Isaiah Chapters

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Against an Unthinking People

1 | • 1This is what Isaiah, son of Amoz, foretold, concerning Judah and Jerusalem, in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah.


2Listen, O heavens!

Give heed, O earth! for the Lord speaks:

“I raised children, I brought them up,

but they have risen against me.

3The ox knows its master

and the donkey its owner’s manger,

but Israel does not know me.

My people do not understand.

4A sinful nation,

a people weighed down with iniquity,

a wicked race, perverted children!

They have turned away from the Lord

and despised the Holy One of Israel.


5Shall I strike you again and again?

People always rebelling,

your whole head is diseased

and your heart is also afflicted.

6From the soles of your feet

to the top of your head—

all is wounds and bruises,

sores uncleaned and unbound,

not eased with soothing ointment.

7Your country lies desolate,

your cities razed by fire.

Aliens have devoured the harvest

before your very eyes,

and you were left in ruins.


8The Daughter of Zion is left

like a shanty in a vineyard,

like a hut in a melon field,

like a city besieged.

9Had not the Lord of Hosts

left us a small remnant,

we would resemble Sodom,

we would be like Gomorrah.


10Hear the warning of the Lord,

rulers of Sodom.

Listen to the word of God,

people of Gomorrah.”


  • 11“What do I care,” says the Lord

“for your endless sacrifices?

I am fed up with your burnt offerings,

and the fat of your bulls.

The blood of fatlings, lambs and he-goats

I abhor, 12when you come before me and

trample on my courts.

Who asked you to visit me?

13I am fed up with your oblations.

I grow sick with your incense.

Your New Moons, Sabbaths and meetings,          

evil with holy assemblies,

I can no longer bear.

14I hate your New Moons and appointed feasts.

They burden me.

15When you stretch out your hands

I will close my eyes;

the more you pray,

the more I refuse to listen,

for your hands are bloody.

16Wash and make yourselves clean.

Remove from my sight

the evil of your deeds.

Put an end to your wickedness

17and learn to do good.

Seek justice and keep in line the abusers;

give the fatherless their rights

and defend the widow.”

18“Come,” says the Lord,

“let us reason together.

Though your sins be like scarlet,

they will be white as snow;

though they be as crimson red,

they will be white as wool.

19If you will obey me,

you will eat the goods of the earth;

20but if you resist and rebel,

the sword will eat you instead.”

Truly the Lord has spoken.

You Became a Harlot

  • 21Zion, the faithful city,

has become a harlot!

She who abounded in justice,

in whom righteousness lodged,

has become a hideout of murderers!

22Your silver has turned to dross,

your best wine thinned with water.

23Your rulers are tyrants,

partners of thieves.

They love a bribe

and look around for gifts.

No one protects the orphan,

or listens to the claim of the widow.

24This is why the Lord speaks,

the Lord Sabaoth,

the Mighty One of Israel:

“I will subdue my foes

and exact payment from my enemies.

25I will turn my hand against you,

I will smelt away your dross and remove your impurities.

26I will restore your judges,

I will give back your counselors,

as it was in the beginning.

Then you will be called

the city of righteousness,      

the faithful city.”


27The deliverance of Zion will be like a judgment.

There will be a remnant: the just ones.

28But rebels and sinners

alike will be destroyed,

and those who desert the Lord

will likewise perish.


  • 29Yes, you will be ashamed of your sacred oaks, which have

given you delight;

you will blush for your gardens

which you have chosen.

30You will be like an oak,

the leaves of which wither,

and like a garden

which runs out of water.

31The strongman will be as tinder

and all his work a spark:

both will burn together

and no one will quench the fire.

God Promises Lasting Peace

2 | • 1The vision of Isaiah, son of Amoz, concerning Judah and Jerusalem.

2In the last days, the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be set over the highest mountains and tower over the hills.

3All the nations shall stream to it, saying, “Come, let us go to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob, that he may teach us his ways, and we may walk in his paths. For the teaching comes from Zion, and from Jerusalem the word of the Lord.

4He will rule over the nations and settle disputes for many people. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not raise sword against nation; they will no longer train for war.

5O nation of Jacob, come, let us walk in the light of the Lord!”

Hide in the Dust

  • 6You have forsaken your people,

the land of Jacob,

for it was full of diviners.

They turned into soothsayers like the Philistines,

and clasped hands with pagans.

7Their land is full of silver and gold,

there is no end to their treasures.

Their land is full of horses,

there is no end to their chariots.

8Their land is full of idols,

and they bow down

before the work of their hands,

before the things their fingers have made.


9Man will be humbled

and the mortal fallen,

forgive them not!

10Get behind the rocks,

hide in the dust,

for fear of the Lord

and the splendor of his majesty!

11The haughty looks of man will be humbled;

the pride of mortals will be brought low.

The Lord alone will be exalted on that day.


12The Lord will stand up on that day

against all the proud and arrogant,

against all that is high or great,

13against all the cedars of Lebanon

and all the oaks of Bashan,

14against all the lofty mountains,

and all the soaring hills,

15against every high tower

and fortified walls,

16against all the ships of Tarshish

and their luxurious load.


17The arrogance of man will be humbled;

the pride of mortals will be brought low.

The Lord alone will be exalted on that day.

18All the idols will pass away.


19People will flee

into the hollows of the rocks,

into the caverns of the earth,

from the terror of the Lord,

from the splendor of his majesty,

when he arises to terrify the earth.


20On that day,

they will throw to the moles and the bats

their idols of silver and gold,

which they made for themselves to worship.

21They will flee

     into the caverns of the rocks,

     into the crevices of the crags,

     from the terror of the Lord,

     from the splendor of his majesty,

when he arises to terrify the earth.


22Rely not on man,

who has but a breath in his nostrils.

What is he worth?


3 | 1See how the Lord,

the Lord Sabaoth,

takes away provisions and supplies

from Judah and Jerusalem—


2the hero and the soldier,

the judge and the prophet,

the diviner and the elder,

3the captain and the man of rank,

the counselor, the wise man, the

craftsman, and the enchanter.


4I will make striplings their princes

and raw lads their rulers.

5People will oppress each other—

every neighbor his neighbor;

the young will bully the old

and the base will insult the honorable.

6When that day comes,

a man will take hold of his brother

in the house of his father

and say, “You have clothes,

so be our leader

and rule over this heap of ruins.”


7But he will cry out in protest:

“I cannot undertake to remedy all this,

when in my own house

there is neither food nor clothing;

do not make me a leader of the people.”


8See how Jerusalem crumbles

and Judah falls,

for in word and deed

they have defied the Lord,

and insulted his glorious presence.

Alas for the Wicked!

  • 9The look on their faces denounces them: they do not hide their sin; instead, they parade it, like Sodom: Woe to them! They bring about their own downfall!

10Say, “Fortunate are the righteous; they will eat of the fruit of their deeds.”

11But woe to the wicked: the evil that their hands have done shall be done to them!

12O my people, plundered by your rulers, enslaved by your creditors! O my people, your leaders deceive you and lead you astray.

13The Lord takes his place in court and stands to try his people. 14The Lord calls to judgment the elders and the princes:

“You have devoured my vineyard. The spoils of the poor are in your houses. 15What right have you to crush the people and to grind down the poor?” declares the Lord Sabaoth.

How Haughty Are These Women!

  • 16The Lord says, “Haughty are the women of Zion, walking with their heads held high, with mincing steps, flirting with their eyes, ornaments tinkling on their ankles.”

17But the Lord will cover with scabs the heads of Zion’s women and make their scalps bald.

18On that day the Lord will take away the ankle ornaments, the headbands and the crescents, 19the pendants, the bracelets, and the scarves, 20the headdresses, the armlets, the sashes, the perfume bottles and the amulets, 21the signet rings and nose rings, 22the festal robes, the mantles, the cloaks, and the handbags, 23the garments, the turbans, and the veils.

24Instead of fragrance, there will be stench; instead of a girdle, a rope; instead of well-set hair, baldness; instead of jeweled gown, sackcloth; and instead of beauty, shame.


25Your men will fall by the sword;

your heroes in battle.

26The city gates will lament and mourn

as Zion, ravaged, sits on the ground.


4 | 1On that day, seven women will fight over one man.

“We will eat our own food,” they will say, “we will wear our own clothing, only let us be called by your name and take away our disgrace.”

A Remnant Saved on Mount Zion

  • 2On that day, the Shoot of the Lord will be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth will be honor and splendor for the survivors of Israel.

3Those who are left in Zion and remain in Jerusalem will be called holy, all who are recorded among the living in Jerusalem,

4when the Lord washes away the filth of the women of Zion and purges Jerusalem of the bloodstains in its midst with the blast of searing judgment, the blast of fire.

5Then will the Lord create a cloud of smoke by day and a glow of fire by night over the whole site of Mount Zion and over its assemblies.

For the glory of the Lord will be a canopy and a pavilion for all, 6a shade from the scorching heat by day, a refuge from the storm and rain.

The Song of the Vineyard

5 | • 1Let me sing for my beloved my love song about his vineyard.


My beloved had a vineyard

on a fertile hillside.

2He dug it up, cleared the stones,

and planted the choicest vines.

He built there a watchtower

and hewed out a winepress as well.

Then he looked

for a crop of good grapes,

but it yielded only wild grapes.

3Now, inhabitants of Jerusalem and people of Judah,

judge between me and my vineyard.

4What more was there to do

that I have not done for my vineyard?

Good grapes were the yield I expected.

Why did it yield only sour grapes?


5Now I will let you know

what I am going to do

with my vineyard:

I will remove its hedge

and it will be burned;

I will break down its wall

and it will be trampled on.

6I will make it a wasteland,

I will neither prune nor hoe it,          

and briers and thorns will grow there.

I command the clouds, as well,

not to send rain on it.


7The vineyard of the Lord Sabaoth

is the people of Israel;

and the people of Judah

are his pleasant vine.

He looked for justice,

but found bloodshed;

He looked for righteousness

but heard cries of distress.

Woe to You, Rich!

  • 8What sorrow for you to buy up house after house,

     and field after field,

     until everyone is evicted

     and you live alone in the land.

9The Lord Sabaoth has sworn in my hearing:

“Many houses will remain in ruins,

beautiful mansions without occupants.

10Ten acres of vineyard

will yield only a barrel of wine;

ten bushels of seed,

only a bushel of grain.”


11Woe to those who rise early in the morning

to run after a strong drink,

and tarry late in the evening

till they are inflamed with wine.

12They have lyres and harps,

timbrels and flutes,

and wine at their banquets;

but they have no thought for the deeds of the Lord,

nor do they see his plans.

13Thus, my people will go into exile

for want of understanding,

their dignitaries dying of hunger,

their masses parched with thirst.


14Therefore, the grave has enlarged its throat

and opened its mouth to the full;

it swallows the upper crust of Zion,

their throngs and their revelry.

15Man shall be humbled

and the mortal fallen,

and the eyes of the haughty cast down.

16But the Lord Sabaoth will be exalted

when he comes in judgment;

the sentences of the holy God

will reveal his holiness.

(17Then will the lambs graze as at pasture,

fatlings and kids will browse among the ruins.)


18Woe to those who haul their wrongs with cords of deceit,

to those who pull a cart of sins,

19to those who say, “Let God hurry,

let him speed up his work

so that we may see it.

Let the plans of the Holy One of Israel

draw near and come true,

which we are eager to learn about!”


20Woe to those who call evil good and good evil,

who change darkness for light

and light for darkness,

who give bitter for sweet

and sweet for bitter.

21Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes

and take themselves for sages.

22Woe to those who are champions in mixing drinks

and valiant at drinking bouts,

23but acquit the guilty for a bribe

and deprive the innocent of his rights.


24Therefore, as the tongues of fire lick up stubble,

as dry grass shrivels in the flames,

so their roots will rot,

and their flowers be blown away like dust,

for they have rejected the law of the Lord Sabaoth

and scorned the word of the Holy One of Israel.

25Therefore, the Lord,

his wrath burning against his people,

raises his hand against them

and strikes them down.

The mountains quake:

the corpses litter the streets.

For all this, his anger does not subside,

his hand is still raised, poised to strike.


26He gives a signal to nations afar,

he whistles to them from the ends of the earth;

speedily and swiftly they come.

27None of them is weary; none stumbles,

none slumbers or sleeps;

not a waist belt is loosened,

not a sandal-thong broken.


28Their arrows are sharp,

all their bows are strong:

their horses’ hoofs seem like flint,

their chariot wheels like the whirlwind.

29They roar like young lions;

they growl as they seize their prey,

no one to rescue it as they carry it off.

30On that day, they will roar over these people

like the roaring of the sea.

Just look at the land—

darkness and distress,

the light flickering out in shadows,

darkened finally by the clouds.

The Call of Isaiah

6 | •  1In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord seated on a throne, high and exalted; the train of his robe filled the temple. 2Above him were seraphs, each with six wings: two to cover the face, two to cover the feet, and two to fly with.

3They were calling to one another:

“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Sabaoth.

All the earth is filled with his glory!”


4At the sound of their voices, the foundations of the threshold shook, and the temple was filled with smoke. 5I said, “Poor me! I am doomed! For I am a man of unclean lips living among a people of unclean lips, yet I have seen the King, the Lord Sabaoth.”

6Then one of the seraphs flew to me; in his hands was a live coal which he had taken with tongs from the altar. 7He touched my mouth with it and said,

“See, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away, and your sin is forgiven.”

8Then I heard the voice of the Lord, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” I answered, “Here I am. Send me!” 9He said, “Go and say to this people: ‘Much as you hear, you will not understand; much as you see, you do not perceive.’

10Let their hearts be hardened, make their ears deaf and their eyes blind; what a misfortune for them, should they hear and see! Yet, if they understood and came back to me, I would heal them.”

11Then I said, “For how long, O Lord?” And he answered,

“Until towns have been laid waste and left without inhabitant; until the houses are deserted and the fields ruined and ravaged, 12until the Lord has sent away the people and the fields are left deserted.

13Even though a tenth remains in it, it will be burned. Yet there, a stump will remain like a fallen oak; this stump is a holy seed.”

First Warning to Ahaz

7 | •  1When Ahaz son of Jotham, the son of Uzziah, was king of Judah, King Rezin of Aram and Pekah, son of Remaliah, king of Israel, laid siege to Jerusalem but they were unable to capture it.

2When the news reached the house of David, “Aram’s troops are encamped in Ephraim,” the king's heart and the people's hearts trembled as the forest's trees tremble before the wind.

3The Lord then said to Isaiah: “Go with your son A-remnant-will-return, and meet Ahaz at the end of the aqueduct of the Upper Pool, on the road to the Washer man’s Field.

4Say to him,

Stay calm and fear not; do not lose courage before these two stumps of smoldering firebrands—the fierce anger of Rezin the Aramean and the blazing fury of the son of Remaliah. You know that 5Aram, Ephraim and Remaliah’s son have plotted against Judah, saying: 6Let us invade and scare it, seize it and put the son of Tabeel king over it. 7But the Lord God says:

It shall not be so;

it shall not come to pass.

8a For Damascus is only the head of Aram

and Rezin the lord of Damascus.

9a Samaria is only the head of Ephraim

and Remaliah’s son is only the lord of Samaria.

8b Within fifty-six years,

Ephraim will be shattered

and will no longer be a people.

9b But if you do not stand firm in the faith,

you, too, will not stand at all.”

The Virgin Is With Child

  • 10Again the Lord addressed Ahaz, 11“Ask for a sign from the Lord your God, let it come either from the deepest depths or from the heights of heaven.”

12But Ahaz answered, “I will not ask; I will not put the Lord to the test.”

13Then Isaiah said, “Now listen, descendants of David. Have you not been satisfied trying the patience of people that you also try the patience of my God? 14Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign:

The Virgin is with child and bears a son and calls his name Immanuel. 15He will live on curds and honey by the time he learns to refuse evil and choose good. 16For before the child knows how to reject evil and cherish virtue, the land of the two kings that you abhor will be deserted. 17The Lord will bring a time much worse than any since Ephraim broke away from Judah.


18On that day the Lord will whistle

for flies from the farthest streams of Egypt

and for bees from the land of Assyria.

19They will come and settle

in the steep ravines,

in the clefts of the rocks,

on all the bushes,

and on every pasture.


20On that day,

with a razor hired from beyond the river

(with the king of Assyria),

the Lord will shave the head

and the hair of the legs

and the beard as well.


21On that day a man will raise

a heifer and a couple of sheep,

22and from the abundance of milk

those who survive in the land

will feed on curds and honey.


23On that day every place

planted with a thousand vines

worth a thousand silver shekels

will be covered with briers and thorns.

24Men will go there

armed with bows and arrows,

for the whole country

will be covered with briers and thorns.

25No one will dare come

to all the hills which used to be cultivated with the hoe,

for fear of briers and thorns.

There, cattle will be let loose

and sheep left to graze.

The Waters of Shiloah Gently Flowing

8 | •  1The Lord said to me, “Take a large cylindrical seal and write on it in ordinary characters: Quick spoils–speedy plunder. 2Do this before Uriah the priest and Zechariah the son of Jeberechiah my reliable witness.”

3I went to my wife; she conceived and gave birth to a son. Then the Lord said to me, “Call him Quick to plunder–Booty is Close, for this is the Lord’s word:

4Before the child knows how to say ‘father’ or ‘mother, Damascus's wealth and Samaria's booty will be carried off by the king of Assyria.”

5Again the Lord spoke to me: 6“Because this people has rejected the gently flowing waters of Shiloah, and cowers in fear before Rezin and the son of Remaliah, 7therefore, the Lord will bring against them the waters of the Euphrates River, deep and mighty—the king of Assyria with all his pomp.


It will rise over all its channels

and overflow all its banks;

8it will sweep on to Judah,

it will overflow and pass on,

reaching up to the neck.

It will spread its wings over the whole breadth of your land, O Immanuel!

9Know it, O you nations.

Hear, O you distant lands;

gird yourselves for war and be dismayed!

10Devise a plan and it will be thwarted,

make a resolve and it will not stand,

for “God is with us.”

The Lord, a Hidden God

  • 11Thus the Lord spoke to me when his hand grasped me, and he warned me not to walk in the way of these people:

12“Do not speak of conspiracy whenever these people dread conspiracy; do not fear what they fear nor be in dread. 13Only the Lord Sabaoth is holy, only him must you fear, only him must you dread.

14He will be a Sanctuary and, at the same time, a stumbling stone, the rock that brings down, for both houses of Israel. He will be like a trap and snare for the people of Jerusalem. 15Many of them will stumble, many will fall and be broken, be trapped and captured.”

16The Lord added: “Bind this testimony and seal it amid my disciples.”

17So I will wait for the Lord who hides his face from the people of Jacob. I will hope in him. 18Here am I and the children he has given me. We are signs and portents in Israel from the Lord Sabaoth, who dwells on Mount Zion.


  • 19Should people tell you to consult mediums and spiritists who whisper and mutter, you must tell them: “A people, of course, must consult its gods! On behalf of the living, will you consult the dead?”

20This is said through the law and revelations: this word will not fade away.

21Distressed and famished,

they will roam the land.

In their hunger, they will fume

and curse their God and their king.

They will look upward,

and then look towards the earth,

but they will only find distress and darkness,

and frightening gloom.

23Yet, where there was but anguish, darkness will disappear.

He has just afflicted the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, but in the future, he will confer glory on the way of the sea, on the land beyond the Jordan—the pagans’ Galilee.

To Us, a Child Is Born

                                9 | •  1The people who walked in darkness

                                              have seen a great light.

A light has dawned

on those who live in the land of the shadow of death.


2You have enlarged the nation;

you have increased their joy.

