Job Chapters

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The Traditional Figure of Job


1 | •  1Job, a blameless and upright man who feared God and shunned evil, once lived in the land of Uz. 2He had seven sons and three daughters. 3Owner of seven thousand sheep, three thousand camels, five hundred yoke of oxen, five hundred donkeys, and many servants, he was considered the greatest man among the people of the East.

4His sons used to take turns holding banquets in their homes, and they would invite their three sisters to dine and drink with them. 5After each series of banquets, Job would send for his sons and daughters and have them purified. He would rise early in the morning and offer a holocaust for each of his children, thinking, “Perhaps they have sinned and blasphemed God in their hearts.” This had been quite a routine for Job.

6One day, the heavenly beings came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came with them. 7The Lord asked Satan, “Where have you been?”

Satan answered, “Going up and down the earth, roaming about.”

8The Lord asked again, “Have you noticed my servant Job? No one on earth is as blameless and upright as he, a man who fears God and avoids evil.”

9But Satan returned the question, “Does Job fear God for nothing? 10Have you not built a protective wall around him and his family and all his possessions? You have blessed and prospered him with his livestock all over the land. 11But stretch out your hand and strike where his riches are, and I bet he will curse you to your face.”

12The Lord said to Satan, “Very well, all that he has is in your power. But do not lay a finger upon the man himself.” So Satan left the Lord's presence.

13One day, while his sons and daughters were feasting in their eldest brother's house, 14a messenger came to Job and said, “Your oxen were plowing, and your donkeys were grazing nearby 15when the Sabaeans came and carried them off. They killed the herdsmen. I alone escaped to tell you.”

16While he was still speaking, another messenger came, “God’s fire fell from the sky and burned all your sheep and the shepherds as well. I alone have escaped to tell you.”

17He had hardly finished speaking when another messenger arrived, “Three raiding teams of Chaldeans have killed your servants and carried off your camels. I alone have escaped to tell you.”

18He was still speaking when another messenger came and said to Job, “Your sons and daughters were eating and drinking in the house of their eldest brother 19when suddenly a great wind blew across the desert and struck the house. It collapsed on the young people, and they all died. I alone have escaped to tell you.”

20In grief, Job tore his clothes and shaved his head. Then he fell to the ground and worshiped, 21saying,

“Naked, I came from my mother’s womb,

naked shall I return.

The Lord gave, the Lord has taken away.

Blessed be his name!”

22Despite this calamity, Job did not sin by blaspheming God.


2 | 1Once more, the heavenly beings came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan was with them again. 2The Lord asked Satan, “Where have you been?”

Satan answered, “Going up and down the earth, roaming about.”

3The Lord asked again, “Have you noticed my servant Job? No one on earth is as blameless and upright as he, a man who fears God and avoids evil. He still holds fast to his integrity even if you provoked me to ruin him without cause.”

4Satan replied, “Skin for skin! For his own life, anyone will give everything he owns. 5But lay your hand against his own flesh and bones, and he will curse you to your face.”

6The Lord said to Satan, “Very well, he is in your power. But spare his life.”

7So Satan left the presence of the Lord and afflicted Job with festering sores, from the soles of his feet to the top of his head. 8Job took a potsherd to scrape himself and sat among the ashes.

9His wife asked him, “Do you still hold on to your integrity? Curse God and die!”

10Job replied, “You talk foolishly. If we receive good things from God, why can’t we accept evil from him?” Despite this calamity, Job did not utter a sinful word.



the Poems of Job begin here


  • 11Three of Job’s friends—Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar the Naamathite—heard of the misfortune that came upon him. They set out from their own homes and journeyed together to offer their sympathy and consolation to Job. 12Failing to recognize him from a distance, they wept aloud, tore their garments, and poured dust upon their heads. 13For seven days and seven nights, they sat on the ground beside him. They did not say a word to Job, for they saw how terribly he suffered.


May That Day Perish When I Was Born

3 | •  1At length, it was Job who spoke, cursing the day of his birth. 2This is what he said:


3Cursed be the day I was born,

and the night which whispered:

A boy has been conceived.

4May that day be dark,

may God on high ignore it.

