treasure, a heap of the most precious things.

11Waste and ruin, desolation and emptiness, failing hearts and trembling knees,

terror and agony on all blanched faces!

12Where now is the lion’s cave,

the den of the cubs

where the lion would bring his prey,

and the cubs lie down undisturbed?

13The lion tore to pieces for his whelps,

and strangled for his mates;

he filled his caves with prey

and his dens with mangled flesh.

14The Lord Sabaoth speaks:

I have come against you.

I will send up your chariots in smoke,

give your cubs to the sword;

wipe the earth clear of your plunder,

and your envoys’ voices will be heard no more.

The City of Blood

3 | 1Woe to the bloody city, a city of lies and booty,

O city of unending plunder!

2But what! Crack of whips,

the rumble of wheels and clatter of hoofs!

3See the frenzied chargers,

the flashing swords and glittering spears,

the heaps of the wounded,

the dead and dying

—we trip over corpses!

4The harlot is paying for her harlotry,

her deadly charms, her sorcery.

She traded nations with her prostitution

and caught people by her spells.

5“I am against you,” the Lord Sabaoth says.

“I will lift your skirts over your face.

I will show the nations your nakedness

and the kingdoms your disgrace.

6I will pelt you with filth,

I will treat you with contempt

and make of you a shameful show,

7so that all who look on you

will turn their backs in disgust

and say: Nineveh—a city of lust—is in ruins.

Who will mourn for her?

Where can we find one to comfort her?

8Are you any better

than Thebes by the Nile,

surrounded by water,

her rampart the river,

and the water her wall?

9Ethiopia and Egypt were her stay,

Put and Libya were her allies,

10yet she was carried away

and held captive among the exiles.

Her infants were dashed to pieces

at the head of every road;

lots were cast for her nobles,

her great men bound in chains.

11You, too, shall drink of this:

You will also hide from your enemies.

12Your fortresses are like fig trees

laden with early-ripening fruits

which fall, when shaken,

into the waiting mouths.

13Look at your braves—they are like women!

Your gates are wide open,

the bars consumed by fire,

and the enemies freely enter.

14Brace yourselves for the siege: draw water,

strengthen the bulwark,

tread the clay and the mortar

and repair the brickwork.

15There, the fire will devour you

and the sword will cut you down,

though you were numerous as locusts,

beyond count like grasshoppers.

16You had multiplied your merchants

more than the stars of the sky;

17like grasshoppers were your officials

and your soldiers like swarms of locusts

which settle on the walls on a cold day.

But the sun appears; they fly away,

and they are gone; no one knows where.

18O king of Assyria, your shepherd’s slumber,

your nobles lie down fast asleep,

while over the mountains, your people scatter,

and there is no one to gather them up.

19Nothing can heal your wounds; your injury is fatal.

All clap their hands

when they hear about your fall,

for who has not suffered constantly

the plague of your cruelty?