They rejoice before you,

 as people rejoice at harvest time

 as they rejoice in dividing the spoil.

3For the yoke of their burden,

the bar across their shoulders,

the rod of their oppressors,

you have broken it as on the day of Midian.


4Every warrior’s boot that tramped in war,

every cloak rolled in blood,

will be thrown out for burning,

will serve as fuel for the fire.


5For a child is born to us,

a son is given us;

the royal ornament is laid upon his shoulder,

and his name is proclaimed:

“Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,

Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”


6To the increase of his powerful rule

in peace, there will be no end.

Vast will be his dominion,

he will reign on David’s throne

and over all his kingdom,

to establish and uphold it

with justice and righteousness

from this time onward and forever.


The zealous love of the Lord Sabaoth will do this.

Threats Against Israel

  • 7The Lord has sent a word against Jacob: the sentence fell upon Israel.

8The people of Samaria and Ephraim saw it, but they said in pride and arrogance of heart: 9“The bricks have fallen, but we will rebuild with hewn stones; the sycamores have been cut down, but in their place, we will plant cedars.”

10Therefore, the Lord raises foes against them and stirs up their adversaries: 11from the east, Arameans, from the west, Philistines—with open mouth they devour Israel.

Yet for all this, his anger does not subside; his hand is poised to strike.

12For the people have not come back to him who has smitten them; they have not sought the Lord Sabaoth.

13Therefore, the Lord has cut off from Israel both head and tail, palm branch and reed in a single day. 14The elders and prominent men are the head, and the tail is the prophet of lies. 15The guides of these people mislead them, and the leaders have lost their way. 16The Lord, therefore, does not spare their young men nor have compassion on their orphans and widows. For everyone has become evil and ungodly; every mouth speaks folly.

Yet for all this, his anger does not subside; his hand is poised to strike.

17Their wickedness has become like a fire, which consumes both thorn and brier; it rages, sets thickets ablaze, and all vanish like smoke.

18The Lord Sabaoth's wrath set the land aflame, and the people were burned like fuel for fire because no one spared another.

19Snatching left and right, they still go hungry and remain unfilled: each one devours his neighbor’s flesh.

20Manasseh devours Ephraim, Ephraim devours Manasseh; and against Judah, together they march.

Yet for all this, his anger does not subside; his hand is poised to strike.

Legal Injustice

                                  10 | 1Woe to those who enact unjust laws

                                          and issue oppressive decrees!

2Woe to those who rob the poor of their rights

and deprive the helpless of justice!

They prey on widows and plunder the orphans.

3What will you do on the day of punishment?

Where will you flee for help

when disaster suddenly comes?

Where will you save your wealth?

4You can do nothing

but cringe among the captives and exiles

or fall beneath the slain.

Yet for all this, the Lord’s anger does not subside,

his hand is poised to strike.

Assyria: An Instrument of God

  • 5Woe to Assyria, the rod of my anger, the staff of my fury!

6Against a godless nation, I send him,

against a people who provoke my wrath, I dispatch him,

to plunder and pillage,

to tread them down like mud in the streets.

7But the mind of his king is far from this,

his heart harbors other thoughts;

what he wants is to destroy,

to make an end of all nations.

8For he says:

“Are not my commanders like kings?

9Was it not the same for Calno as for Carchemish,

or Hamath like Arpad,

and for Samaria, as for Damascus?

10Just as my hands have seized idolatrous kingdoms, whose graven images excelled those of Samaria and Jerusalem,

11just as I have dealt with Samaria and her idols, shall I not do to Jerusalem and her idols?”

12When the Lord has finished all his work on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem, he will punish the king of Assyria for his willful pride and arrogant insolence. 13For the king says:


“By my own strength, I have done this

and by my own wisdom, for I am clever.

I have moved the frontiers of people,

I have plundered treasures,

I have brought inhabitants down to the dust,

I have toppled kings from their thrones.


14As one reaches into a nest,

so my hands have reached into nations’ wealth.

As one gathers deserted eggs,

so have I gathered the earth's riches.

No one flapped a wing

or opened its mouth to chirp a protest.”

15Does the ax claim more credit

than the man who wields it?

Does the saw magnify itself

more than the one who uses it?

This would be like a rod wielding the man who lifts it up;

will those not made of wood be controlled by the cudgel?

16This is why the Lord Sabaoth

is ready to send a wasting sickness

upon the king’s sturdy warriors.

Beneath his plenty, a flame will burn

like a consuming fire.

17The Light of Israel will be a fire

and his Holy One a flame—

to burn and devour his thorns and briers

all in a single day.             

18The splendor of his forest and fruitful land

comes undone and raves,

body and soul disappear and pass away.

19The remnant of the trees in his forest

will be so few, so easy to count,

that a child could make a list of them.

A Remnant Will Return

  • 20On that day, the remnant of Israel and the survivors of the people of Jacob will no longer rely upon the tyrant who struck them down but will truly rely upon the Holy One of Israel. 21A-remnant-will-return—a remnant of Jacob—to the mighty God.

22Yes, Israel! Though your people are as the sand of the sea, only a remnant will return; their end has been ordered, and justice shall be fully done. 23For the Lord, the God of hosts, is about to carry out the destruction decreed in the whole land.

24Thus says the Lord, the Lord Sabaoth,

“O my people, who dwell in Zion, do not be afraid of the Assyrians who strike you with the rod and lift their staff against you as did the Egyptians. 25In a while, my anger against you will be over and directed to their destruction.

26The Lord Sabaoth will lash at them with a scourge, as he did with the Midianites at the rock of Oreb and in Egypt when he raised his rod over the sea.

27On that day, their burden will be lifted off your shoulders, their yoke lifted off your neck, and the yoke will be destroyed.


28They have gone up from Rimmon

and have come to Aiath;

they have passed through Migron

and stored supplies at Michmash.

29They have crossed over the pass

and now camp at Geba for the night.

Ramah is in terror;

Gibeah of Saul has fled.

30Lift up your voice, O daughter of Gallim,

let it be heard at Laishah

and answered at Anathoth.

31Madmenah is in flight;

the people of Gebim flee for their lives.

32This day the invaders will halt at Nob;

they will shake their fists

at the mount of the Daughter of Zion,

at the hill of Jerusalem.


33Suddenly, the Lord, the Lord Sabaoth

lops off the boughs with terrifying violence.

The tall trees are hewn down,

the lofty ones are brought low.

34With an ax he cuts down the thickets;

and Lebanon, the majestic, falls.

The Prince of Peace

11 | • 1From the stump of Jesse a shoot will come forth;

from his roots, a branch will grow and bear fruit.


2The spirit of the Lord will rest upon him—

a spirit of wisdom and understanding,

a spirit of counsel and power,

a spirit of knowledge and fear of the Lord.


3Not by appearances will he judge,

nor by what is said must he decide,

4but with justice he will judge the poor

and with righteousness decide for the meek.


Like a rod, his word will strike the oppressor,

and the breath of his lips slays the wicked.

5Justice will be the girdle of his waist,

truth the girdle of his loins.


6The wolf will dwell with the lamb,

the leopard will rest beside the kid,

the calf and the lion cub will feed together

and a little child will lead them.

7Befriending each other, the cow and the bear

will see their young ones lie down together.


Like cattle, the lion will eat hay.

8By the cobra’s den, the infant will play.

The child will put his hand into the viper’s lair.


9No one will harm or destroy over my holy mountain,

for as water fills the sea

the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord.


  • 10On that day, the “Root of Jesse” will be raised as a signal for the nations. The people will come in search of him, thus making his dwelling place glorious.

11On that day, the Lord will again raise his hand to reclaim the remnant of his people from Assyria, Egypt, Pathros, Ethiopia, Elam, Shinar, Hamath, and the coastlands of the sea.

12He will set up a signal that can be seen from all the countries and assemble the exiles of Israel; he will gather the scattered people of Judah from all the corners of the earth.

13Then Ephraim will cast off its jealousy, and Judah will be rid of its enemies. Ephraim will not envy Judah, nor Judah be hostile to Ephraim. 14But the two will sweep down together upon the shoulder of Philistia to the west and plunder the nations to the east. They will lay their hands upon Edom and Moab and make the Ammonites their subjects.

15The Lord will dry up the tongue of the Egyptian sea; he will sweep his hand over the Euphrates in scorching fury and break it into seven streams that people can cross dry-shod. 16Then there will be a highway for the remnant of his people returning from Assyria, as when Israel came out of Egypt.

Song of the Saved

12 | 1On that day you will say:

“I give praise to you, O Lord.

Although you have been angry with me

your anger has been appeased

and you have consoled me.

2He is the God of my salvation;

in him, I trust and am not afraid,

the Lord is my strength: him I will praise,

the one who saved me.”

3You will draw water with joy

from the very fountain of salvation.

4Then you will say: “Praise to the Lord,

break into songs of joy for him,

proclaim his marvelous deeds among the nations

and exalt his Name.

5Sing to the Lord: wonders he has done

let these be known all over the earth.

6Sing for joy, O people of Zion,

for great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel.”

Against Babylon

13 | • 1An oracle concerning Babylon,

seen by Isaiah, son of Amoz:

2On a bare hilltop, raise a banner;

cry aloud to them,

wave a hand for them

to enter the Gates of the Nobles.

3I have ordered my sacred knights,

I have summoned my holy ones—

all those who rejoice in my triumph—

I have commanded them to carry out my wrath.


4Listen, a rumbling on the mountains

as of a great multitude!

Listen, a tumultuous uproar

as of kingdoms massing together!

Yes, the Lord Sabaoth is mustering his army.


5From faraway lands,

from the ends of the heavens

they come—the Lord

and the instruments of his wrath—

to destroy the whole earth.


6Wail, for the day of the Lord is near;

it will come as destruction from the Almighty.

7All arms will go limp,

every human heart will fail him.

8Everyone will be gripped with terror.

Pain and sorrow taking hold of them,

men will be in anguish

like women in travail.

They will look aghast at each other,

their faces aflame as with fever.


9See how the day of the Lord comes:

it is a cruel day

coming with wrath and fierce anger.

It will make the earth desolate;

it will destroy sinners within it.

10The stars and constellations at night

will send forth no light, the moon

will not shine; in the morning the sun

will be dark as it rises.

11I punish the world for the evil it does,

and the wicked for their sins.

I make the arrogance of the proud cease.

I end the haughtiness of the ruthless.

12I will make mortals scarcer than gold

and humans more rare than the gold of Ophir.

13This is why the heavens tremble

and the earth shakes its foundation,

at the wrath of the Lord Sabaoth

on the day of his burning anger.


14Like a hunted gazelle,

or like a flock without a shepherd

everyone returns to his own people,

each one flees to his native land.

15Whoever is captured will be butchered,

whoever is caught will be slaughtered.

16Their babies will be dashed to pieces before their eyes,

their houses will be looted,

their wives raped.


17Against them, I will stir up the Medes,

who doesn’t crave for money

and are not interested in gold.

18Their bows and arrows will strike down young men

without mercy or compassion.

They do not spare infants and children.

19Babylon, the jewel of kingdoms,

pride and glory of the Chaldeans,

will be like Sodom and Gomorrah

when overthrown by God.

20She will never be inhabited,

nor dwelt in from age to age.

There no Arab will pitch his tent,

no shepherd will tend his flock.

21There, wild beasts of the desert will lie,

howling creatures will fill the houses,

owls and ostriches will dwell there

and wild goats will leap about.

22There, mad dogs will cry out in her strongholds,

and jackals in her palaces.

Her time is close at hand;

her days are now numbered.


14 | 1The Lord will take pity on Jacob; he will choose Israel again and settle them in their own land. Then foreigners will join them and be counted with the people of Jacob.

2Nations will take them and bring them to their own place. But as soon as they are back home, the people of Israel will subdue them and make them servants and maids. Thus the people of Israel will make captives of their captors and rule over their oppressors.

How You Have Fallen, Shining Star!

  • 3On the day the Lord gives you rest from your suffering and turmoil, from your fear and your cruel bondage, 4you will take up this taunt against the king of Babylon:


How has oppression ceased?

How has the strongman ended?

5The Lord has broken the staff of the wicked,

the scepter of the tyrant

6who struck down the people

with blow after blow,

who ruled the nations in anger,

with unrelenting persecution.


7The whole earth is at rest and at peace,

breaking forth into song.

8Even the cypresses exult

and the cedars of Lebanon say:

“Now that you have fallen,

no loggers come to cut us down.”

9The netherworld is all astir

to meet you when you come.

It stirs up the dead to greet you,

all who were leaders of the world.

It raises from their thrones,

all who were kings of the nations.


10They all speak and say to you:

“You have also been thrown to the ground and have become like us!

11All your pomp has been brought down to the kingdom of death,

along with the sound of your harps.

Maggots are the bed beneath you

and worms are your blanket.”


12How you are fallen from heaven,

O Lucifer, son of the morning!

How you are cast down to the ground,

you who mowed down the nations!


13You said in your heart,

“I will ascend to heaven,

I will raise my throne

higher than the stars of God;

I will sit on the Mount of Assembly,

in the far recesses of the North.

14I will climb up above the clouds;

I will be like the Most High!”


15But down to the netherworld you go,

to the deep recesses of the Pit.

16All who see you stare at you

and ponder over your fate:

“Is this the man who shook the earth,

who made kingdoms quake,

17who made the world a waste,

who overthrew its cities

and would not give its captives


18All kings of nations lie in state,

each in his own tomb.

19You are nevertheless cast out of the tomb,        

like a rejected untimely birth,

like a trampled corpse buried

     under the slaughtered,

under those cut down by the sword,

thrown into the common grave.


20You were not given a monument

for you have brought your land to ruin,

and caused your people to be slain.

May the descendants of evildoers never be mentioned again!

21Go up, slaughter the sons for the sins of their fathers,

lest they rise and possess the land

and cover the earth with their cities.


22“I will rise up against them,” says the Lord Sabaoth. “I will cut off from Babylon her name, her remnant, offspring, and posterity,” says the Lord.

23“I will turn her into a swampland, a habitation of reptiles and crocodiles; I will sweep her with the broom of destruction,” says the Lord Sabaoth.

24The Lord Sabaoth has sworn:

“As I have planned, so will it be!

As I have decided, so will I do;

25I will destroy the Assyrian in my land,

trample him down on my mountains;

take his yoke off my people’s necks,

and remove his burden from their shoulders.


26This is the sentence he pronounced for the whole earth, with his hand stretched out over all nations. 27The Lord has decided, and who will annul it? His hand is stretched out, and who can turn it back?

Warning to the Philistines

28In the year King Ahaz died, this oracle was proclaimed:

29“Rejoice not, all you Philistines, that the rod which smote you is broken; for from the snake's root will come forth a viper, and its offspring will be a flying dragon.

30On that day, my poor will have their fill with the fruits of my fields, and the helpless will rest secure. But through famine, I will kill your children and slay even your remnant.”


31Wail, O gate! Cry, O city!

tremble in fear, all you Philistines!

For smoke comes from the north—

a great army sweeps down on you.


32What answer will then be given to the messengers of that nation? “The Lord has laid the foundation of Zion, and there his afflicted people will take refuge.”

Lament for Moab

15 | 1An oracle concerning Moab:

Laid waste in a night,

Ar of Moab is silent!

Laid waste in a night,

Kir of Moab is ruined!

2The people of Dibon have gone

to the high places to weep.

Over Nebo and Medeba Moab wails.

Every head is shaved,

every beard is shorn.

3In the streets they wear sackcloth,

on the rooftops and in the squares;

everyone wails,

every heart melts in tears.

4Heshbon and Elealeh cry out;

their howling is heard as far as Jahaz;

the armed men of Moab cry aloud

and their hearts are faint.


5My heart cries out for Moab;

her fugitives flee as far as Zoar,

as far as Eglath-shelishiyah.

At the ascent of Luhith

they go up weeping;

on the way to Horonaim

their cries are heart-rending.

6The watered fields of Nimrim

have become a wasteland;

the turf is dried up,

the grass is withered,

the verdure is gone.

7Now they carry away their possessions,

the wealth they have stored up,

to the Brook of the Willows.

8Their cry rings round the border of Moab,

resounds as far as Eglaim,

reaches as far as Beer-elim.

9The waters of Dimon flow with blood,

but worse is yet in store,

for I will bring lions upon Dimon,

upon those who escape from Moab,

and upon those who survive in the land.


16 | 1Like bewildered birds

cast out of their nests,

the daughters of Moab

stay at the fords of Arnon.

2From Sela, across the wilderness,

they send lambs to the Mount of Zion:

are they not the rulers of the land?

3They say: “Take counsel,

render decisions with justice.

Even at high noon

let your shade be like the night

to hide the fugitives.

Do not betray the refugees.

4Let the outcasts from Moab

sojourn among you;

be a refuge for them

against the destroyer.”


(When the oppressor is no more

and the destruction is over

and those who trample the land

underfoot have gone,

5a throne will be established

steadfast in love.

One from the house of David,

for the sake of truth will sit on it;

he will administer justice swiftly

and judge the people righteously.)


6We have heard of the pride of Moab,

of her arrogance and insolence,

of her empty pretensions.

7Let her wail then,

and let everyone wail for her.

Mourn for the raisin cakes of Kir-hareseth.

8The fields of Heshbon languish,

the vines of Sibmah wither.

The tyrants of the nations

have trampled down the choicest vines,

those that once reached Jazer,

spreading towards the desert,

stretching out as far as the sea.


9Therefore, I weep as Jazer weeps

for the vines of Sibmah.

I drench you, O Heshbon,

O Elealeh, with my tears!

For over your fruit and your vintage

have been heard loud battle cheers.

10But they are gone: joy and gladness

have now vanished from your orchards.

In the vineyards

no more singing is heard,

no more shout of joy is raised.

In the wine presses

no foot treads out wine,

no voice shouts in exultation,

no heart sings a vintage song.

11Like a lyre, therefore,

my soul moans for Moab;

my heart pines for Kir-hareseth.

12When Moab appears on the high places,

she will only grow weary;

when she goes to pray at the Sanctuary,

it will be useless.


13This is the word the Lord spoke against Moab in the past. But 14now the Lord says, “Within three years, like the years of a servant bound by contract, the glorious power of Moab will have ceased to command respect, her survivors will be very few and feeble.”

Against Damascus

17 | • 1An oracle concerning Damascus:

“Damascus will cease to be a city

and will become a heap of ruins.

2Her towns will be abandoned

and left as pasture for flocks;

there they will lie down afraid of no one.

Damascus will no longer be a kingdom,

3so Ephraim will be left undefended.


From now on, the remnant of Aram will have no more power than the children of Israel.”

This is the Lord Sabaoth speaking.

4On that day

the glory of Jacob will fade;

the fat of his flesh will waste away.

5It will be as when a reaper

gathers the standing grain

and lops off the stalks,

or as when they gather the gleanings

in the Valley of Rephaim.

6Yet some gleanings remain,

as when an olive tree is beaten—

two or three olives are left on the topmost bough,

four or five on the fruitful branches,

says the Lord, the God of Israel.

7On that day people will look to their Creator, their eyes turned to the Holy One of Israel.

8They will no longer look to the altars, the work of their hand,

the sacred pole, or the incense stand their fingers have made.

9On that day, your cities will be like the cities of the Hivites and the Amorites, which they abandoned to the Israelites. All will be desolation.

10For you have forgotten the God of your salvation,

you have failed to remember the Rock of your refuge.

You may plant the finest plants,

you may plant out imported shoots,

11you may make them grow

on the day you plant them,

you may make them blossom

on the day you sow,

yet they dwindle, and the harvest is gone:

then you may cry!