May no light shine upon it.

5May the shadow of death claim it as its own.

May a cloud settle over it;

may blackness obstruct its light.

6Let darkness swallow that night

let it not add to the rest of the year

let it not be included in the month.


7That night—oh, let it be barren,

untouched by shouts of joy.

8Let it be cursed by those who hate the light,

sorcerers who call on the Devil.

9Let its morning stars no longer shine;

let it wait for the light in vain

and never see the first rays of dawn,

10since it did not close the womb

to keep my eyes from seeing doom.


11Why didn’t I die at birth,

or come from the womb without breath?

12Why the knees that received me,

why the breasts that suckled me?

13For then, I should have lain down

asleep and been at rest

14with kings and rulers of the earth

who built for themselves lonely tombs;

15or with princes who had gold to spare

and houses stuffed with silver.

16Why was I not stillborn,

like others who did not see the light of morning?


17There, the trouble of the wicked ceases,

there, the weary find repose.

18There, the prisoners are at ease;

they no longer hear the taskmaster’s voice.

19Great and small fare equally there,

where the slave is free from his master.


20Why is light given to the miserable,

and life to the embittered?

21To those who long for death

more than for hidden treasure?

22They rejoice at the sight of their end,

they are happy upon reaching the grave.

23Why give light to a man whose path has vanished,

whose ways God blocks at every side?

24Instead of bread, I feed on sighs.

My groans are like water poured out.

25For what I fear has come upon me,

what I dread has befallen me.

26I find no rest; I find no ease;

only turmoil, nothing of peace!


No One Is Just Before God

4 | •  1Eliphaz the Temanite spoke next:


2Shall we speak? Do you mind?

For who could remain silent?

3Remember how you have taught many others

and strengthened their feeble hands.

4Your words have supported those who wavered,

have steadied the knees that faltered.

5But when your turn has come, you are discouraged;

as soon as you are struck, you are dismayed.

6Should you not rely on your piety,

and find assurance in your integrity?


7Have you seen a guiltless man perish,

or an upright man done away with?

8As I see it, those who plow evil

or those who sow trouble reap the same.

9By the breath of God, they are swept away;

by the blast of his wrath, they are destroyed.

10The lion may roar and growl; it will fall,

the teeth of its cubs will be broken.

11The lion will die for lack of prey,

and the whelps of its mate will stray.


12I had a secret revelation;

a whisper of it reached my ear.

13Amid thoughts from night visions,

when people are heavily wrapped in slumber,

14I was seized with fear and trembling

that shook me to my very bones.

15A spirit passed over my face,

and the hair of my body stood on end.

16It stopped and stood before my eyes,

but I could not determine what it was.

Silence… and then—a voice was heard:

17“Can a mortal be just in the eyes of God?

Can a man be pure before his Maker?


18If God can put no trust in his servants,

if he can charge his angels with error,

19how much more those who live in houses of clay,

 whose foundation is in the dust,

who are crushed as easily as moths!

20Between dawn and dusk, they perish,

and unheeded, vanish forever.

21Their tent has been unpegged

and they died without knowing why.


5 | 3I have seen a fool taking root when suddenly his household collapsed.

4His children went about without security,

crushed in court without a defender.

5The hungry consumed his harvest

and carried it to a hiding place;

his surplus was taken away,

the thirsty hankered after his wealth.

6For affliction comes not from the earth,

nor does sorrow sprout from the ground;

7humans are those who carry about trouble,

as an eagle in the heights brings down lightning flashes.

2Resentment kills the fool,

and anger slays the simple.

1Call then, but who will answer you?

Who of the Saints will you turn to?


8If I were you, I would appeal to God

and lay before him my case,

9for wonders are past all reckoning,

his miracles beyond all counting.

10He pours rain down on the earth

and sends water upon the fields.

11He sets the lowly on high,

turns grief into joy.

12He wrecks the plans of the crafty

so that their hands achieve no success.

13He traps the clever in their devices

and puts an end to the schemes of the wily.

14Darkness comes upon them in the daytime;

they grope at noon as in the night.

15He rescues the despoiled from the despoiler,

the weak from the hands of the violent.

16Thus, hope comes to the lowly,

and injustice shuts its mouth.


17Blessed is the one whom God corrects;

reject not, therefore, the lessons of the Almighty,

18He cures the wounds he has inflicted;

he strikes, but he also heals.

19From six troubles he will rescue you;

at the seventh, no harm will touch you.

20In famine, he saves you from death;

in war, from the threat of the sword.

21You will be protected from the lash of the tongue

and have no dread of marauding bands.

22You will laugh at destruction and want;

and have no fear of wild animals.

23No more stones in your fields; the soil will serve you,

and wild animals be at peace with you.

24You will find your tent secure,

your household untouched when you come home.

25You will have children in plenty

and descendants like the grass of the hills.

26You will come to the grave at a ripe age,

like a sheaf of grain gathered in season.

27This we have examined and found true.

This we have heard, and you should know.


What Is Man That You Keep Him In Mind

6 | •  1Job replied:

2If only my anguish could be measured

and my misery put on the scales;

3they would outweigh the sands of the seashore!

It is for this that I speak impetuously.

4Pierced by the arrows of the Almighty,

my spirit absorbs their poison;

my heart fails before the terrors of God.

5Does a wild donkey bray when it has fodder?

Does an ox bellow when it has grass?

6What taste would food have without salt?

What flavor is there in the white of an egg?

7So everything is tasteless for me,

I am bored with my bread.


8Would that I get my request,

that God grant me what I want—

9that he would decide to crush me,

let loose his hand and strike me down!

10Then this at least would comfort me,

my only joy in merciless dread,

that I have not cursed the will of the Holy One.

11Will I be able to go on hoping,

what expectation to keep on waiting?

12Have I the strength of stone,

and is my flesh of bronze?

13There is no one to help me,

all aid has departed from me.

14Friends without compassion

made me lose the fear of the Almighty.

15My brothers have been fickle,

like the flowing of seasonal waters.

16They were but melted ice

running from under the snow.

17But summer comes, and the river dries,

under the blazing sun, no water is left.

18Because of this, caravans get lost,

go to wastelands, and perish.

19The merchants of Tema search for the brooks,

the travelers of Sheba look for them.

20In vain, they expected,

they are frustrated upon arriving there.


21Now you, too are unable to help me;

you see horror and draw back in fear.

22Have I asked you to give me anything?

Did I say, “Pay a ransom for me,

23deliver me from the enemy

or rescue me from a tyrant?”

24Teach me, and I will keep silent;

show me where I have been wrong.

25Honest words I must not resent,

but what have your arguments shown?

26Do you mean to scorn my words

or throw to the wind a cry of despair?

27Would you cast lots for the orphan

and bargain over your friend?

28But now, give me your attention;

surely, I will not lie to your face.

29Relent, and grant me justice;

reconsider, my case has not yet been tried.

30Is there insincerity on my tongue?

Have I misunderstood misery?


7 | 1Man’s life on earth is a thankless job, his days are those of a mercenary.

2Like a slave, he longs for the shade of evening,

like a hireling waiting for his wages.

3Thus, I am allotted months of boredom and nights of grief and misery.

4In bed, I say, “When shall the daybreak?”

On rising, I think, “When shall evening come?”

and I toss restlessly till dawn.

5My body is full of worms and scabs;

my skin festers with its boils and cracks.

6My days pass swifter than a weaver’s shuttle,

heading without hope to their end.

7My life is like wind, you well know it,

O God, never will I see happiness again.

8The eye that saw me will see me no more;

when you look for me, I shall have gone.

9As a cloud dissolves and vanishes,

so he who goes to the grave never returns.

10He will never come back to his house;

or be seen by his household.


11So I will not restrain my words,

I will speak out in anguish;

and complain with an embittered soul,

12“Am I the sea or a monster of the deep,

that you keep me under watch?”

13When I think my bed will comfort me

and my couch will soothe my pain,

14then you frighten me with dreams

and terrify me with visions;

15I would prefer death by strangling

rather than such a trial.

16See, I am dying, never to live again.

Leave me alone; I am finished.