The Upsurge of Nations

12Oh, the rage of many people—

they rage like the raging sea!

Oh, the thunder of many nations—

they thunder like the thundering of mighty waves!

13But God rebukes them,

and they flee far away,

swept away like chaff

on the hills before the wind,

whirled away like eddying dust

before the thunderstorm.

14At eventide, they sow terror;

before morning they are no more.

Such is the portion of our despoilers,

such is the lot of our plunderers.

Against Ethiopia

18 | • 1Woe to the land of whirring wings

beyond the rivers of Cush,

2which sends ambassadors by sea

in papyrus boats over the waters!

Go, swift messengers,

to a people tall and bronzed,

to a nation feared far and wide,

a nation conquering and strong,

whose land the rivers divide.


3All you inhabitants of the world,

all you who dwell on earth,

when a banner on the mountain is raised, look!

When a horn on the hill is sounded, listen!

4For thus the Lord spoke to me:

“From where I dwell, I gaze untroubled,

like heat shimmering in the sunshine,

like a dewy mist in the heat of harvest.”

5For before the vintage,

when the flowers fall,

and the blooms become ripened grapes,

I will cut shoots and prune

and hew away, spreading branches.

6They will be left to the birds of prey

and to the beasts of the earth.

The birds will feed on them all summer,

and the beasts all winter.


7At that time, the tall, bronzed people from a country traversed by rivers—a conquering and strong nation feared far and wide—will bring offerings to the Lord Sabaoth to Mount Zion. For this is the place where the name of the Lord dwells.

Against Egypt

19 | 1An oracle concerning Egypt:

The Lord rides on a swift cloud and comes to Egypt.

The idols of Egypt tremble before him;

the heart of Egypt melts within it.

2I will stir Egyptians against each other:

brother will fight against brother,

friend against friend,

city against city,

kingdom against kingdom.

3The Egyptians will lose heart for I will confound their plans;

they will consult idols and sorcerers,

ghosts and necromancers.

4I will deliver the Egyptians

into the hands of a cruel master,

and a tyrant will be their ruler.

It is the Lord Sabaoth who speaks.


5The waters of the river will dry up;

the river bed will be parched.

6The canals will become foul dry,

the tributaries of Egypt’s Nile will dwindle and cease to flow.

The reeds and rushes will wither.

7The plants on the banks

and at the mouth of the river,

and all the crops along the Nile will dry up, blow away and be no more.

8The fishermen will mourn,

all who cast hook in the Nile will groan,

and those who throw nets upon the waters will lament.

9The flax worker will despair,

the carders, too, and white cloth weavers;

10the spinners will be crushed;

the hired laborers despondent.


11The princes of Zoan are utter fools,

and brutish is the counsel

of the wisest of Pharaoh’s counselors.

How can you say to Pharaoh,

“I am one of the wise men,

a disciple of ancient kings?”

12Where are your wise men?

Let them come forward now,

let them explain to you

what the Lord will do against Egypt.


13The princes of Zoan have become fools;

the princes of Memphis have been deceived;

Egypt is led astray by the chiefs of her tribes.

14The Lord has poured into them a spirit

which makes Egypt err in all her ventures,

as a vomiting drunkard errs.

15And Egypt will never succeed

in anything it attempts

by head or by tail, by palm or by reed.

Egypt Will Be Converted

16On that day the Egyptians will be like a woman trembling in fear whenever they see the hand of the Lord Sabaoth raised against them. 17Judah will be a terror to Egypt. Whenever they think of Judah, the Egyptians will be terrified because of the terrible fate the Lord Sabaoth has in store for them.

18On that day there will be five cities in the land of Egypt speaking the language of Canaan, in which people will call upon the Lord Sabaoth. One of them is called the City of the Sun.

19On that day there will be an altar to the Lord in the center of the land of Egypt and a sacred pillar to the Lord at its border. 20It will be a sign and a remembrance of the Lord Sabaoth in the land of Egypt so that they may call to him when they are oppressed, and he will send a savior to defend and deliver them. 21The Lord will reveal himself to the Egyptians. They will acknowledge him on that day and worship him with sacrifice and burnt offerings. They will make vows to the Lord and perform them. 22The Lord will strike Egypt and then cure it. He will heal them and heed their supplications when they turn to him.

23On that day, a highway will be built from Egypt to Assyria. Assyrians will come to Egypt, and Egyptians will come to Assyria. Egyptians and Assyrians will worship together.

24On that day, Israel will be a third party with Egypt and Assyria—a blessing in the midst of the earth. 25And the Lord will bless them saying, “Blessed be Egypt my people, Assyria my creation, and Israel my heritage.”

The Sign of the Naked Prophet

20 | • 1In the year that the general sent by Sargon, king of Assyria, made an assault upon Ashdod, capturing it, 2The Lord gave a warning through Isaiah, the son of Amoz, saying, “Hang the sackcloth from your hips, take off your sandals and go.” He did so, and walked naked and barefoot.

3Then the Lord said: Just as my servant Isaiah has walked naked and barefoot for three years as a sign and portent for Egypt and Ethiopia, 4so will the king of Assyria lead away captives from Egypt and exiles from Ethiopia, both the young and the old, naked and barefoot, their buttocks uncovered, to the disgrace of Egypt. 5Those who pinned their hope upon Ethiopia and made a boast of Egypt will be frightened and put to shame.

6On that day the inhabitants of this coastland will say, “Look at what happened to those we trusted and fled to for help and deliverance from the king of Assyria! What are we going to do now to save ourselves?”

Fall of Babylon

21 | 1An oracle concerning the Desert by the Sea:

A fearful vision is shown to me:

As whirlwinds sweep over the Negeb,

coming in waves from the desert,

from the fearful land,

2the traitor betrays,

the plunderer plunders.

“Go up, O Elam!

Lay siege, O Media!”

“I have silenced all the groanings.”


3Therefore I am in anguish;

my body is wracked with pain

as a woman in travail.

I am so bewildered that I cannot hear,

I am so dismayed that I cannot see.

4My mind reels,

my heart falters in fear;

the twilight I longed for

has become a horror.


5They set the tables,

they spread the rugs,

they eat and drink.

Arise, O princes,

oil the shield!

6For this is what the Lord said to me,

“Go, post a watchman

and make him report what he sees.

7If he sees riders:

horsemen in pairs,

men mounted on camels,

men mounted on donkeys;

let him observe diligently,

let him listen attentively.”


8Then the watchman shouted,

“On a watchtower, O Lord, I stand

through all the watches of the day,

and at my post, I stay

through all the watches of the night.

9And look, here come riders,

horsemen in pairs.”

And he spoke up again:

“Fallen is Babylon, fallen,

and all the graven images of her gods

lie shattered on the ground!”

10O my people, threshed and winnowed,

I announce to you what I have heard

from the Lord Sabaoth, the God of Israel.

Against Edom and Arabia

11An oracle concerning Dumah:

Someone calls to me out of Seir,

“Watchman, what of the night?

Watchman, what of the night?”

12The watchman answers,

“Morning comes, but soon

it will be night again.

Come back and ask,

if you want to ask again.”


13An oracle concerning Arabia:

In the forest of Arabia lodge

the Dedanites’ traveling companies.

14Those who dwell in the land of Tema

went to meet the fugitives:

bring bread for the hungry

and water for the thirsty.

15These people have fled from the sword,

from the whetted swords,

from the bent bows,

from the fury of battle.


16For this is what the Lord has told me, “In a year’s time, as a worker bound by contract would reckon it, all the glory of Kedar will come to an end. 17Few of Kedar’s archers and warriors will remain.” The Lord God of Israel has spoken.


22 | • 1An oracle concerning the Valley of Vision.

What ails you now,

that you have all gone up to the housetops,

2you with your hustle and bustle

a tumultuous city, a wanton town?

Your slain men

have not been killed by the sword,

nor have they died in battle.

3Together your leaders have fled;

they were captured under the threat of the bow.

Your valiant were caught together,

they had fled far away.

4That is why I say,

“Look away from me.

I will weep bitterly.

Do not try to comfort me

over the ruin of the daughter of my people.”


5It is a day of panic, rout and confusion,

from the Lord, the God of hosts,

in the Valley of Vision

Walls crash;

a cry for help to the mountains.

6Elam bears the quiver

with charioteers and horsemen;

Kir uncovers the shield.

7Chariots are all over your choicest valleys;

horsemen are stationed at the gates.

8Judah is stripped of her defenses.

Let Us Eat and Drink!

  •  On that day you turned your eyes to the arsenal at the Palace of the Forest. 9You saw the many breaches in the defenses of the city of David. You gathered together the waters of the lower pool.

10You counted the houses of Jerusalem and tore down some of them to strengthen the wall. 11You built a reservoir between the two walls for the water of the old Pool.

But you gave no thought to its Maker. You had no regard for him who had planned it long ago. 12On that day the Lord, the God of hosts, called you to weep and mourn, to shave your head and put on sackcloth.

13But look, instead of that, there is wanton revelry: oxen are butchered, and sheep are slaughtered. You eat meat and get drunk, saying, “Let us eat and drink for tomorrow we die.”

14A word from the Lord Sabaoth has reached my ears: “This sin will not be forgiven until they die.”

Against a Minister

15Thus says the Lord, the God of hosts: Go and talk to this man Shebna, the palace steward. Ask him:

16Who are you and what right have you

to carve a resting place on the heights,

to cut out a burial place

for yourself here in the rock?

17Look here, O you strongman,

the Lord will seize you;

he will take you captive

and take firm hold of you.

18He will roll you up,

toss you like a ball,

then violently hurl you down

into a large open land.

There you will perish

with the chariots of your glory,

O you, the shame of your master’s house!

19You will be deposed, strongman.

I will hurl you down from where you are.

20On that day I will summon

my servant Eliakim, son of Hilkiah.

21I will clothe him with your robe,

I will strengthen him with your girdle,

I will give him your authority,

and he will be a father

to the inhabitants of Jerusalem

and to the people of Judah.

22Upon his shoulder, I will place

the key of the house of David:

what he opens, no one shall shut;

what he shuts, no one shall open.

23I will fasten him like a peg

in a sure spot,

and he will be a seat of honor

in the house of his father.


24(Upon him will hang all the load of his father’s house—offspring and descendants, all the little vessels from bowls to jars. 25On that day, says the Lord Sabaoth, the peg fastened in a sure spot will give way; it will be cut down and the load hanging on it will fall. Thus the Lord has spoken.)

Against Tyre

23 | • 1An oracle concerning Tyre:

Wail, O ships of Tarshish,

for Tyre is destroyed!

When you return from Kittim

you will hear the news and wonder.

2Keep silent, merchants of Sidon,

all you inhabitants of the coast.

Your messengers passed over the sea,

3across the wide oceans;

the grain of Shihor,

the harvest of the Nile,

was your income

and you were the fair of the nations.


4Be ashamed, O Sidon, refuge on the sea!

The queen of the sea wonders:

“Have I not had labor pains

and brought forth children?

Have I not nourished young men

and brought up daughters?”


5Those in Egypt will be in anguish

when they learn the fate of Tyre.

6You who dwell on the coastlands,

wail as you pass over to Tarshish.

7Is this the ancient city, your pride,

whose feet had carried her afar

to found colonies in distant lands?

8Who has planned this against Tyre,

the imperial city whose merchants

are princes,

whose traders are among the great ones of the world?

9It is the Lord Sabaoth who has planned it,

to bring down her proud majesty,

to humble the great ones of the world.

10Till your land like the valley of the Nile

O Daughter of Tarshish,

you have no more shipbuilding yard.

11The Lord has stretched out his hand

over the sea to make kingdoms tremble.

He has ordered the destruction

of the fortresses of Phoenicia.

12He has said, “Rejoice no longer,

ravished virgin daughter of Sidon.

Arise, pass over to Cyprus;

even there you will find no rest.”


13Look at the land of the Chaldeans,

a people now of no account.

The Assyrians have destined the land

to be a place for wild beasts.

They have erected siege towers

and demolished her bastions,

razed her palaces, completely

reducing her to ruins.

14Wail, O ships of Tarshish,

for your haven is destroyed.


15On that day, Tyre will be forgotten for seventy years, about a king’s life span. Then at the end of seventy years, it will happen to Tyre as in a prostitute’s song:

16Take a harp, go about the city, forgotten prostitute, sing your sweetest song, play your best melody, that they may remember you.

17At the end of seventy years, the Lord will visit Tyre. She will return to her hire and once again play whore with all the kingdoms of the world on the face of the earth. 18But her wages and activities as harlot will be dedicated to the Lord, instead of being stored or hoarded. Her profits will go to those who live in the presence of the Lord so that they may have abundant food and beautiful clothes.

The Sentence

24 | • 1See how the Lord breaks

the land and makes it crack,

how he turns it upside down

and scatters its inhabitants,

2priest and people alike,

servant and master, maid and mistress;

buyer and seller, lender and borrower.


As it will be with the creditor,

so will it be with the debtor.

3Cracked is the earth,

worn out is the world,

for the Lord has spoken.


4The earth mourns and withers,

the world pines and fades,

both heaven and earth languish.

5The land lies polluted,

defiled by its inhabitants

who have transgressed the laws,

violated the ordinances,

and broken the Covenant.

6Therefore, a curse consumes the land

and its people burn for their guilt.

Few of its inhabitants are left.


(7The new wine mourns,

the vine pines away,

all the revelers groan.

8The merry timbrels are stilled,

the noise of the revelers is over,

the harps and lyres are silenced.

9No more will they drink wine with a song;

strong drink tastes bitter to the drinker.

10The city of confusion is broken down,

every door is closed; you cannot enter.

11In the streets they cry for wine:

all joy is gone,

all cheer has left the land.

12The city is left in distress,

its ruined market is deserted.)


13Some remain where nations have been

as olives after the beating of the trees,

as grapes after the vintage.

14They lift up their voices and shout for joy,

from the vast lands they acclaim the Lord.

15People give him glory from the western islands:

“Islands, sing to the Lord, the God of Israel!”

16From the remotest part of the earth

we hear songs of praise:

“Glory to the Righteous One.”

Yet I said: “Woe is me! Woe is me!

There is but treachery and traitors!”


17Not at all!

Terror, pit, and snare

await you, inhabitants of the earth.

18He who flees at the cry of terror

falls into the pit,

and he who climbs out of the pit

gets caught in the snare.

For the floodgates of heaven are opened

and the earth shakes to its foundation.

19The earth is broken into fragments,

the earth is in convulsion.

20The earth reels like a drunkard,

it sways like a hut in the storm,

weighed down by its transgression,

and it falls, never to rise again.


21On that day the Lord will punish

the host of the heavens above,

and the kings of the earth below.

22They will be gathered together

as prisoners are gathered in the pit;

they will be shut up in a dungeon

and after a time, punished.


23Then the moon will be confounded

and the sun ashamed,

when the Lord Sabaoth reigns

on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem,

and lets his glory be shown to his elders.


25 | • 1The Lord, you are my God; I exalt you and praise your name, for you have done wonderful things, faithful and true, planned long ago.

2You have made the city a heap, the massively defended city a ruin. The bastion of foreign domination is a city no more, nor will it ever be rebuilt.

3Therefore, a strong people glorifies you; the head of a great nation holds you in awe.

4For you have been a refuge to the poor, a haven to the needy in time of distress, a harbor in the storm, a shade from the heat.

For the blast from the ruthless is like an icy storm, 5like heat in a dry place. You silence the noise of foreigners; you subdue the singing of the despot and the proud.

6On this mountain, the Lord Sabaoth will prepare a feast of rich food and choice wines, meat full of marrow, and fine wine strained for all peoples.

7On this mountain he will destroy the pall cast over all peoples, this very shroud spread over all nations, 8and death will be no more. The Lord God will wipe away the tears from all cheeks and eyes; he will take away the humiliation of his people all over the world:

for the Lord has spoken.

9On that day you will say: This is our God. We have waited for him to save us; let us be glad and rejoice in his salvation. 10For on this mountain the hand of the Lord rests.

Moab instead will be trodden down, as straw is trodden down on a dunghill. 11He will stretch forth his hands there, as a swimmer spreads out his hands to swim. But the Lord will strike down their pride together with their falsehood. 12He will raze the high-walled fortress and level it to the ground as dust.

Song of Victory

26 | 1On that day this song will be sung in the land of Judah:

We have a strong city,

he himself has set up

walls and fortifications to protect us.

2Open the gates!

Let the righteous nation enter,

she who is firm in faithfulness.

3You keep in perfect peace

the one of steadfast mind,

the one who trusts in you.

4Trust in the Lord forever,

for the Lord is an everlasting Rock.

5He brought down those who dwell on high,

he laid low the lofty city,

he razed it to the ground,

leveled it to the dust.

6Now it is trampled

the poor and the lowly tread upon it.

Psalm of Hope

  • 7Let the righteous walk in righteousness. You make smooth the path of the just, 8and we only seek the way of your laws, O Lord.

Your name and your memory are the desire of our hearts. 9My soul yearns for you in the night; for you, my spirit keeps vigil.

When your judgments come to earth, the world’s inhabitants learn to be upright. 10But when a favor is shown to the wicked, he does not learn to be just. He does evil in a land of righteousness and fails to see the Lord’s majesty.

11The Lord, your hand is lifted up, but they fail to see that. Let them see your zeal for your people, that they may be put to shame. Let your enemies be burned in the fire of your anger.

12Lord, please give us peace; for all that we accomplish is your work.

13O Lord, our God, other lords besides you have ruled us, but it is your name alone that we honor.

14They are now dead, never to rise again, for you have passed sentence on them. You have wiped out all remembrance of them.

15You have enlarged the nation, O Lord; you have given glory to your name; you have widened the country's borders. 16For they sought you in distress, they cried out to you during their punishment.

17As a woman in travail moans and writhes in pain, so are we now in your presence.

18We conceived, we had labor pains, but we gave birth to the wind. We have not brought salvation to the land; the inhabitants of a new world have not been born.

19Your dead will live! Their corpses will rise! Awake and sing, you who lie in the dust!

For you will grow like plants drenched with the morning dew, and the earth will bring forth its dead spirits.

20Come, my people, enter your rooms and shut the doors behind you; hide yourselves for a moment until his wrath is over.

21For look, the Lord is coming out of his dwelling; he will punish the earth's inhabitants for their sins. The earth will reveal the bloodshed upon her and will not conceal her slain any longer.

The Vineyard of the Lord

27 | 1On that day, with his fierce, strong, and powerful sword, the Lord will punish Leviathan, the twisting serpent always fleeing; he will slay the dragon of the sea.


  • 2On that day, he will say, “Praise my fruitful vineyard! 3I, the Lord, am its keeper; I water it every moment. So that no one will harm it, day and night I guard it.”

4– “I have no wall; who will cleanse me from thorns?”

– “I will march against them and burn them altogether. 5Or if they come to me for refuge, let them make peace with me, yes, let them make peace with me.”


6In days to come, Jacob will take root,

Israel will blossom and bear many a shoot

and fill the face of the earth with fruit.

7Has the Lord beaten them as he beat those who beat them?

Has he slain them as he slew those who slew them?

8With expulsion and exile

the city has been punished;

with a blast as fierce as a storm from the east,

she has been pursued and carried off.

9By this, therefore, the guilt

of Jacob will be expiated

and he will atone for his sins

when he pulverizes all the altar stones

like chalkstones crushed to pieces.

No more Asherah poles or incense altars!


10For the fortified city is abandoned:

it lies deserted now,

a forsaken habitation

left like a wilderness.


There the calves graze,

there they lie down, and there

they strip bare its branches.

11Its dry boughs are broken;

women come and make fire with them.

This is a people without understanding;

therefore their Maker will not spare them;

he will not show compassion to them.


12On that day,

between the Euphrates and the Wadi of Egypt,

the Lord will thresh out the grain.

One by one, you will be gleaned,

O people of Israel.

13On that day

a great trumpet will blow,

and those who were perishing

in the land of Assyria

and those who were driven out

to the land of Egypt

will return to worship the Lord

on the mountain in Jerusalem.

The Irresponsible Rulers

28 | • 1Woe to the drunkards of Ephraim proudly adorned,

to that fading flower of glorious beauty

on the head of a rich valley—

all are dizzy with wine.

2Look, the Lord is sending

a powerful and strong one.

Like a downpour of hail,

like a destructive tempest,

like flooding water

in torrential rain,

he will cast it down to the ground—

3that proud ornament

of the drunkards of Ephraim.


He will trample it underfoot—

4that fading flower of glorious beauty

on the head of a rich valley.

It will be like an early fruit

which ripened before summer:

as soon as someone sees it

he picks it, and while it is yet

in his hand, he eats it.


5On that day, the Lord Sabaoth

will be a glorious ornament,

a diadem of beauty,

to the remnant of his people.

6He will be a spirit of justice

to him who sits in judgment,

a source of strength

to those who turn back the enemies at the gate.

Scoffers Beware

  • 7But they also have erred through wine,

reeling and stumbling from a strong drink.

Priests and prophets stagger,

befuddled with wine,

reeling when seeing visions,

stumbling when rendering decisions.

8All the tables are full of vomit;

there is not a spot without filth.


9“Who does he think he is teaching?

Who does he think listens to him?

Babies just weaned from their mother’s milk?

Babies just taken from their mother’s breast?

10Indeed, they will hear meaningless, gibberish,

senseless babbling, a syllable here, a syllable there.


11Yes, surely, with stammering lips

and in a strange tongue,

he will talk to this nation,

12he who once said to them,

“This is rest; give rest to the weary;”

and, “This is repose.”

But they would not listen.

13So the Lord’s word to them will sound like 

meaningless, gibberish, senseless


a syllable here, a syllable there. As a result,

they will fall on their backsides when they try

to walk and be injured, ensnared, and captured.


  • 14Therefore, listen to the word of the Lord,

you scoffers who rule these people of Jerusalem.

15Because you make a boast,

“We have made a covenant with death,

we have made a pact with the netherworld.

When the flood passes by

it cannot harm us,

for we have made lies our refuge

and falsehood our hiding place.”

The Cornerstone

16Therefore, the Lord God says this:

“See, I lay in Zion a granite stone,

a precious stone,

a sure foundation;

he who relies on it shall not be put to shame.

17I will make justice the measure

and righteousness the plumb line.

Violent hail will sweep away your refuge of lies, and raging waters will overflow your hiding place.”

18Your covenant with death will not stand,

your pact with the netherworld will be annulled.

When the overwhelming flood passes,

you will be crushed by it.

19Morning after morning,

by day and by night,

the scourge will seize and crush you.

If you understood this message,

you would be terrified.

20“The bed will be too short to stretch out on, the blanket too narrow to wrap around you.”

21The Lord will arise as on Mount Perazim,

he will rouse himself as in the Valley of Gibeon,

to work his work—his singular work;

to do his deed—his strange deed.

22Put an end to your mocking,

or your bonds will be tightened,

for I have heard the destruction decreed

from the Lord, the God of hosts,

for the whole land.

Parable of the Farmer

  • 23Listen to my words, pay attention, and understand what I say.

24Does a farmer just keep on plowing at planting time? Does he keep breaking up and harrowing his ground?

25After leveling the soil, does he not begin to sow caraway, scatter cumin, wheat, and barley, and put spelt as the border? 26 For his God instructs him on what to do, and he gives him guidance and discretion, too.

27For caraway is not threshed nor cumin crushed, but caraway is beaten with a stick and cumin with a rod.

28Is the wheat milled on the threshing floor? Is it threshed without end? They put in movement chariots and horses but do not grind them.

29All comes from the Lord Sabaoth, whose advice and wisdom are excellent.

On Jerusalem

29 | • 1Woe to Ariel—Ariel,

the city where David encamped!

After a year or two,

after the feasts have made their full round,

2I will lay siege on Ariel

and there will be grief and mourning.

To me, she will be like an Ariel.

3I will send warriors against you;

they will encircle you with outposts

and raise siege works against you.

4Thrown down, you will speak from the ground:

from the dust, your words will come muffled,

your voice will rise as a ghost’s,

your speech will be a whisper in the dust.

But in a flash,

5the horde of your enemies will be like dust,

the horde of tyrants, flying chaff.

6For suddenly, the Lord Sabaoth will come

with thunder, earthquake, and great noise,

with whirlwind and thunderstorm

and flames of consuming fire.

7The hordes of all nations

that fight against Ariel,

that attack and besiege her fortress,

will vanish like a dream,

like a vision in the night.

8As when a hungry man dreams he is eating

and awakens with an empty stomach,

or when a thirsty man dreams, he is drinking

and awakens with a parched throat,

so will the horde of nations be

that make war against Zion.


9Be irresolute, be stupefied,

lose your sight and remain blind!

Be drunk but not from wine,

stagger but not from beer.

10For the Lord has poured out on you

a spirit of deep sleep;

he has shut your eyes—the prophets;

he has covered your heads—the seers.


11The revelation of all this has become for you like the words of a sealed scroll. When someone gives it to another who knows how to read and says, “Read this,” the other one answers, “I cannot; it is sealed.” 12When the scroll is given to one who doesn’t know how to read,” he answers, “I do not know.”

These People Honor Me With Words

  • 13The Lord then said: “This people say they are loyal to me; they honor me with lip service, while their hearts stay afar. The worship they offer me is useless, these are no more than traditions and human rules.

14Because of this, I will surprise them once more; the wisdom of the wise will be useless, and the understanding of their prudent men will be at a loss.


15Woe to those

who hide deep from the Lord their plans,

who work in the dark and say,

“Who will know, and who will see us?”

16You turn things upside down,

as though the potter were the clay,

and of him it could say,

“He did not make me; he knows nothing.”

17In a very short time,

Lebanon will become a fruitful field

and the fruitful field will be as a forest.

18On that day

the deaf will hear the words of the book,

and out of the dark and obscurity

the eyes of the blind will see.

19The meek will find joy

and the poor among men will rejoice

in the Holy One of Israel.

20For the tyrant will be no more

and the scoffers gone forever,

and all who plan

to do evil will be cut down—

21those who by a word make you guilty,

those who for a bribe can lay a snare

and send home the just empty-handed.

22Therefore the Lord, Abraham’s redeemer,

speaks concerning the people of Jacob:

No longer will Jacob be ashamed;

no longer will his face grow pale.

23When he sees the work of my hands,

his children again in his midst,

they will sanctify my name,

they will sanctify the Holy One of Jacob,

and stand in awe of the God of Israel.

24Those who err in spirit will understand;

those who murmur will learn.

Do Not Rely on the Great Powers

30 | • 1“Woe to the rebellious children,” says the Lord; “they make plans which are not mine, they form alliances I did not inspire, and thus add sin upon sin.

2They go down to Egypt without my advice to take refuge in Pharaoh’s protection and seek shelter in the shadow of Egypt.

3Therefore Pharaoh’s protection will be your shame and Egypt’s shadow your confusion.

4When your officials reach Zoan, and your ambassadors come to Hanes, 5they will all be put to shame by a people who can do nothing for them, who can give neither help nor benefit but only disgrace and reproach.”


6An oracle concerning the beasts of the Negeb:

Through a distressed and troubled land

of lions and lionesses,

of vipers and darting snakes,

the envoys carry their riches upon the shoulders of young asses,

their treasures upon the humps of camels,

to a people that is of no use to them.

7Egypt! An illusory and useless help. Because of that I call it: Scarecrow, the Do-Nothing.

Just Tell Us Pleasant Things

8Now go, write it down as a record for them, inscribe it on a scroll, so it will be an everlasting accusation against them.

9These are rebellious people, their children deceitful. They do not listen to the Lord’s advice.

10To the seers they say, “See not,” and to the prophets, “Do not prophesy the truth. Just tell us pleasant things; see illusions and prophesy deceits. 11Stray from the path, turn from the way! Take away from us the Holy One of Israel!”

12Therefore, the Holy One of Israel says, “Because you despised this message and resorted instead to lies and abusive taxes, choosing to stay with it, 13therefore this guilt of yours will be like a breach on a high wall, cracked and bulging, ready to fall; the crash will come suddenly and instantly.

14It will be like the breaking of a potter’s vessel, smashed so ruthlessly that among its fragments not one shard remains big enough to scoop cinder out of the hearth or ladle water out of the cistern.”

15For thus said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: “Conversion and calmness would have been your salvation, quietness and trust your strength.”

16But instead, you said, “No, we will flee on horses!” Very well then, flee! And you added, “We will ride on swift steeds.” Your pursuer will be swifter.

17At the threat of one, a thousand will flee; at the threat of five, all will flee, till what is left of you will be like a staff on a mountaintop, like a banner on a hill.

The Coming Prosperity

  • 18Yet the Lord waits to give you grace; he rises to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him.

19O people of Zion, who dwell in Jerusalem, you will weep no more. When you cry, he will listen; when he hears, he will answer.

20When the Lord has given you the bread of anguish and the water of distress, he, your teacher will hide no longer. 21Your own eyes will see him, and your ear will listen to his words behind you: “This is the way, walk in it.”

22You will see the uncleanliness of your idols and images overlaid with silver and gold. You will throw them out like a menstrual cloth. “Away with you then!” you will say to them.

23He will then give rain for the seed you sow and make the harvest abundant from the crops you grow. On that day, your cattle will graze in wide pastures. 24Your beasts of burden will eat silage tossed to them with pitchfork and shovel.

25For on the day of the great slaughter, when fortresses fall, streams of water will flow on every mountain and lofty hill.

26When the Lord binds up the wounds of his people and heals the bruises inflicted by his blows, the light of the moon will be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun seven times greater, like the light of seven days.

Assyria Will Be Sacrificed

27Look, from afar

the Name of the Lord is coming,

burning in anger,

with a heavy hand.

Filled with fury are his lips,

like a consuming fire is his tongue.

28Like a rushing torrent is his breath,

rising up to the neck,

shaking the nations

as in a sieve of destruction,

putting the bit of his bridle

between the jaws of the people

causing them to err and stray.

29You will sing,

as on the night of a holy solemnity;

your hearts will rejoice

as when people go up with flutes,

with timbrels and lyres.

to the mountain of the Lord

to the mighty One of Israel.

30The Lord will make his majestic voice heard

and show his arm descending

in devastating fury and consuming fire,

with sweeping wind and crashing thunder.

31At the voice of the Lord,

Assyria will be battered;

at the blows of his rod,

it will be shattered.

32At every beat of the punishing rod

the plagues will fall on him.

For the Lord will fight him

with outstretched hand.

33The pyre has long been ready,

prepared for the king.

Broad and deep is its fire pit,

piled up with dry grass and wood.

The breath of the Lord,

like a stream of brimstone,

will set it ablaze.

Look to the Holy One of Israel

31 | • 1Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help, who pin their hopes on cavalry, putting their trust in chariots because they are many, relying on horsemen because they are strong.

Why did they not look to the Holy One of Israel or consult the Lord? 2And yet he is very wise, and from him disaster will come.

He does not back down on his word; he will rise against the evildoers and cut off the help the wicked waited for.

3The Egyptians are men, not God; their horses are flesh, not spirit. When the Lord stretches forth his hand, the helper and the one he helped will fall and perish together.

4For thus the Lord has spoken: Just as a lion or a lion cub growls over its prey and is neither frightened nor disturbed by the shepherd's shouts, so will the Lord Sabaoth descend to fight on Mount Zion.

5Like birds that hover, so will the Lord Sabaoth shield Jerusalem: he will protect, deliver, rescue, and save.

6Return, O children of Israel, to him you have so wickedly betrayed. 7On that day each of you will throw away the idols of silver and gold that his sinful hands have made.

8Assyria will fall by a sword not wielded by a man. They will be devoured by a sword not held by a mortal. They will flee before the sword, their young men will be captured and put to forced labor. 9They will desert their post, and the officers, in terror, will abandon the standard.”

It is the Lord who speaks, whose fire is in Zion, and whose furnace is in Jerusalem.

A King Will Reign with Justice

32 | • 1A king will reign with justice

and princes reign in righteousness.

2Each will be like a shield from the wind

and a shelter from the rain,

like streams of water in a dry, parched land,

like the shade of a rock in a weary land.

3The eyes that see will not be shut;

the ears that hear will not be stopped.

4The mind of the rash will not judge hastily;

the tongue that stammers will speak clearly.

5No more will the fool be taken as noble,

nor the scoundrel considered honorable.


6For the fool speaks folly, and his mind thinks sinfully. He practices wickedness and takes pride in godlessness; he lets the hungry go without food and the thirsty without drink.

7The ways of the scoundrel are also evil. They scheme wickedly against the poor and destroy the needy with lies even when their plea is just.

8But noble people plan noble things, and so are their deeds.

Tremble, You Idle Women

9Rise up, women who are at ease; hear my voice, carefree daughters; give heed to my words.

10In a little over a year, you who feel complacent will be shaken, for harvest will not come, and the vintage will fail.

11Tremble, you women who are at ease; be troubled, you carefree ones. Strip yourselves bare, with only a sackcloth to cover your loins.

12Beat your breasts for the pleasant fields, for the fruitful vine, 13for the soil of my people overgrown with briers and thorns, for all the houses of joy, for the city of the wanton.

14For the palace will be abandoned, and the noisy city deserted; the fort and the tower will become dens forever, the delight of wild asses, a pasture for flocks.

My People Will Live in Peace

15Until the spirit is poured on us from on high, then will the desert become a garden, and this garden land seems as common as forest.

16Justice will dwell in the wilderness; and in the fertile land, righteousness. 17Justice will bring about peace, producing calm and security forever.

18My people will live in comfort and bliss in a land of secure dwellings and undisturbed resting places. 19While the forest will be beaten down and the fortress laid waste.

20How blessed you will be, sowing by every stream, letting your work animals roam contented and free.

Psalm of Hope

33 | 1Woe to you, O destroyer

who never have been destroyed,

betrayer never betrayed!


When your ravaging is over,

you yourself will be ravaged;

when your treacherous deals are ended,

you yourself will be betrayed.

2O Lord, have mercy on us

who put all our hope in you.

Be our strength every morning,

our salvation when trouble comes.

3People flee when you thunder and threaten,

nations scatter when you rise majestically.


4Your spoil, O nations, will be gathered

like grasshoppers or locusts

leaping and pouncing at the grain in the fields.

5Great is the Lord who dwells in the height

who fills Zion with justice and right,

6at any time he makes you secure.

Wisdom and knowledge are helpful riches,

the fear of the Lord will be your treasure.

The Intervention of the Lord

7The people of Ariel lament in the street,

their envoys of peace bitterly weep.

8The highways lie waste with no traveler in sight.

For the covenants were broken,

the promises trampled down;

no one has been respected.

9The earth mourns and languishes,

Lebanon withers away with shame,

Sharon has become a wilderness,

and Bashan and Carmel are stripped bare.

10The Lord says: now I will rise up,

now I will be exalted,

now I will lift myself up.

11You conceived chaff,

you will deliver stubble,

my breath like fire will devour you.

12The nations will be burned to lime,

like thorns cut down and burned in the fire.

13You who are afar,

hear what I have done;

and you who are near,

acknowledge my might.

14The sinners of Zion shake,

trembling in fear are the hypocrites.

“Who among us will dwell with flames?

Who can subsist with everlasting flames?

15He who walks uprightly

and speaks righteously,

spurns profit from oppression,

shakes his fists at graft and corruption,

stops his ears against suggestions of bloodshed

and averts his eyes from evil plans.

16This is the one

who will dwell on the heights,

his stronghold a fortress of rocks;

bread is given to him,

his water will not fail.

After the Oppression

  • 17Your eyes will behold a king in his splendor and a land that stretches afar.

18Yet your mind may still dwell on its old fears: Where is the oppressor who counted and weighed the taxes and enrolled our sons?

19But you will see no more of those fierce people with obscure speech and stammering tongues.

20Look to Zion, the city of our festivals; see Jerusalem, a peaceful abode, a tabernacle never to be destroyed. Not one of its stakes will ever be removed nor any of its ropes severed.

21But there is the Lord mighty for our sake, in place of broad rivers and streams. Here you see no galley with oars, no stately sailing ship. 22But the Lord is our judge, the Lord is our king: he will save us.

The Oppressor Pillaged

23Your rigging hangs loose: it cannot hold the mast firm; it cannot keep the sail spread out.

Such have been the prey and spoil that even the lame pounced on it. 24On that day no one apologized, “I am sickly.” The people who dwell there have been forgiven their sins.

The End of Edom

34 | • 1Come, O nations, hear

and take heed, O peoples!

Listen, O earth and all that is in you;

listen, O world and all that comes from you.

2The wrath of the Lord is upon all nations.

His fury is upon all their armies.

He has doomed them,

he has given them over for slaughter.

3Their slain will be thrown away,

stench coming from the carcasses,

mountains will flow with blood.

4The heavens will dissolve

and the skies roll up like a scroll,

all their hosts shall fall,

as the leaf falls from its vine,

as the fruit falls from its tree.


5My sword waited in the heavens;

and look, it descends upon Edom,

to judge the people I have doomed.

6The sword of the Lord is bathed in blood

and covered with fat—

the blood of goats and lambs,

the fat of the saddle of rams.

For the Lord has a sacrifice in Bozrah,

a great slaughter in the land of Edom.

7Wild oxen will fall

and young steers with the bulls.

Their land will be drenched with blood;

their soil enriched with fat.

8For the Lord has a day of vengeance,

Zion’s defender has a year of recompense.

9The streams of Edom will become pitch,

her soil will be turned into brimstone,

her land will be burning pitch.

10Never will its fire be quenched, night or day,

forever will its smoke go up.

From generation to generation, the land will lie desolate

and none will ever pass through it.

11It will be the haunt of pelicans and wild hogs,

the dwelling place of the owl and the hawk.


God has decided to make it empty,

he has destined it to be desolate.

12There will be no more kings to be proclaimed,

no princes to be acclaimed,

for the nobility will vanish

in a kingdom doomed to perish.


13Thorns will grow over the castles,

nettles and brambles over the citadels;

the place will be a haunt of reptiles,

an abode of owls and ostriches.


14Wild beasts will meet there,

wild goats will call to one another;

there will the night creatures alight

to find for themselves a resting place.

15There will the great owl make her nest

to lay and hatch and also find rest.

There will the vultures gather,

each with its mate.


16Seek and read from the book of the Lord:

not one of them will be missing,

for his mouth has given the order

and his spirit has brought them together.

17He has cast the lot for them.

His hand has divided it among them.

They will possess the land forever,

and from generation to generation, they shall dwell there.

The Return of the Exiles

35 | 1Let the wilderness and the arid land rejoice,

the desert be glad and blossom.

2Covered with flowers, it sings and shouts with joy,

adorned with the splendor of Lebanon,

the magnificence of Carmel and Sharon.

They, my people, see the glory of the Lord,

the majesty of our God.


3Give vigor to weary hands

and strength to enfeebled knees.

4Say to those who are afraid:

“Have courage, do not fear.

See, your God comes, demanding justice.

He is the God who rewards,

the God who comes to save you.”


5Then will the eyes of the blind be opened

and the ears of the deaf unsealed.