17What is man that you make much of him,

that you give him so much attention,

18that every morning, you examine him

and check him all the time?

19Will you never take your eyes off me

and give me respite to swallow my spittle?

20Suppose I sinned; what has it done to you,

O keeper of humans?

Why choose me as your target?

Have I become a burden to you?

21Why not pardon my sin

and take away my guilt?

For in the dust I will soon lie down;

and should you seek me I shall then be gone.


Does God Pervert Judgment?

8 | 1Bildad the Shuhite spoke:

2How long will you say such things?

Your words are long-winded blustering.

3Does God pervert judgment?

Does the Almighty distort justice?

4If your children did him wrong,

he has made them pay for their sins.

5But if you will have recourse to God

and plead with the Almighty,

6if you are faultless and righteous,

even now, he will care for you

and restore you to your rightful place.

7And your prosperity will be such

as to make you forget former times.

8Inquire of the past generations

and learn from their ancestors’ experiences;

9for born but yesterday, we know nothing

and our days on earth are but a shadow.

10They will correct and teach you

with words that come from the heart.


11Can papyrus thrive without a marsh?

Can reeds flourish without water?

12Even if still growing and uncut,

they wither more quickly than any plant.

13Such is the end of those who forget God;

the hope of the godless perishes.

14His trust is hanging by a thread;

a spider’s web is what he relies on.

15He leans on his house, but it does not stand;

he clings to it, but it crumbles.

16He is sturdy under the sun,

spreading its shoots in the garden,

17its roots entwined around the rocks,

holding fast to each stone.

18But when uprooted, the place rejects it:

“I have never known you.”

19And there it lies rotting by the road,

while other plants grow in its place.


20Indeed, God does not reject the blameless,

nor lend his hand to the evildoer.

21He will again fill your mouth with laughter

and your lips with joyful shouts.

22Your enemies will be confused,

and the tent of the wicked will disappear.


I Cannot Argue With You, Nevertheless…

9 | •  1Then Job answered:


2Very well, I know that it is so.

But how can a mortal be just before God?

3If one were to contend with him,

not once in a thousand times would he answer.

4His power is vast, his wisdom profound.

Who has resisted him and come out unharmed?


5He moves mountains before they are aware;

he overturns them in his rage.

6He makes the earth tremble

and its pillars quake.

7He commands the sun, and it does not shine;

he seals off the light of the stars.

8He alone stretches out the skies

and treads on the waves of the seas.

9He made the Bear and Orion,

the Pleiades and every constellation.

10His wonders are past all reckoning,

his miracles beyond all counting.


11He passes by, but I do not see him;

he moves on, but I do not notice him.

12If he snatches away, who can stop him?

Who can say to him, “What are you doing?”

13God does not turn back when angered;

before him, Rahab’s cohorts cowered.

14How, then, can I answer him

and find words to argue with him?

15If he does not answer when I am right,

shall I plead with my judge for mercy?


16Even if I appealed and he answered,

I do not believe that he would have heard.

17He who crushes me for a trifle

and multiplies my hurt for no reason.

18He does not give me time to breathe

but fills me with grief without pause.


19If it is a contest of strength, he is mighty.

If a matter of justice, who will summon him?

20If I were innocent, my own mouth would condemn me;

if blameless, it would pronounce me guilty.

21But am I innocent, after all? I do not know,

and so I find my life despicable.


22It is all the same! And this I dare say:

both blameless and wicked—he destroys.

23When disaster brings sudden death,

he mocks the despair of the innocent.

24When a nation falls into a tyrant’s hand,

it is he who makes the judges blind.

But if it is not he—who else then?


25Swifter than a runner are my days;

without a shred of joy, they fly away.

26They skim along like reed canoes

or like eagles swooping on their prey.

27If I resolve to forget my affliction,

to smile and change my expression,

28my trials make me fear

for I know I shall be held accountable.

29In any case, if I am to be condemned,

why should I bother in vain?

30If I washed my body with snow

and cleansed my hands with soap,

31you would plunge me into the dung pit,

and my very clothes would abhor me.

32He is not a man like me, that I might say,

“let us go to court together.”

33Would that there were an arbiter between us,

who could lay his hand upon both of us.