6Then will the lame leap as a hart

and the tongue of the dumb sing and shout.

For water will break out in the wilderness

and streams gush forth from the desert.

7The thirsty ground will become a pool,

the arid land springs of water.

In the haunts where once reptiles lay,

grass will grow with reeds and rushes.


8There will be a highway

which will be called The Way of Holiness;

no one unclean will pass over it

nor any wicked fool stray there.

9No lion will be found there

nor any beast of prey.

Only the redeemed will walk there.

10For the ransomed of the Lord will return:

with everlasting joy upon their heads,

they will come to Zion singing,

gladness and joy marching with them,

while sorrow and sighing flee away.

Sennacherib’s Invasion

36 | • 1In the fourteenth year of the reign of King Hezekiah’s reign, Sennacherib, king of Assyria, attacked all the fortified cities of Judah and captured them. 2From Lachish, the king of Assyria sent his field commander with a large army to King Hezekiah in Jerusalem. They halted at the channel of the Upper Pool on the highway of the fuller’s field. 3So Eliakim, son of Hilkiah, the palace administrator, went out to him with Shebna, the secretary, and Joah, son of Asaph, the recorder.

4The field commander told them, “Give Hezekiah this message of the great king of Assyria: How can you be so confident? 5Do you think words can replace strategy and military strength? On whom are you relying on to rebel against me?

6You rely on Egypt, a broken staff which pierces the palm of him who leans on it. Such is Pharaoh, king of Egypt, for all who rely on him. 7Yes, you may say to me: ‘We rely on the Lord our God.’ But isn’t he the one whose altars and high places Hezekiah removed when he commanded Judah and Jerusalem: You shall worship before this altar?

8Come now, make a bargain with my master, the king. I will give you two thousand horses if you are able to supply riders. 9How could you ever repulse one of the least of my master’s generals? And you rely on Egypt for chariots and horsemen! 10Do you think that I have come to attack and destroy this land without consulting the Lord? He himself said to me: Go up to this land and conquer it!”

11Then Eliakim, Shebna, and Joah said to the field commander, “Speak to your servants in Aramaic; we understand it. Do not speak to us in Hebrew in the hearing of these people on the walls.”

12But the field commander said, “Do you think that my master sent me to speak these words only to your master and you? Isn’t it also to the men on the walls who, with you, will have to eat their own dung and drink their urine?”

13Then the field commander stood and cried out with a loud voice in Hebrew, “Hear the words of the great king of Assyria: 14Do not let Hezekiah deceive you! No, he will not be able to help you! 15Do not listen to him when he tells you to trust in the Lord, saying, ‘the Lord will save us; this city will not be given over to the king of Assyria.’ 16Do not listen to Hezekiah but to what the king of Assyria says, ‘Make your peace with me 17and surrender. So I will let each of you eat of your vine and of your fig tree and drink the water of your cistern until I come again. Then I will take you to a land like your own, a land of grain and new wine, bread and vineyards.’

18Hezekiah misled you when he said that the Lord would save you. Have the gods of the nations rescued their lands from the hands of the king of Assyria? 19Where are the gods of Hamath and Arpad? Where are the gods of Shepharvaim? And have the gods delivered Samaria from my hand? 20Who among these nations' gods has been able to save his country from me? Do you think that the Lord could deliver Jerusalem from my hand?’”

21The people were silent and did not respond, for the king had commanded them not to answer him.

22Then Eliakim, with Shebna and Joah, came to Hezekiah with their clothes torn and told him what the field commander had said.

King Hezekiah Consults Isaiah

37 | 1When King Hezekiah heard this, he tore his clothes, covered himself with sackcloth, and went to the house of the Lord. 2 He sent Eliakim, Shebna, and the elders among the priests, all wearing sackcloth, to the prophet Isaiah, son of Amoz.

3And they told Isaiah, “This is what Hezekiah says: Today is a day of distress, rebuke, and disgrace, as when children come to birth, and there is no strength to deliver. 4May your God hear the words of the field commander whom his master, the king of Assyria, has sent. May the Lord your God rebuke him for his words, insulting the living God. Therefore offer a prayer for the few of us that are left.”

5When King Hezekiah’s officials came to Isaiah, 6he said to them: “Tell your master this word of the Lord: Do not fear because of what you heard when the servants of the king of Assyria insulted me. Listen! 7I will let him be disturbed by certain news, so he will return to his country, and there I will have him slain by the sword.”

8The field commander returned and found the king of Assyria fighting against Libnah, for he had heard that the king had left Lachish. 9This was because King Sennacherib had heard that Tirhakah, the Cushite king of Egypt, was going out to fight him.

Again Sennacherib sent messengers to Hezekiah with these words, 10“Say to Hezekiah king of Judah that his God in whom he trusts might deceive him in saying that Jerusalem will not be given into the hands of the king of Assyria. 11Surely you have heard what the kings of Assyria have done to all the lands they have destroyed! And will you be spared? 12Have the gods saved the nations that my fathers destroyed? Gozan and Haran, Rezeph and the sons of Eden who were in Telassar? 13Where is the king of Hamath, the king of Arpad, the kings of the cities of Sepharvaim, of Hena and of Ivvah?”

14Hezekiah took the letter from the messengers, and when he had read it, he went to the house of the Lord where he unrolled the letter 15 and prayed to say, 16“O Lord, God of Hosts and God of Israel, enthroned above the cherubim! You alone are God over all the kingdoms of the earth; give ear, Lord, and hear! 17Open your eyes and see! Listen to all the words of Sennacherib, who has sent men to insult the living God!

18It is true, Lord, that the kings of Assyria have laid waste all the countries of the earth. 19They have thrown their gods into the fire and destroyed them, for they were not true gods but made of wood and stone by human hands. 20Now, O Lord our God, save us from his hand and let all the kingdoms of the earth know that you alone, Lord, are God.”


  • 21Then Isaiah, son of Amoz, sent word to Hezekiah: “You have called upon the Lord and he has heard your prayer regarding Sennacherib, king of Assyria. This is what the Lord has spoken against him:


22The Virgin Daughter of Zion

despises and scorns you;

the Daughter of Jerusalem

shakes her head behind you.

23Whom have you insulted and blasphemed?

Against whom have you raised your voice

and lifted up your brow?

Against the Holy One of Israel!

24Through your servants

you have insulted the Lord.

For you have said:

With my numerous chariots,

I have climbed the heights of the mountains,

the topmost recesses of Lebanon.

I have felled its tallest cedars and its choicest fir trees.

I have reached the remotest heights of its border,

the best of its forests.

25I have dug wells and drunk waters;

I dried up with the sole of my foot all the streams of Egypt.


26But have you not heard how I decreed it long ago?

I have just brought to pass what I planned from days of old:

to lay waste fortified cities,

to turn them into heaps of ruins.

27Shorn of power, their inhabitants

have been dismayed and confounded;

they have been as the grass

and green plants in the field,

as the grass on the housetops,

as grain scorched before it blooms.


28I know whenever you rise or sit,

whenever you come or go.

29Because of your rage against me

and of your arrogance that has

reached my ears,

I will put my hook in your nose

and my bridle in your mouth,

and I will turn you back

on the way by which you came.


30This will be a sign for you, O Hezekiah: This year you will eat the gleaning of the fields and next year the self-sown grain, but in the third year sow and reap, plant vines and eat the fruit.

31Those who remain in Judah will take root in the ground and bear fruit. 32A remnant will leave Jerusalem; survivors will come out of Mount Zion. The zeal of the Lord of Hosts will accomplish this. 33So this is what the Lord says about the king of Assyria: He shall not enter this city nor shoot his arrows. 34He shall not raise a shield to oppose it nor build a siege ramp against it. He shall leave by the way he came, and he shall not enter the city, says the Lord.

35I will protect this city and so save it for my own sake and for the sake of David, my servant.

36That night the angel of the Lord went and struck one hundred and eighty-five thousand men in the Assyrian camp. When the people rose early next morning, there lay all the corpses.

37So Sennacherib, king of Assyria, departed, returned home, and lived in Nineveh. 38While he was worshiping in the temple of his god, Nisroch, his sons Adrammelech and Sharezer slew him with the sword and then escaped to the land of Ararat. And Esarhaddon, his son, succeeded him as king.

Illness and Cure of Hezekiah

38 | • 1In those days, Hezekiah fell mortally ill, and the prophet Isaiah, son of Amoz, went to him with a message from the Lord, “Put your house in order for you shall die; you shall not live.”

2Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed to the Lord, 3“Ah the Lord! Remember how I have walked before you in truth and wholeheartedly and done what is good in your sight.” And Hezekiah wept bitterly.

4Then the word of the Lord came to Isaiah, 5“Go and tell Hezekiah what the Lord, the God of his father David, says: I have heard your prayer and I have seen your tears. See! I am adding fifteen years to your life 6and I will save you and this city from the power of the king of Assyria. I will defend it for my sake and for David, my servant.

21Isaiah then said, “Bring a fig cake to rub on the ulcer and let Hezekiah be cured!”

22Hezekiah asked, “What is the sign that I shall go up to the house of the Lord?” 7Isaiah answered, “This shall be for you a sign from the Lord, that he will do what he has promised. 8See! I shall make the shadow descending on the stairway of Ahaz go back ten steps.” So the sunlight went back to the ten steps it had covered on the stairway.

Canticle of Hezekiah

9Canticle of Hezekiah king of Judah

after his illness and recovery:


10Once I said: In the noontime of my life, I go;

I am sent to the land of the dead,

for the rest of my years.

11I said: Never again shall I see the Lord

in the land of the living;

never again shall I see the inhabitants of the earth.


12Like a shepherd’s tent, my dwelling

has been pulled down and thrown away;

like a weaver, you rolled up my life

and cut it from the loom:

from day to night you made me waste away.

13I have cried for help until morning.

Like a lion, he has broken all my bones.

14I have uttered shrill cries

like a swallow or a crane,

I have moaned like a dove.

My eyes all the while are growing weary

as I look up to the heavens:

Come and help me, O Lord!

For I am troubled.

15But how can I speak

and what shall I say to him,

if he himself is doing this to me?

I will have to walk all my years

bearing this anguish of my soul.

16O Lord, give me back my health

and give me back my life!


17My anguish has turned to peace;

you have retrieved my life

from the pit of corruption;

you have cast all my sins behind you.

18For the dead cannot give you thanks,

death cannot give you praise;

those who go down to the pit

cannot hope for your kindness.

19The living, the living alone

can give you thanks and praise, as I do;

fathers will tell their sons of your fidelity.

20O Lord, come and save me!

We will sing, accompanied by harps,

in the temple of the Lord

all the days of our life.

Babylonian Embassy

39 | • 1At that time, Merodach-baladan, son of Baladan, king of Babylon, sent letters and a gift to Hezekiah after hearing that he was recovering from an illness. 2Hezekiah was pleased and showed the envoys all that was in his treasure house, the silver, gold, spices and fine oil, his entire armory and all that was in his treasury. In fact, there was nothing in his palace or in his kingdom that Hezekiah did not show them.

3Isaiah the prophet came to Hezekiah and asked him, “What did these men say and from where did they come?” Hezekiah answered, “They came to me from a distant country—from Babylon.”

4And Isaiah said, “What have they seen in your palace?” Hezekiah replied, “They have seen everything in my palace; there is nothing among my treasures that I did not show them.”

5Isaiah then said, “Hear this word of the Lord, the God of Hosts: 6Behold the days are coming when all that is in your palace, and which your fathers have treasured to this day, will be carried off to Babylon. Nothing will be left. 7And some of your descendants, born of you, will be taken and will become eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon.”

8Hezekiah then said to Isaiah, “The word of the Lord which you have spoken to me is good!” For he thought: there will be peace and truth in my lifetime.

Be Comforted, My People

40 | • 1Be comforted, my people,

be strengthened, says your God.

2Speak to the heart of Jerusalem, proclaim to her

that her time of bondage is at an end,

that her guilt has been paid for,

that from the hand of the Lord

she has received double punishment

for all her iniquity.


3A voice cries,

“In the wilderness prepare the way for the Lord.

Make straight in the desert a highway for our God.

4Every valley will be raised;

every mountain and hill will be laid low.

The stumbling blocks shall become level

and the rugged places smooth.

5The glory of the Lord will be revealed,

and all mortals together will see it;

for the mouth of the Lord has spoken.”


6A voice says, “Cry.”

and I say, “What shall I cry?”

“All flesh is grass,

and all its beauty as the flower of the field.

7The grass withers, the flower wilts,

when the breath of the Lord blows upon it.

8The grass withers, the flower fades,

but the word of our God will forever stand.”

9Go up onto the high mountain,

messenger of good news to Zion,

lift up your voice with strength,

fear not to cry aloud when you tell Jerusalem

and announce to the cities of Judah:

Here is your God!


10Here comes the Lord Sabaoth with might;

his strong arm rules for him;

his reward is with him,

and here before him is his booty.

11Like a shepherd he tends his flock:

 he gathers the lambs in his arms,

he carries them in his bosom,

gently leading those that are with young.

The Great God

  • 12Who has measured the waters of the sea in a cupped hand,

or the breadth of the sky in the span of a hand?

Who has collected the sands of the earth?

Who has weighed the mountains in scales

and the hills in a balance?

13Who has probed the spirit of the Lord

or as a counselor advised him?

14Whom has he consulted to enlighten him,

and help him to decide?

Who gave him knowledge

and taught him the ways of success?

15The nations before him are like a drop on the brim of the bucket,

or like dust on the scales.

The islands weigh no more than powder.

16Lebanon is not enough to burn as altar fire,

nor will its animals provide a holocaust.

17All nations before him are as nothing,

all emptiness, all vanity in his eyes.

18To whom, then, will you liken God?

With whose image will you compare him?

19To an idol cast by a craftsman,

covered with gold by a goldsmith

and adorned with silver chains?


20Or to wood that will not rot, chosen and fashioned by a skilled craftsman into an image that cannot move?


21Have you not known?

Have you not heard?

Has it not been told you from the beginning,

that you may understand how the earth was founded?

22He sits far above the vault of the earth,

with its inhabitants like grasshoppers;

he stretches out the heavens as a curtain

and spreads them out like a tent where he dwells.

23He reduces the princes to naught,

and the rulers of the earth to nothingness.

24No sooner are they planted or sown,

no sooner do they take root in the ground,

than he blows on them, and they wither,

a storm sweeps them away like stubble.


25To whom, then, will you liken me

or make me equal? says the Holy One.

26Lift up your eyes and see:

Who created all this?

He has ordered them as a starry host

and called them each by name.

So mighty is his power,

so great his strength,

that not one of them is missing.


27How can you say, O Jacob,

how can you complain, O Israel,

that your destiny is hidden from me,

that your rights are ignored by the Lord?

28Have you not known, have you not heard

that the Lord is an everlasting God,

the Creator of the ends of the earth?

He does not grow tired or weary,

his knowledge is without limit.

29He gives strength to the enfeebled,

he gives vigor to the wearied.

30Youth may grow tired and faint,

young men will stumble and fall,

31but those who hope in the Lord

will renew their strength.

They will soar as with eagle’s wings;

they will run and not grow weary;

they will walk and never tire.

Cyrus, Liberator of Israel

41 | • 1Keep silent before me, O islands,

or be prepared to contend with me;

O nations, draw near and speak.

Let us meet together for judgment.

2Who has called from the east

one that victory hails at every step?

Who has given him the nations to rule

and their kings to subdue?

His sword makes dust of them

and his arrows scatter them like chaff.

3Unharmed he pursues them through paths

that his feet have scarcely touched.

4Who really has done all this?

I, who call the generations from the beginning,

I, the Lord, who am the first

and will be with the last.


5The islands have seen it and feared,

the ends of the earth were scared.


6(Each helps the other and says to his companion, “Take heart!” 7So the craftsman encourages the goldsmith, and he who beats out with the hammer assures the other who strikes the anvil, saying, “It is ready for soldering,” and he fastens the idol with nails to hold it in place.)

Hope for a New Exodus

  • 8But you, Israel, my servant, Jacob, whom I have chosen, the seed of Abraham my friend, 9I have taken you from the ends of the earth. I have called you from the remotest corners, and I said,

“You are my servant; I have chosen you and will not cast you away.”

10Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will give you strength, I will bring you help, I will uphold you with the right hand of my justice.

11All who rage against you will be ashamed and disgraced; all who fight against you will perish and come to nothing.

12You will seek them but will not find them; your enemies, those who took up arms against you, will be destroyed, brought to nothing.

13For I, the Lord, your God, take hold of your right hand and say to you: “Fear not, I am your assistance.”

14Fear not, Jacob, poor worm, and you, people of Israel, so frail.


I am your redeemer, says the Lord,

the Holy One of Israel, your helper.


15I will make you a new thresher with sharp double teeth: you will thresh hills and mountains, crushing them and reducing them to chaff.

16You will winnow them, the wind will carry them off and the storm will scatter them. But you will rejoice in the Lord and glory in the Holy One of Israel.


17The poor and the afflicted seek water, and find none.

Their tongues are parched with thirst.

But I, the Lord, will hear them;

I, the God of Israel, will not forsake them.


18I will open up streams over the barren heights

and let the rivers flow through all the valleys;

I will turn the desert into lakes and brooks

and the thirsty earth

into a land of springs.

19I will plant in the wilderness the cedar,

the acacia, the myrtle and the olive;

I will plant in the wasteland fir, cypress and pine—

20that all may see and know,

consider and understand,

that the hand of the Lord has done this,

that the Holy One of Israel has created it.


  • 21Present your case, says the Lord.

Produce your evidence, says the king of Jacob.

22Bring your idols and let them tell us what will happen. What have they foretold so that we may consider them and reflect on the outcome?

23Let them foretell what is to come so that we may know that they are gods. Let them do good or do evil so that we may be dismayed and terrified.

 24See, they are nothing,

their work is nothing,

and to choose them is foolishness.

25From the north I have called him, and he comes;

from the east, I have called him by his name.

He tramples kings and princes down

as if they were mortar,

as if he were a potter working the clay.

26Has anyone announced this from the beginning, so we might know,

or foretold it long ago, so we might say, “It is true?”

No one among you foretold it,

no one proclaimed it.

No one heard a word from you.

27I was the first to announce to Zion:

“Look, here they come!”

and I sent a messenger to Jerusalem.

28But when I looked, there was no one;

there was not a single counselor among them who, if asked, could give an answer.

29All of them are nothing,

emptiness is their works;

their images are of wind and nothingness.

First Song of the Servant: Here Is My Servant

42 | • 1Here is my servant whom I uphold,

my chosen one in whom I delight.

I have put my spirit upon him,

and he will bring justice to the nations.

2He does not shout or raise his voice.

Proclamations are not heard in the streets.


3A broken reed he will not crush,

nor will he snuff out the light

of the wavering wick.

He will make justice appear in truth.


4He will not waver or be broken

until he has established justice on earth;

the islands are waiting for his law.


5Thus says God, the Lord,

who created the heavens and stretched them out,

who spread the earth and all that comes from it,

who gives life and breath to those who walk on it:


6I, the Lord, have called you for the sake of justice;

I will hold your hand to make you firm;

I will make you a Covenant to the people,

and as a light to the nations,

7to open eyes that do not see,

to free captives from prison,

to bring out to light those who sit in darkness.


8I am the Lord, that is my name,

 I will not give my glory to another;

or my praise to graven images.

9See, the former things have come to pass,

 and new things do I declare:

 before they spring forth, I tell you of them.

Song of Victory

  • 10Sing a new song to the Lord;

let his praise reach the ends of the earth.

Let the sea and all that it holds,

let the coastlands and their inhabitants

resound with song and praise of him.

11Let the wilderness and the cities

lift up their voice,

together with the villages of Kedar.

Let the inhabitants of Sela sing,

and shout from the top of the mountain.

12Let them give glory to the Lord

and praise him in the far islands.

13The Lord comes like a mighty warrior,

he stirs up his fury before the fight.

He threatens, he raises the battle cry,

and he triumphs over his enemies.

14For a long time I have been silent;

I have kept still and restrained myself,

I moaned like a woman in labor,

breathing and panting:

15I will lay waste mountains and hills

and wither all their vegetation;

I will turn rivers into wasteland

and dry up the pools.


16I will lead the blind by ways

which they do not know;

along unseen paths, I will guide them.

I will turn darkness into light before them

and make the rough ground smooth.

These are the things that I will do,

and I will not forsake them.


17But those who trust in graven images and say to idols, “You are our gods” will be turned back in shame.


  • 18Listen, O deaf,

look, O blind, that you may see!

19Who is blind, but my servant,

or deaf as the messenger I send?

Who is blind but the one I am lifting up? Who is deaf but the servant of the Lord?

20You have seen many things without observing; your ears were open but without hearing.

21It pleased the Lord, the Just One,

that his law receives glory and fame.

22But this is a people robbed and plundered,

all of them ensnared in pits or languishing in prison.

They have become a prey,

with no one to rescue them;

they have become a spoil,

with no one to order, “Send them back!”

23Who among you will give ear to this?

Who will listen and hear for the time to come?

24Who handed Jacob to the spoilers

and Israel to the plunderers?

Was it not the Lord,

against whom we have sinned,

in whose ways they would not walk,

and whose law they would not obey?

25Therefore, he poured out on them

the fury of his anger—

the violence of war.

It blazed round about them,

and they failed to know what it meant;

it burned and consumed them,

and they remained in bewilderment.

Amid the Flames, You Shall Not Be Burned

43 | 1But now, thus says the Lord,

who created you, Jacob,

who formed you, Israel:

Fear not, for I have redeemed you;

I have called you by your name;

you are mine.


2When you pass through the waters,

I will be with you.

When you pass through the rivers,

they will not sweep over you.

When you walk through fire,

you will not be burned;

neither will the flames consume you.

3For I am your savior,

I, the Lord, your God,

the Holy One of Israel.

I give Egypt for your ransom,

Ethiopia and Seba in exchange for you.

4Since you are precious in my sight,

and important—for I have loved you,

I give people in exchange for you

and nations in return for your life.


5Fear not, for I am with you:

I will bring your children from the east

and gather you from the west.

6I will say to the north, “Give them up!”

and to the south, “Do not hold them!”

Bring back my sons from afar,

my daughters from the ends of the earth,

7all those called by my name

all I have created for my glory.

8Lead out my people—

who have eyes but are blind,

who have ears but are deaf.

9Let the nations gather together,

let the people assemble.

Who among them can foretell this

or declare to us the things to come?

Let them bring their witnesses to prove them right;

let others hear so that they may say, “It is true.”


  • 10You are my witnesses, says the Lord,

you are my servant whom I have chosen,

that you may know and believe me

and understand that I am He.

Before me no God was formed,

neither will there be one after me.

11I, I am the Lord,

there is no savior but me.

12It is I who have foretold;

I have spoken and made it known,

I, not any of your foreign gods.

Therefore you are my witnesses

—it is the Lord who speaks,

I am God.

13From ever I am God

there is no one who can deliver from my hand.

I act, and what I do, no one undoes.


14Thus says the Lord,

your redeemer, the Holy One of Israel:

For your sake, I send an army to Babylon

to bring down all their bars.

The Chaldeans’ shout of joy

will turn into lamentation.

15I am the Lord, your Holy One,

the Creator of Israel, your King.


16Thus says the Lord,

who opened a way through the sea

and a path in the mighty waters,

17who brought down chariots and horses,

a whole army of them,

and there they lay, never to rise again,

snuffed out like a wick.

18But do not dwell on the past,

or remember the things of old.

19Look, I am doing a new thing:

now it springs forth.

Do you not see?

I am opening up a way in the wilderness

and rivers in the desert.

20The beasts of the land will honor me,

jackals and ostriches,

because I give water in the wilderness

and rivers in the desert

that my chosen people may drink.

21I have formed this people for myself;

they will proclaim my praise.


  • 22You have not called upon me, O Jacob,

indeed you were tired of me, O Israel;

23neither have you brought me sheep for burnt offerings,

nor honored me with your sacrifices.

I have not burdened you with offerings,

nor wearied you asking for incense.

24You have not spent money on sweet frankincense for me,

neither have you satisfied me with the fat of your sacrifices.

Instead you have burdened me with your sins

and wearied me with your offenses.

25I it is, I am He

who blots out your offenses for my own sake,

and remembers your sins no more.

26Remind me about the past;

let us argue together.

Speak up and prove your innocence.


27Your first father sinned, and your mediators have rebelled against me. 28Therefore I have disgraced the dignitaries of your temple, I have consigned Jacob to destruction, Israel to scorn.


44 | 1But now listen, Jacob my servant,

Israel whom I have chosen:

2This is what the Lord says—

he who made you and will help you,

he who formed you from the womb:

Fear not, O Jacob, my servant,

Jeshurun, whom I have chosen.

3For I will pour water upon the thirsty land

and streams on the dry ground.

I will pour my spirit upon your race

and my blessing upon your offspring.

4They will spring up like grass,

like poplars beside the flowing streams.

5One will say, “I belong to the Lord”;

another will call himself by Jacob’s name.

On his hand another will write “Lord”

and take the name of Israel.

6This is what the Lord says—

Israel’s King and Redeemer, the Lord Sabaoth:

I am the first and the last,

there is no other God besides me.

7Who then is like me?

Let him stand up and speak,

let him argue this out with me.

Who from the beginning has foretold the future

and revealed to us what was to come?

8Do not be afraid or troubled.

Have I not proclaimed

and foretold this long ago?

You are my witnesses;

is there a God besides me

or another Rock? I know of none.

Mockery Against Those Who Worship Idols

  • 9Good-for-nothing are all idol makers, and useless are the works they prize so much. Their witnesses, blind and ignorant, will be put to shame. 10Who ever fashioned a god or cast an idol without hope of gain? See how its devotees will be ridiculed, for its craftsmen are but humans. 11Let them all assemble; let them come to court; they will be both terrified and scorned.

12The blacksmith works on an iron image over the fire and beats it into shape with a hammer. He gets hungry and tired; he gets exhausted if there is no water to drink.

13In like manner, the wood carver takes the measurement and marks the outline of an idol and carves it with chisels, giving it a bodily form and a human face that it may live in a shrine. 14He cut down cedars, perhaps took an oak or cypress from the forest, or maybe planted a cedar that the rain caused to grow. 15For the common people that means fuel they use to warm themselves and cook their food. But the craftsman carves out of the tree trunk an idol which he worships and before which he bows down. 16The remaining portion he burns to warm himself; over its live embers, he roasts meat and is satisfied. He says, “Well and good; I feel warm and enjoy the light.” 17The other portion he has made into an idol, he worships and bows before it, praying, “Rescue me, for you are my god.”

18They have no knowledge, no discernment. For they have shut their mind to understanding, their heart to all reason. 19None of them has the intelligence to reflect and the sense to say, “Half of the log I burned, and on its embers I baked bread and roasted meat. Shall I then make a dirty idol of what remains? Am I to worship a block of wood?”

20Only one of deluded mind can hold on to ashes. Will he not save himself at least and confess, “What I hold is only a lie?”


21Remember this, Jacob,

for you are my servant, O Israel,

I have formed you to be my servant; Israel, do not forget me.

22I have blotted out your offenses as a thick cloud,

your sins as a mist.

Return to me, for I am redeeming you.

23Sing gladly, O heavens,

for the Lord has done this.

Shout aloud, O earth below!

Burst into song, you mountains,

you forests with all your trees!

For the Lord has redeemed Jacob

and showed his glory to Israel.

24Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer,

who formed you from the womb:


I am the Lord who made all things,

I alone stretched out the heavens,

and spread out the earth. Who helped me?


25I am he who thwarts the omens of false prophets,

who makes fools of diviners,

who turns the wise back

and makes nonsense of their knowledge.

26I confirm the word of my servant

and carry out the plan announced by my messengers.


I am he who says of Jerusalem,

“It shall be inhabited,”

and of the towns of Judah,

“They shall be rebuilt; I will restore their ruins.”

27I am he who says to the ocean, “Be dry,

I will dry up your wellsprings!”


28I call on Cyrus, “My shepherd!”

and he goes to fulfill my will.

I say to Jerusalem, “Be rebuilt!”

and see: the cornerstone is laid.


45 | • 1Thus says the Lord to his anointed, to Cyrus:

“I have taken you by the right hand

to subdue nations before you

and strip kings of their armor,

to open the gateways before you

so that they will be closed no more.


2I will go before you to level the slopes,

I will break the gates of brass

and destroy the iron bars;

3I will give you treasures hidden in darkness

and riches stored in secret places,

so that you may know that I am the Lord,

the God of Israel who calls you by your name.


4For the sake of Jacob my servant,

of Israel, my chosen one,

I have called you by your name

and given you your mission

although you do not know me.


5I am the Lord, and there is no other;

there is no God besides me.

I armed you when you did not know me,

6so that, from the rising

to the setting of the sun,

all may know

that there is no one besides me;

I am the Lord, and there is no other.

7I form the light and create the dark;

I usher in prosperity and bring calamity.

I, the Lord, do all this.


  • 8Let the heavens send righteousness like dew

and the clouds rain it down.

Let the earth open and salvation blossom,

so that justice also may sprout;

I, the Lord, have created it.


  • 9Woe to him who argues with his Maker being but a pot among pots. Will the clay tell him who fashions it, “What are you making? You have no skill.” 10Woe to him who asks a father, “What have you begotten!” or a mother, “To what have you given birth?”

11Thus says the Lord, the Holy One, he who fashions Israel: Is it for you to question me about my children, or decide the work of my hands for me?

12I am He who made the earth and created humankind upon it.

I am He who stretched out the heavens with my own hands and gave order to their whole array.

13I have raised Cyrus for the sake of justice. I will direct his ways and make him rebuild my city. He will send my exiles home without ransom or indemnity. It is the Lord Sabaoth who speaks.


  • 14Thus says the Lord:

The peasants of Egypt, the traders of Ethiopia, and the tall men of Seba will pass near you in chains and bow down facing you. In worship, they will say,

“Surely God is with you. There is no one else, there is no other god.”

15Truly you are the God who remains hidden, the God of Israel, the Savior.

16All idol makers will be put to shame; they will go away humiliated. 17But Israel will be saved by the Lord—delivered with an everlasting salvation. You will never be put to disgrace for everlasting ages.

18Yes, this is what the Lord says,

he who created the heavens,

– for he is God,

who formed and shaped the earth,

– for he himself set it:

“I did not let confusion in it,

I wanted people to live there instead”

—for I am the Lord and there is no other.

19I have not spoken in secret,

from a dark place of the earth;

I have not said to the race of Jacob:

“Seek me, but all will be confused,”

—for I, the Lord, tell the truth and I speak openly—.

Every Knee Will Bend

20Come, gather together, and try to understand,

survivors from among the nations:


They are but fools they who follow idols of wood

and pray to gods that cannot move—.

21Let them present their arguments

take counsel together and tell me:

Who announced this from the beginning,

who foretold it in the distant past?

Is it not me, the Lord?

There is no other God besides me,

a Savior, a God of justice, there is no other one but me.


22Turn to me and be saved,

all you from the ends of the earth,

for I am God, and there is no other.

23By my own self, I swear it,

and what comes from my mouth is the truth,

a word I say will not be revoked.

Before me, every knee will bend,

by me, every tongue will swear, 24saying,

“In the Lord alone are righteousness and strength.”


All who have raged against him will come to him in shame.

25But through the Lord, there will be victory and glory

to the people of Israel.

Difference Between God and the False Gods

46 | • 1Bel bows down, Nebo collapses, and the carriages are weighed down with their idols. Their sacred objects have become a burden for the weary feasts.

2They cringe and crouch together, powerless to save those who carry them, as they themselves are taken captive.


3Hear me, O people of Jacob,

and all who remain of Israel,

whom I have cared for since you were conceived,

and carried since you were born.

4Even in your old age, I am he

and I will sustain you

even when your hair turns gray.

It is I who have done this,

and who bears the burdens,

I will sustain and save you.


5To whom will you compare me or consider me equal?

Against whom will you match me,

as though we were alike?

6Some pour out gold from their purses,

and with silver weighed on the scales

they hire a goldsmith to make an image

before which they bow and worship.

7They carry it upon their shoulders

and set it up in its place;

and there it stands, unmoving and silent.

They cry out to it, but it does not answer,

it delivers no one from distress and disaster.

8Bear it well in mind, you rebels,

9recall those things of long ago.

I am God, and there is no other;

I am God, and there is none like me.


10From the beginning, I foretold the outcome,

from ancient times, what was yet to come.

I say, and my plan will be fulfilled;

and what I wish I would accomplish.

11From the east, I call forth a bird of prey,

from a distant land, a man to carry out my plan.

Yes, I have spoken, it will be done;

I have planned, and it will be executed.

12Listen to me, you without hope,

you who are deprived of any right.

13I am bringing my justice; it is not far away;

my salvation will not be delayed.

I will make salvation appear in Zion,

upon Israel, I will bestow my glory.


47 | • 1Come down and sit in the dust,

 O virgin daughter of Babylon!

No more throne! Sit on the ground,

O daughter of the Chaldeans.

No longer will you be called

dainty and delicate.

2Take the millstone and grind meal;

uncover your hair, bare your legs;

strip to the thighs and pass over the rivers.

3Your nakedness will be exposed,

your shame will be uncovered.

I will take revenge on you

and no one will save you,

4says our Redeemer, the Lord Sabaoth.

His name is the Holy One of Israel.


5Go creep into the shadows and sit in silence,

O daughter of the Chaldeans,

for no more will you be called

sovereign lady of the kingdoms.

6Angry with my people, I had left my inheritance;

I gave them into your hands,

but you showed them no mercy.

You laid a heavy yoke on the aged.

7You said, “I will reign forever;”

but you did not take this to heart

or ponder on what would ensue.


8Listen, therefore, you wanton woman, lounging in security and deluding yourself, “I am, and there is none besides me. I will never be a widow or suffer the loss of children.”


9But these two things will come to you

in a moment, on a single day—

loss of children and widowhood.

They will come upon you in full measure,

in spite of all your witchcraft,

in spite of the power of your spells.

10You have trusted in your wickedness,

saying, “Nobody sees me.”

Your intelligence and knowledge

have perverted you, for you have said:

“I am, and there is none besides me.”


11Evil, suddenly, will come your way

though you do not know it.

Disaster will fall upon you,

and no ransom will ward it off;

a catastrophe you cannot foresee

will come upon you suddenly.


12Keep on, then, with your magic spells and the multitude of sorceries you have labored at since your youth.

Do you think they will help you now? Do you think they will cause terror around you?

13Yet you are wearied with so many advisers. Let your astrologers stand up, stargazers who foretell what will happen each month; let them save you from what will come upon you.


14Look, they will be like stubble

and the fire will burn them.

They cannot even save themselves

from the power of consuming flames.

These are no embers to warm anyone,

no fireside to sit by.

15This is your lot and of your wizards

with whom you have labored from your youth.

Now each will go his own way—powerless to save you.


48 | • 1Listen to this, house of Jacob,

 called by the name of Israel

and born out of Judah’s womb,

you who swear by the name of the Lord

and invoke the God of Israel,

though not in truth or righteousness—

2calling yourselves after the Holy City,

and relying on the God of Israel

whose name is the Lord Sabaoth.


3From long ago I revealed things past:

they went forth from my mouth;

I declared them. Then suddenly I acted

and the word came to be.

4Because I know that you are stubborn,

your head as hard as iron,

your forehead as bronze.

5So I told you about them;

before they took place

I let you hear of them,

lest you should say: “My idols did these, my graven image, my molten image commanded them.”

6Now that you have heard and seen, will you not admit it?

From now on, I will tell you new things,

even hidden things you have not known before.

7They are created now and not long ago;

up to this day, you have not heard of them

lest you should say, “I already knew.”

8You have not heard; you didn’t know

nor were your ears opened before,

for I knew how treacherous you were—

you who from birth have been called a rebel.

9For my name’s sake, I delayed my anger,

for my honor’s sake, I restrained it,

lest I destroy you.

10See: I have refined you as silver;

I have tested you in the furnace of affliction.

11But now, for my own sake, I will act, yes, for my own sake.

For how could I let my Name be defiled?

Never will I yield my glory to another.

12Listen to me, O Jacob,

Israel whom I have called,

I am the same, I am the first,

and I am also the last.

13My hand laid the foundation of the earth,

my right hand spread out the heavens.

When I call on the stars,

they all stand forth together.

14Assemble all of you, and listen.

Who among them has foretold these things?

The beloved of the Lord will do what pleases him

with Babylon and the people of Chaldea.

15I, yes I myself, have spoken;

I, myself, called him and made him prosper in his way.

If You Had Obeyed My Law

16Come near me and listen to this: From the beginning, I have not spoken in secret; from the time that it happened, I have been there. Know then, and now, Lord the Lord has sent me with his spirit!

17Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: I, the Lord, your God, teach you what is best for you; I lead you in the way that you must go.

18Had you paid attention to my commandments, your peace would have been like a river, your righteousness like the waves of the sea.

19Your descendants would have been like the sand, and those born of your stock like its grains, their names never cut off nor blotted out from my presence.

20“Go forth from Babylon, flee from Chaldea!” Declare this with shouts of joy; make this known to the ends of the earth. Proclaim: the Lord has redeemed his servant Jacob!

21Those he led through the desert were never thirsty. He made water flow for them from the rock; he split the rock and water gushed out.

22There is no peace for the wicked, the Lord says.

The Second Song of the Servant:

The Lord Called Me from my Mother’s Womb

49 | • 1Listen to me, O islands,

pay attention, people from distant lands.

The Lord called me from my mother’s womb;

he pronounced my name before I was born.

2He made my mouth like a sharpened sword.

He hid me in the shadow of his hand.

He made me into a polished arrow

set apart in his quiver.

3He said to me, “You are Israel, my servant,

Through you, I will be known.”

4“I have labored in vain,” I thought,

“and spent my strength for nothing.”

Yet what is due me was in the hand of the Lord,

and my reward was with my God.

I am important in the sight of the Lord,

and my God is my strength.


5And now the Lord has spoken,

he who formed me in the womb to be his servant,

to bring Jacob back to him,

to gather Israel to him.

6He said: “It is not enough

that you be my servant,

to restore the tribes of Jacob,

to bring back the remnant of Israel.

I will make you the light of the nations,

that my salvation will reach to the ends of the earth.”


7Thus says the Lord,

the Redeemer and Holy One of Israel,

to him whom people despise,

to him whom nations abhor,

to the servant of tyrants:

“Kings will see you and stand up,

and princes will bow down

for the sake of the Lord, the faithful one,

the Holy One of Israel who has chosen you.”


8This is what the Lord says:

“I have answered you at a favorable time, and on the day of salvation, I have been your help; I have formed you and made you my Covenant with the people.

You will restore the land and allot its abandoned farms. 9You will say to the captives: Come out, and to those in darkness: Show yourselves.

They will feed along the road and find pasture on barren hills. 10They will neither hunger nor thirst nor will the scorching wind or the sun beat upon them; for he who has mercy on them will guide them and lead them to water springs.

11I will turn all my mountains into roads and raise up my highways.

12See, they come from afar, some from the north and west, others from the land of Sinim.”

Though your mother forgets you

  • 13Sing, O heavens, and rejoice, O earth;

break forth into song, O mountains:

for the Lord has comforted his people

and taken pity on those who are afflicted.

14But Zion said: “The Lord has forsaken me,

my Lord has forgotten me.”

15Can a woman forget the baby at her breast

and have no compassion on the child of her womb?

 Yet though she forgets, I will never forget you.


16See, I have written your name upon the palm of my hands; your walls are ever before me. 17Your sons hurry back, and those who laid you waste hasten to depart from you.

18Lift up your eyes, look around and see: your children are all assembling and coming to you. As I live, says the Lord, you will wear them all as your jewels; they will adorn you as brides are adorned.

19Your lonely places and your ruins, your wastelands and devastated country, will now be too small for your people, while those who destroy you will be driven off.

20The children you will have, after those you lost, will also say in your hearing, “This place is too small for us. Give us more space to live in.”

21You will then say in your heart, “Who has borne me these? I was bereaved and barren, and who has brought these up? I was left alone, but these—where have they come from?”

22Thus speaks the Lord God: See, I am to make signs to the nations; and to raise my banner to the people, that they will bring your sons in their arms, your daughters upon their shoulders.

23Kings will be your foster fathers, their queens your nursing mothers. They will bow down before you with their faces to the ground, licking the dust of your feet. Then you will know I am the Lord, and those who hope in me will not be ashamed.

24Can booty be taken from a warrior or captives be rescued from a tyrant? But thus says the Lord: 25Yes, captives will be taken from warriors and booty rescued from a tyrant: for I will fight whoever fights you, and I will save your children.

26I will make your oppressors eat their own flesh and be drunk with their own blood, as with wine. All peoples will know that I, the Lord, am your savior, your redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob.


50 | 1Thus says the Lord: Where is the writ of divorce with which I dismissed your mother? Or to which of my creditors have I sold you? It was for your sins that you were sold, for your crimes that your mother was dismissed.

2Why was there no one when I came?

Why did no one answer when I called?

Is my hand too short to reach out and save?

Have I not the power to deliver?

See how, at my threat, the sea dries up,

the rivers turn into desert,

their fish dying, for lack of water.

3I clothe the heavens in mourning:

I make sackcloth their covering.

The Third Song of the Servant:

The Lord Has Opened My Ear

  • 4The Lord God has taught me

so I speak as his disciple

and I know how to sustain the weary.

Morning after morning he wakes me up

to hear, to listen like a disciple.


5The Lord God has opened my ear.

I have not rebelled,

nor have I withdrawn.

6I offered my back to those who strike me,

my cheeks to those who pulled my beard;

neither did I shield my face

from blows, spittle, and disgrace.

7I have not despaired,

for the Lord God comes to my help.

So, like a flint I set my face,

knowing that I will not be disgraced.


8He who avenges me is near.

Who then will accuse me?

Let us confront each other.

Who is now my accuser?

Let him approach.


9If the Lord God is my help,

who will condemn me?

All of them will wear out like cloth;

the moth will devour them.


10Let anyone among you who fears the Lord listen to the voice of his servant. Whoever walks in darkness and has no light to shine for him, let him trust in the name of the Lord; let him rely upon his God.

11Yet all of you who kindle flames and carry about burning torches go into the flames of your own fire, into the sparks you have kindled. This will befall you from my hand, you will lie down in torment.

God Will Save the Children of Abraham

51 | 1Listen to me, you who pursue justice, you who go in search of the Lord. Look to the rock from which you were hewn, to the pit from which you were quarried.

2Look to Abraham, your father, and to Sarah, who gave you birth. He was alone when I called him, but I blessed and increased him.

3Truly the Lord’s compassion is for Zion, his mercy is upon all her ruins. He will make her deserts like Eden, her wastelands like the Lord’s garden. In her will be found joy and rejoicing, melody and song of praise and thanksgiving.


4Listen to me, you people,

hear me, O nations.

I am to give you my law,

my justice will be a light to the nations.

5Suddenly my justice will appear,

my salvation is on the way,

and my arm will impose my rule.

The islands also wait in hope for me,

trusting in my arm.


6Lift up your eyes to the heavens

and look upon the earth beneath.

Like smoke, the heavens will vanish,

and the earth wear out like a garment;

its inhabitants will fall like flies.

But my salvation will last forever,

my justice will never fail.

7Hear me, you who know righteousness,

you who have my law in your hearts:

do not fear the reproach of others

or be terrified by their mocking.

8For they will be like garments eaten by moths,

like wool consumed by grubs.

But my justice will last forever

and my salvation for all generations.

Awake, Lord

  • 9Awake, awake, put on strength, O arm of the Lord!

Awake as in ancient days,

in times of generations long ago.

Did you not split Rahab in two

and pierced the dragon through?


10Was it not you who dried up the sea,

the waters of the great deep,

to make a way on the seabed

for the redeemed to pass over?


11The redeemed of the Lord will return

and come to Zion singing with joy,

crowned with everlasting gladness,

while sorrow and mourning flee away.


12I, yes I, am your comforter.

How then can you be afraid of the one who dies,

of humans who fade like grass?

13Are you forgetting the Lord who made you,

who stretched forth the heavens

and laid the foundations of the earth?


Why live every day in constant fear

of the fury of the oppressor,

when he sets out to destroy you?

And where is the fury of the oppressor?

14The captive exiles will soon be free;

they will not die in deep prison,

nor will they want for food.


15I am the Lord, your God,

the one who stirs the sea,

making its waves roar.

My name is the Lord Sabaoth.


16I have put my words in your mouth as I stretched out the heavens. When I laid the earth's foundations, I told Zion: “You are my people, and I have shielded you in the shadow of my hand.”

17Awake, awake!

Arise, O Jerusalem, you who drank at the hand of the Lord the cup of his fury, the cup which made you tremble, that you drank to the last drop!

18Among all the children she bore, she has no one to guide her; among all the sons she reared, she has no one to take her by the hand.

19These double calamities have befallen you—ruin and destruction, famine and sword.

Who Is There To Console You?

20Your children were found helpless at the corner of every street, like wild bulls in a net. They had drunk to the full the fury of the Lord, the wrath of your God.

21Therefore, hear this now, you afflicted one who is drunk but not with wine. 22Thus says the Lord, your Master, your God, who defends his people:

See, I am taking out of your hand the cup of trembling, the cup of my anger—you will drink of it no more. 23But I will put it into the hands of your tormentors, those who ordered you to bow down, that they might trample on you, while you laid your body as a pavement, as a street for them to walk on.


52 | 1Awake, awake!

Put on your strength, O Zion;

put on your glorious garments, O Jerusalem, Holy City.

For never will the uncircumcised

or the unclean enter you again.

2Shake the dust off yourself

and rise up, O Jerusalem.

Loose the bonds from your neck,

O captive Daughter of Zion.

3For thus says the Lord:

You were sold for no amount,

you will be redeemed without money.


4Thus says the Lord God:

In the beginning

my people lived as aliens in Egypt;

then Assyria oppressed them without reason.

5But now, what am I doing here? says the Lord. My people have been carried off for no money, and their masters boast of it; all day long, my name is scorned.

6Therefore, my people will know my name;

Therefore, they will know on that day

that it is I who say: “Here I am!”


  • 7How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those

who bring good news,

who herald peace and happiness,

who proclaim salvation

and announce to Zion: “Your God is King!”

8Together, your watchmen

raise their voices in praise and song;

they see the Lord face to face, returning to Zion.


9Break into shouts of joy,

O ruins of Jerusalem,

for the Lord consoles his people

and redeems Jerusalem.

10The Lord has bared his holy arm

in the eyes of the nations;

all the ends of the earth, in alarm,

will witness God’s salvation.


11Depart, depart from that nation, come out!

Touch nothing unclean.

Purify yourselves, you who bear

all the Lord’s holy vessels.

12Yet not in escape, or fright, will you come out,

you will not leave in headlong flight;

for ahead is the Lord, your vanguard,

and behind, the God of Israel, your rearguard.


The Fourth Song of the Servant:

Through His Punishment, We Are Made Whole

  • 13It is now when my servant will succeed;

 he will be exalted and highly praised.

14Just as many have been horrified

at his disfigured appearance:

 “Is this a man? He does not look like one,”

15so will nations be astounded,

kings will stand speechless,

for they will see something never told,

they will witness something never heard of.


53 | 1Who could believe what we have heard,

and to whom has the Lord revealed his feat?

2Like a root out of the dry ground,

like a sapling, he grew up before us,

with nothing attractive in his appearance,

no beauty, no majesty.


3He was despised and rejected,

a man of sorrows familiar with grief,

a man from whom people hide their faces,

spurned and considered of no account.

4Yet ours were the sorrows he bore,

ours were the sufferings he endured,

although we considered him as one

punished by God, stricken, and brought low.


5Destroyed because of our sins,

he was crushed for our wickedness.

Through his punishment, we are made whole;

by his wounds, we are healed.

6Like sheep we had all gone astray,

each following his own way;

but the Lord laid upon him all our guilt.


7He was harshly treated,

but unresisting and silent, he humbly submitted.

Like a lamb led to the slaughter

or a sheep before the shearer

he did not open his mouth.


8He was taken away to detention and judgment—

what an unthinkable fate!

He was cut off from the land of the living,

stricken for his people’s sin.

9They made his tomb with the wicked,

they put him in the graveyard of the oppressors,

though he had done no violence nor spoken in deceit.


10Yet it was the will of the Lord to crush him with grief.

When he makes himself an offering for sin,

he will have a long life and see his descendants.

Through him, the will of the Lord is done.

11For the anguish he suffered,

he will see the light and obtain perfect knowledge.

My just servant will justify the multitude;

he will bear and take away their guilt.


12Therefore I will give him his portion among the great,

and he will divide the spoils with the strong.

For he surrendered himself to death

and was even counted among the wicked,

bearing the sins of the multitude

and interceding for sinners.

Rejoice, O barren Woman

54 | • 1Rejoice, O barren woman who has not given birth; sing and shout for joy, you who never had children, for more are the children of the rejected woman than the children of the married wife, says the Lord.

2Enlarge the space for your tent, stretch out your hangings, lengthen your ropes, and strengthen your stakes, 3 for you will spread out to the right and to the left; your descendants will take possession of the nations and inhabit abandoned cities.

4Do not be afraid, for you will not be deceived, and do not be ashamed, for you will not be disgraced. You will forget the shame of your youth; no longer will you remember the disgrace of your widowhood.

5For your Maker is to marry you; the Lord Sabaoth is his name. Your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel; he is called God of all the earth.

6For the Lord has called you back as one forsaken and grieved in spirit. Who could abandon his first beloved? says your God.

7 I have abandoned you for a brief moment, but with great tenderness, I will gather my people. 8For a moment, in an outburst of anger, I hid my face from you, but with everlasting love, I have had mercy on you, says the Lord, your Redeemer.

9This is for me like Noah’s waters, when I swore that they would no more flood the earth; so now I swear not to be angry with you and never again to rebuke you. 10The mountains may depart, and the hills be moved, but never will my love depart from you, nor my Covenant of peace be removed, says the Lord whose compassion is for you.

11O afflicted city, lashed by storm and unconsoled, I will set your stones with turquoise, your foundations with sapphires. 12I will crown your wall with agate, crystalizing your gates and ramparts of precious stones.

13All your children will be taught by the Lord, and they will prosper greatly. 14Justice will be your foundation; tyranny and the fear of oppression will never come near you.

15If ever you are attacked, it will not be of my doing; and your attacker will surely fail.

16Look, it is I who created the blacksmith, who fans the burning coals and forges his weapons. But I have also prepared the one who makes them useless.

17No weapon forged against you will succeed, and all who speak against you will be silenced. Such is the lot of the Lord's servants, and such is the right I grant them, says the Lord.

Come To the Water

55 | • 1Come here, all you who are thirsty, come to the water!

All who have no money, come!

Yes, buy and drink wine and milk without money and at no cost.

2Why spend money on what is not food and labor for what does not satisfy? Listen to me, and you will eat well and enjoy the richest of fare.

3Incline your ear and come to me; listen, your soul may live. I will make with you an everlasting Covenant, I will fulfill in you my promises to David.

4See, I have given him for a witness to the nations, a leader and commander of the people. 5Likewise, you will summon a nation unknown to you, and nations that do not know you will hurry to you for the sake of the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, for he has promoted you.


6Seek the Lord while he may be found;

call to him while he is near.

7Let the wicked abandon his way,

let him forsake his thoughts,

let him turn to the Lord, for he will have mercy,

for our God is generous in forgiving.


8For my thoughts are not your thoughts,

my ways are not your ways, says the Lord.

9For as the heavens are above the earth,

so are my ways higher than your ways,

and my thoughts above your thoughts.


10As the rain and the snow come down

from the heavens and do not return

till they have watered the earth,

making it yield seed for the sower

and food for others to eat,

11so is my word that goes forth out of my mouth:

it will not return to me idle,

but it shall accomplish my will,

the purpose for which it has been sent.


12Yes, in joy, you will depart; in peace, you will be led forth: mountains and hills will break into song before you, and trees of the countryside will clap their hands.

13Instead of the thorn bush, the cypress will thrive; instead of briers, the myrtle. This will make the Lord famous and remain as an everlasting witness to him.



The third part of the Book of Isaiah

The Jews have come home, but the miracles announced in Chapters 40–55 of this book have not occurred. A poor community tries to organize itself and solve all kinds of problems resulting from the fact that others have taken their place during the seventy years of exile.

A prophet whose name we do not know witnesses these beginnings. He announces that God comes to take revenge on his enemies, both those within Israel who do not want to give up their sins and those outside. Above all, God comes to save those who return to him, not only the members of the Israelite community but strangers as well. This prophet continues the enthusiastic description of Zion-Jerusalem and the Messiah in his own style: she is God’s beloved, and the wedding feast will be soon. The Messiah will come with the Spirit of the Lord to deliver his Gospel to the poor.

The poems of this prophet are in Chapters 56–66 of the Book of Isaiah, there is a metrical arrangement of the poems with the announcement of the new Zion at the center:


56:1-8          The people of God welcome everyone 66:18-24

56:9-58        Reproaches, warnings and promises                65 and 66:1-17

59:1-4          Confession of sins                                          63:7–64:11

59:15-20      God’s vengeance                                            63:1-6

60                The new Jerusalem                                         62

61                The spirit of the Lord is upon me

God Calls Everyone

56 | • 1This is what the Lord says:

Maintain what is right

and do what is just,

for my salvation is close at hand,

my justice is soon to come.

2Blessed is the mortal who does these things and perseveres in them, who does not defile the Sabbath, and who refrains from evil.

3Let no foreigner say, “Surely the Lord will exclude me from his people.” Neither let the castrated man say, “I have become a mere dry tree.”

4For this is what the Lord says: To the castrated men who keep my Sabbaths, who choose to do what pleases me and remain faithful to my Covenant:

5I will give them in my house and within its walls, a memorial and a name worth more than sons and daughters; I will give them a name that will never die or be forgotten.

6The Lord says to the foreigners who join him, serving him and loving his name, keeping his Sabbath unprofaned and remaining faithful to his Covenant:

7I will bring them to my holy mountain and give them joy in my house of prayer. I will accept on my altar their burnt offerings and sacrifices, for my house will be called a house of prayer for all the nations.

8Thus says the Lord God, who gathers the exiles of Israel: There are others I will gather besides those already gathered.


9All you wild beasts, come and devour, all you beasts of the forests!

10Blind are Israel’s watchmen: they all see nothing. They are dumb watchdogs, they are unable to bark. Lying down and dreaming, they love to slumber.

11Greedy dogs that are never satisfied; shepherds with no discretion; they all turn their own way, every one of them for his own gain.

12“Come, bring wine,” they say, “and let us all get drunk, and tomorrow will be as today, or perhaps even a happier day.”


57 | 1Righteous people perish, and no one cares about it.

The just one is taken off, and no one understands that he is taken away from the calamity that comes, 2he enters into peace.

3But all you children of a witch, come here, you offspring of the whore and the adulterer.

4Who are you mocking?

At whom are you making faces, opening your mouth wide, and sticking out your tongue?

You are children of sin, offspring of deceit and falsehood,

5burning with lust among the bushes,

under spreading branches,

sacrificing your children by the streams,

in the clefts of rocks.

6Your heart is with your idols,

the smooth stones of the wadis to which you have poured out drink offerings

and brought oblations of grain.

Can I Tolerate This?

7You have made your bed upon a high and lofty mountain.

You went up there to offer your sacrifice.

8You have set up your domestic idols

behind your doorposts and your doors.

Deserting me, you have uncovered your bed, climbed into it and spread it wide.

You made a bargain with those

whose bed you enjoy,

and you had intercourse with them.

9With perfumed oil, you made yourself

look your best for Molech;

you sent envoys far afield—

the children you sent to your pagan god through a sacrificial death.

10Although wearied with your misdeeds,

you have never given up;

you have never tired or weakened,

but instead found your strength revived.

11Where had gone your fear of me

that you should lie and disown me,

refuse me a place in your heart

and not remember me?

Have I held my peace so long

that you no longer fear me?

12But now I will tell your merits and deeds, it will not be for your advantage. 13When you cry out in distress, let your idols save you! The wind will blow them all away; a whiff of a breeze will carry them off.

But he who takes refuge in me will take possession of the land, my holy mountain, his inheritance.

There Is No Peace Without Justice

14Then it shall be said:

“Prepare, prepare, open up a way,

remove all obstructions from my people’s way.”

15For thus says the Most High,

he who is enthroned forever,

he whose name is holy:

“I reign exalted and holy

but I am also with him, who is contrite and humble in spirit,

to give the contrite a heart revived

and the humble in spirit a new life.


16For I will not contend forever,

nor will I always be angry,

lest the spirit of man faint before me,

the very breath that I have created.

17His wickedness enraged me for a time,

I smote him and hid my face,

for he, a rebel, wanted to go his own drive.

And I have seen his ways.


18But from now on, I will console,

I will heal and fully comfort him

—all his people who mourn.

19I will bring smiles to their lips. Peace!

Peace to him who is far and to him who is near.

I will indeed heal you,” the Lord says.


20But the wicked are like a turbulent sea

that finds no rest

and whose waters cast up mire and slime.

21“There is no peace,” says my God,

“for the wicked.”

The Kind of Fast that Pleases Me

58 | • 1Cry out aloud for all you are worth;

raise your voice like a trumpet blast;

tell my people of their offenses,

Jacob’s family of their sins.


2Is it true that they seek me

day after day, longing to know my ways,

as a people that does what is right

and has not forsaken the word of its God?


They want to know the just laws

and not to drift away from their God.

3“Why are we fasting,” they complain,

“and you do not even see it?

We are doing penance, and you never notice it.”

Look, on your fast days, you push your trade

 and you oppress your laborers.

4Yes, you fast but end up quarreling,

striking each other with wicked blows.

Fasting as you do

will not make your voice heard on high.


5Is that the kind of fast that pleases me,

just a day to humble oneself?

Is fasting merely bowing down one’s head,

and making use of sackcloth and ashes?

Would you call that fasting,

a day acceptable to the Lord?


6See the fast that pleases me:

breaking the fetters of injustice

and unfastening the thongs of the yoke,

setting the oppressed free

and breaking every yoke.


7Fast by sharing your food with the hungry,

bring to your house the homeless,

clothe the one you see naked

and do not turn away from your own kin.


8Then will your light break forth as the dawn

and your healing comes in a flash.

Your righteousness will be your vanguard,

the glory of the Lord, your rearguard.

9Then you will call, and the Lord will answer,

you will cry, and he will say, I am here.


If you remove from your midst the yoke,

the clenched fist and the wicked word,

10if you share your food with the hungry

and give relief to the oppressed,

then your light will rise in the dark,

your night will be like noon.

11The Lord will guide you always

and give you relief in desert places.

He will strengthen your bones;

he will make you as a watered garden,

like a spring of water

whose waters never fail.

12Your ancient ruins will be rebuilt,

and the age-old foundations will be raised.

You will be called the Breach-mender

and the Restorer of ruined houses.

13If you stop profaning the Sabbath

and doing as you please on the holy day,

if you call the Sabbath a day of delight

and keep sacred the Lord’s holy day,

if you honor it by not going your own way,

not doing as you please

and not speaking with malice,

14then you will find happiness in the Lord,

over the heights you will ride triumphantly,

and feast joyfully on the inheritance of your father Jacob.

The mouth of the Lord has spoken.

Penitential Psalm

59 | 1The Lord’s arm is not too short to save nor his ear too dull to hear.

2It is your sins, rather,

that separates you from God.

It is your iniquities that veil his face,

so that he does not hear you.

3For your hands are blood-stained,

your fingers blotted with crimes;

your lips have spoken lies,

your tongues have uttered deceit.


4No one fights for a right cause;

no one makes a truthful plea.

They all tell lies and rely on vanity;

they conceive mischief and bring forth iniquity.

5They hatch vipers’ eggs

and weave spiders’ webs.

Whoever eats their eggs dies;

and from an egg that is crushed

a venomous snake is hatched.

6Their thread gives useless cloth;

their works are of help to no one.

Their plans are evil plots

executed in deeds of violence.

7Their feet rush to do evil;

they are quick to shed innocent blood.

Their minds are full of wicked thoughts,

leaving in their wake ruin and havoc.

8They do not know the way of peace;

from them no one can expect justice.

They have made their roads tricky and crooked

so that he who follows them is lost or waylaid.


9So, far away from us lies justice,

and beyond reach is righteousness.

We look for light but behold darkness;

we long for brightness but walk in gloom.

10Like the blind we grope for the wall,

like those without eyes we feel our way.

We stumble at noon as at twilight;

we are dead amid our sins.

11We are like bears that growl;

we are like doves that moan.

We look for justice and find none;

we wait for salvation that never comes.

12For our offenses before you are many,

and our sins bear witness against us.

We acknowledge our offenses;

we know all our iniquities.


13Yes, we have betrayed and deceived the Lord,

turning away from following our God.

We have planned violence and rebellion;

we have thought and murmured lies.

14Justice has been withheld,

righteousness stands aloof,

for truth has fallen in the public square

and integrity is not allowed to enter.

15There is no sincerity nor honesty.

The one who turns from evil is despoiled.


  •  The Lord has seen this and is aggrieved

that justice does not exist.

16Appalled at seeing none would intervene,

his own arm brought about the victory,

his justice giving him its support.

17He put on righteousness as a breastplate,

and salvation as a helmet upon his head.

He wrapped himself in garments of vengeance

and put on a mantle of fury.

18To each he will pay his due—

wrath to his enemy, reprisal to his foe.

19Those in the west will hear the name of the Lord;

those in the east will see his glory.

For it will come like a pent-up stream

driven by the breath of the Lord.

20But to Zion he will come as redeemer,

and to those of Jacob who turn from sin.

This is the Lord speaking.


21For my part, this is my Covenant with them, says the Lord. My spirit, which I have poured out on you, and my words, which I have put in your mouth, will never leave you, your children, or your children’s children forever and ever.

The Glory of the Lord Rises Upon You

60 | • 1Arise, shine, for your light has come.

The glory of the Lord rises upon you.

2Night still covers the earth

and gloomy clouds veil the people,

but the Lord now rises

and over you, his glory appears.

3Nations will come to your light

and kings to the brightness of your dawn.


4Lift up your eyes round about and see:

they are all gathered and come to you,

your sons from afar,

your daughters tenderly carried.


5This sight will make your face radiant,

your heart throbbing and full;

the riches of the sea will be turned to you,

the wealth of the nations will come to you.


6A multitude of camels will cover you,

caravans from Midian and Ephah.

Those from Sheba will come,

bringing with them gold and incense,

all singing in praise of the Lord.

7The flocks of Kedar will be gathered for you,

the rams of Nebaioth put at your service:

they are acceptable offerings on my altar

and will enhance the glory of my house.


8Who are these as thick as clouds,

flying like doves to their cote?

9Ah, they are ships, with those of Tarshish in the front,

for the islands now trust in me.

They bear your sons from far away

bringing their gold and silver with them,

for the name of the Lord your God,

for the Holy One of Israel,

for he has glorified you.


10Foreigners will rebuild your walls,

and their kings will attend to you.

For though in anger I have struck you,

in love I will have mercy on you.


11Your gates will forever be open

and never be shut by night or day,

that you may receive the wealth of the nations,

their kings leading them in procession;

(12for the nations and kingdoms that refuse to serve you will perish; they will be destroyed.)

13The glory of Lebanon will come to you,

the pine, the fir and the cypress, too,

to adorn the place of my Sanctuary,

to give glory to the resting place of my feet.

14The sons of those who oppressed you will come bending low;

all who despised you will fall before your feet.

They will call you the City of the Lord,

Zion of the Holy One of Israel.

15Though you have been forsaken, hated and avoided,

I will make of you an everlasting pride,

a joy for all generations.

16You will suck the milk of nations

and be nursed at royal breasts.

You will know that I, the Lord, am your savior,

your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob.

17Instead of bronze, I will bring you gold;

instead of iron, I will bring silver;

instead of wood, bronze;

instead of stones and iron.

Peace will be overseers,

justice your taskmasters.

18Violence will no more be heard in your land,

nor ruin and destruction within your borders.

You will call your walls Salvation

and your gates Praise.

19No more will the sun give you light by day,

nor the moon shine on you by night.

For the Lord will be your everlasting light

and your God will be your glory.

20No more will your sun go down,

never will your moon wane.

For the Lord will be your everlasting light,

and your days of mourning will come to an end.

21Your people will be upright;

forever they will possess the land—

they the shoot of my planting,

the work of my hand—

in them I shall be glorified.

22The least of them will become a clan,

the smallest a mighty nation.

I, the Lord, will do this,

swiftly, in due time.

The Spirit of the Lord Is Upon Me

61 | 1The spirit of the Lord God is upon me,

because the Lord has anointed me

to bring good news to the poor.

He has sent me to bind up broken hearts,

to proclaim liberty to the captives,

freedom to those languishing in prison;

2to announce the year of the Lord’s favor

and the day of vengeance of our God;

to give comfort to all who grieve;

3(to comfort those who mourn in Zion)

and give them a garland instead of ashes,

oil of gladness instead of mourning,

and festal clothes instead of despair.


They will be called oaks of integrity

planted by the Lord to show his glory.

4They will rebuild the ancient ruins

and repair cities laid waste,

left desolate for many generations.

5Strangers will stand to feed your flocks,

foreigners to be your plowmen and vinedressers.

6But you will be named priests of the Lord,

you will be called ministers of our God.

You will feed on the wealth of nations

and bathe in the splendor of their riches.

7Since my people’s shame has been twofold

and disgrace has been their lot,

they will possess a double portion

of inheritance in their land.

I will give them everlasting joy.

8For I, the Lord, love justice,

I hate robbery and oppression;

I will give them their due reward

and make an everlasting Covenant with them.

9Their descendants shall be known among the nations

and their offspring among the people.

All who see them will acknowledge

that they are a race, the Lord has blessed.

10I rejoice greatly in the Lord,

my soul exults for joy in my God,

for he has clothed me in the garments of his salvation,

he has covered me with the robe of his righteousness,

like a bridegroom wearing a garland,

like a bride adorned with jewels.

11For as the earth brings forth its growth,

and as a garden makes seeds spring up,

so will the Lord God make justice and praise

spring up in the sight of all nations.

Your God Will Rejoice in You

62 | 1For Zion’s sake, I will not hold my peace,

for Jerusalem’s sake, I will not keep silent,

until her holiness shines like the dawn

and her salvation flames like a burning torch.

2The nations will see your holiness

and all the kings your glory.

You will be called by a new name

which the mouth of the Lord will reveal.

3You will be a crown of glory

in the hand of the Lord,

a royal diadem in the hand of your God.

4No longer will you be named Forsaken;

no longer will your land be called


but you will be called My Delight

and your land Espoused.

For the Lord delights in you

and will make your land his spouse.

5As a young man marries a virgin,

so will your builder marry you;

and as a bridegroom rejoices in his bride,

so will your God rejoice in you.

He Who Sows Will Reap

6Upon your walls, O Jerusalem, I have stationed watchmen; all the day and throughout the night they will not be silent.

You who call on the Lord, give yourselves no rest; 7and give him no rest either, till he restores Jerusalem and makes of it the pride of the earth.

8The Lord swears by his right hand and by his mighty arm: Never again will I give your grain as food for your enemies, nor will foreigners drink the wine for which you have labored. 9But those who toil will eat the harvest, and praise the Lord, and those working for the vintage shall drink of the wine in the courts of my Sanctuary.

10“Pass through, pass through the gates, prepare the way for the people. Build up, build up the highway, clear it of stones; raise up a standard for the people.”

11For the Lord proclaims to the ends of the earth:

Say to the daughter of Zion, here comes your salvation! The Lord brings the reward of his victory, his booty is carried before him.

12They shall be called the holy people, the redeemed of the Lord; and you shall be called The Sought After, a city no longer abandoned.

Why are your clothes red?

63 | 1Who is this coming from Edom,

majestically arrayed

in crimson garments from Bozrah,

marching in great strength?

“It is I, proclaiming justice,

I who am powerful to save.”


2Why are your clothes red?

Such garments have those who tread the wine press.

3“Alone I have trod the grapes;

not one of my people was with me.

I trampled them in my anger,

I trod them down in my wrath,

their lifeblood spattering my garments,

staining with crimson all my raiment.


4For I had set a day of vengeance

and my year of redemption had come.

5I looked about: there was no one to help.

I was appalled: there was no one to give support.

My own arm, then, brought about the victory,

and my own fury supported me.

6I crushed the people in my anger,

I trampled them down in my wrath,

and on the earth I poured their lifeblood.”

Rend the Heavens and Come Down

  • 7I will sing in praise of the Lord and recall his kindness, according to all that he has done for us, his great goodness to the family of Israel. He has granted us mercy in the abundance of his blessings.

8For he said: “Surely they are my people, children who will not be disloyal.” So he proved himself their Savior 9in all their trials.

It was not a messenger or an angel but he himself who delivered them. Out of his love and mercy, he redeemed them, lifting them up and carrying them throughout the ages.

10Yet they rebelled, giving grief to his holy spirit. So he turned and became their enemy, fighting against them.

11His people then remembered the days of old, the days of Moses. Where is he who brought them out of the sea, the shepherd of his flock?

Where is he who poured out his holy spirit in their midst, 12who sent his own power to accompany Moses, who divided the waters before them, winning for himself eternal renown, 13who made them go through the depths as easily as a horse in the wilderness? 14Like cattle going down into the valley, they did not stumble.

The spirit of the Lord led them to their rest; you guided your people, winning for yourself glorious renown.

15Look down from heaven; look down from your holy and glorious throne. Where are your zeal and strength, the yearning of your heart, and your compassion? How long will you ignore our pain? 16 For you are our Father, whereas Abraham does not know us, nor has Israel any knowledge of us. But you, O Lord, are our Father, from the beginning. You are our redeemer: this is your name.

17Why have you made us stray from your ways? Why have you made our hearts hard so that we do not fear you? Return for the sake of your servants, the tribes of your inheritance.

18Why have irreligious people invaded your Sanctuary? Why have our enemies trampled it down?

19For too long we have become like those you do not rule, like those who do not bear your name.

Oh, that you would rend the heavens and come down! The mountains would quake at your presence.


64 | 1As when fire sets brushwood ablaze and causes water to boil, make the nations know your name and your enemies tremble. 2Let them witness your stunning deeds.

3No one has ever heard or perceived, no eye has ever seen a God besides you who works for those who trust in him.

4You have confounded those who acted righteously and who joyfully kept your ways in mind. But you are angry with our sins, yet conceal them, and we shall be saved.

5All of us have become like the unclean; all our good deeds are like polluted garments; we have all withered like leaves, blown away by our iniquities.

6No one calls upon your name, no one rouses himself to lay hold of you. For you have hidden your face; you have given us up to the power of our evil acts.

7And yet, Lord, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are the work of your hand.

8Do not let your anger go too far, O Lord, or think of our sins forever. See, we all are your people!

9Your holy cities have become a wilderness, Zion has become a wasteland, Jerusalem a desolation.

10Our holy and glorious house, where our ancestors used to pray to you, has been razed to the ground, and all that we treasure lies in ruins.

11Can you still remain unmoved, O Lord, before all this? Will you punish us further with your silence?

God’s Response

65 | • 1I let myself be found by those who did not ask for me; I have been met by those who did not seek me.

I said, “Here I am, here I am,” to a nation who did not call on my name. 2I have stretched out my hands all day to a rebellious people who chose the evil way, following their own wishes.

3These people provoked me to my face, continually, sacrificing in gardens, burning incense on bricks, 4living in tombs and spending nights in dark places; a people who eat the flesh of swine and broth of abominable meat.

5They cry out, “Stay away, do not come near, for I am too sacred to be touched.” Such people and their acts arouse my anger like fire that burns all day.

6Look, all this is written in my book; I will not keep silent till I have settled my account with them 7for their crimes and the crimes of their fathers as well, the Lord says. I will pay them back in full because they burned incense on the mountains and blasphemed against me on the hills.

God Saves and Blesses the Just

8The Lord says: When people find juice in a grape, they say: ‘Do not destroy it, there is a blessing here.’ So will I do with my servants; I will not destroy all of them.

9I will create a new race from Jacob, and they will own the hills of Judah. My chosen people will inherit them, and my servants will dwell there.

10Sharon will be a pasture for flocks, the Valley of Achor a resting place for herds;

they will be for my people who have sought me.

11But as for you who have forsaken the Lord, you who have forgotten my holy mountain, you who spread a table for Fortune and fill cups of mixed wine for Destiny, 12I have destined you to the sword. All of you will kneel for the slaughter.


For I called, and you did not answer;

I spoke, and you did not listen.

Instead, you did what was evil in my sight

and chose that in which I had no delight.

13Therefore, thus says the Lord God:

Look, my servants will eat

but you will go hungry;

my servants will drink

but you will be thirsty;

my servants will rejoice

but you will be disgraced;

14my servants will sing with gladness of heart,

but you will cry with grief in your heart

and wail in anguish of spirit.


15My chosen ones will use the name you will leave behind as a curse, as I strike you dead and give my servants a new name.

16Whoever invokes a blessing in the land will receive the blessing from the God of truth; whoever takes an oath in the land will swear by the God of truth; for past troubles will be forgotten, and I will see them no more.

A New Heaven and a New Earth

  • 17I now create new heavens and a new earth, and the former things will not be remembered or come to mind again.

18Be glad forever and rejoice in what I create; for I create Jerusalem to be a joy and its people to be a delight. 19I will rejoice over Jerusalem and take delight in my people.

The sound of distress and the voice of weeping will not be heard anymore.

20You will no longer know of dead children or of adults who do not live out a lifetime. One who reaches a hundred years will have died a mere youth, but one who fails to reach a hundred will be considered accursed.

21They will build and dwell in houses; they will plant crops and eat fruit. 22No longer will they build houses for others to dwell in; no longer will they plant for others to eat the harvest.

For as the days of a tree will be the days of my people, my chosen ones will long enjoy the work of their hands.

23Their labor will not be in vain, nor will they bear children destined for misfortune, for they will be a people blessed by the Lord, and their descendants with them.

24Before they call, I will have answered; while they are yet speaking, I will have heard.

25The wolf and the lamb will feed together,

the lion will eat straw like the ox,

(but the serpent will feed on dust).

They will not destroy nor do any harm

over all my holy mountain, says the Lord.

True Worship of the Lord

66 | 1Thus says the Lord:

Heaven is my throne, and earth my footstool. What house, then, could you build for me, and what could you offer as my resting place?

2My hands have made all this, and it is all mine, but I am looking for the one who is meek and contrite of heart, who trembles at my word.

3They sacrifice an ox, then they murder a human being. They sacrifice a lamb, then they break a dog’s neck; they bring a cereal offering, then they offer swine’s blood. They burn incense, but they burn it for idols.

Since they have chosen their own ways and taken delight in their dirty idols, 4I will likewise choose afflictions they fear and abhor for them.


For when I called, no one answered,

when I spoke, no one listened.

Instead, they did what was evil in my sight

and chose that in which I had no delight.


5Hear the word of the Lord, you who tremble at his word: Because of my name, your own people hate and reject you, saying, “Let the Lord show his glory, that we may see your joy.”

These mockers will be put to shame. 6Listen, an uproar from the city, a voice from the temple! It is the voice of the Lord avenging and paying back his enemies.

Birth of the New Jerusalem

7Long before being in labor,

she has given birth;

before having birth pangs

she has been delivered of a son.


8Has anyone ever heard of such a thing? Has anyone seen the like of it? How could a land spring forth in one day? How could a nation be formed in a moment?

Yet Zion had scarcely been in travail when she gave birth to her children.

9The Lord says: Do I allow to conceive and yet not to give birth? For I am the one who opens the womb and who closes it.

10“Rejoice for Jerusalem and be glad for her, all you who love her. Be glad with her, rejoice with her, all you who were in grief over her, 11that you may suck of the milk from her comforting breasts, that you may drink deeply from the abundance of her glory.”

12For this is what the Lord says: I will send her peace, overflowing like a river; and the nations’ wealth, rushing like a torrent towards her.

And you will be nursed and carried in her arms and fondled upon her lap.

13As a son comforted by his mother, so will I comfort you. 14At this sight, your heart will rejoice; like grass, your bones will flourish. For it shall be known that the Lord’s hand is with his servant, but his fury is upon his enemy.


15Look, the Lord will come in fire,

his chariots like the whirlwind,

to release his anger with fury

and his threat with flames of fire.

16For by fire will the Lord execute judgment,

and by his sword against all mortals.

Those slain by the Lord will be many.


17As for those who sanctify and purify themselves by going to the gardens and following the priestess in the midst—those who eat the flesh of pigs, reptiles and rats—their deeds and thoughts will suddenly come to an end, says the Lord.

The Pagans Enter the Kingdom of God

  • 18Now I am going to gather the nations of every tongue, and they will witness my glory, 19for I will perform a wonderful thing among them. Then I will send some of their survivors to the nations—Tarshish, Put, Lud, Mosoch, Rosh, Tubal, and Javan—to the distant islands where no one has ever heard of me or seen my glory. They will proclaim my glory among the nations. 20They will bring your kindred from all the nations as an offering to the Lord on horses, in chariots, in litters, on mules, on camels to my holy mountain in Jerusalem, says the Lord, just as the Israelites bring oblations in clean vessels to the house of the Lord. 21Then I will choose priests and Levites even from them, says the Lord.

22The Lord says, “As the new heavens and the new earth that I will make shall endure before me, so will your name and your descendants also endure.”

23From new moon to new moon, from Sabbath to Sabbath, every mortal will come to worship me, says the Lord. 24And on their way out, they will see the corpses of those who rebelled against me. Their worms shall not die, their fire not be quenched, and they will be abhorrent to all.