34He would remove from me the rod of God

and his terrors, which frighten me.

35But it is not so. Then I will speak

to myself alone without fear.


You Hunt Me Like a Lion

10 | 1Since I loathe my life,

I shall pour forth my complaint;

I shall speak of my soul’s torment.

2I shall say to God: Do not condemn me,

but tell me, what is your quarrel with me?

3Would it be good for you to oppress me,

to spurn the work of your hands

and favor the designs of the wicked?

4Have you human eyes?

Do you see as man sees?

5Are your days as the days of man,

or your years as a mortal’s lifetime?

6Why do you seek guilt in me

and search for my faults?

7You know I have not sinned,

but who can rescue me from your hand?


8You have formed and made me.

Will you then turn and destroy me?

9Remember that you molded me from clay.

Will you turn me to dust again?

10Did you not pour me out like milk

and curdle me like cheese?

11You wrapped me up in skin and flesh,

knit me together with bones and sinews.

12In your goodness, you gave me life

and carefully watched my breathing.


13Yet this is what you hid in your heart,

 I know what was on your mind:

14You wanted to see if I sinned

and not let my fault be forgiven.

15If I am guilty—alas for me!

If innocent—I dare not lift my head,

humbled and shamed in my affliction.

16Exhausted, you hunt me like a lion,

you want to prove that you are stronger.

17You renew your attack on me;

you intensify your rage,

wave upon wave, your forces assail me.


18Why did you bring me out of the womb?

I wish I had died unseen,

19a being that had not been—

carried from the womb directly to the tomb.

20Are not my days almost over?

Turn away; leave me a while to recover

21before I go to the place of no return,

to the land of gloom and shadow,

22to the land of chaos and deepest night,

where darkness is the only light.


The Discourse of Zophar

11 | 1Zophar the Naamithite spoke: 2Must these words go unanswered?

Must you be right for talking so much?

3Will your prattle keep us silent?

Will no one answer your mocking?

4You say to God that your way is right,

that you are clean in his sight.

5How I wish that God would speak

and open his lips against you,

6to show you the secrets of wisdom

which puts intelligence to shame,

then you would know

that God is recalling your sins.

7Can you fathom the mysteries of God,

probe the extent of his perfection?

8It is higher than heaven—

what can you do?

Deeper than the world of death—

what can you know?

9Its measure is wider than the earth,

broader than the sea.

10Who can stop him when he passes,

when he imprisons and calls to judgment?

11He sees evil; he recognizes deceit.

Will he not then take note of it?

12So stupid people learn to be wise

as wild donkeys become tame.


13If you set your heart aright

and stretch out your hands to him,

14if you wash your hands of sin

and allow no evil in your tent,

15you will then raise your face in honor;

having no fear, you will feel secure.

16You will forget your suffering

and recall it only as waters gone by.

17Your life will be brighter than noonday

and its darkness like the morning.

18You will be comforted, for there is hope;

you will be protected when you sleep.

19You will lie down with no one to fear;

many will come to court in your favor.

20But the eyes of the wicked will fail;

they will lose all way of escape,

their one hope—that death will come.


Will You Defend God With Lies?

12 | •  1Then Job answered:

2No doubt you are the people’s voice;

when you die, wisdom dies with you!

3But I have a mind as well as you,

I know all that you have said.

4To my friends, I am a laughingstock

when I call on God, who does not answer;

the just and blameless man

is made fun of.

5“Contempt for the unfortunate,” so think the prosperous,

“a blow for those who are staggering.”

6Yet the robbers’ tents are undisturbed,

those who provoke God are in peace,

those who make a god of their strength.

7But ask the beasts to teach you,

the birds of the air to tell you,

8the plants of the earth to instruct you,

the fish of the sea to inform you.

9Who among them does not understand

that behind all this is God’s hand?

10He holds the life of every creature

and the breath of humans.

11The ear surely can test the words

as the tongue tastes food;

12wisdom is found in the old,

and understanding in great age;


13in God, however, are wisdom and power;

his are counsel and understanding.

14What he tears down, none can rebuild;

the one he imprisons, none can release.

15If he withholds water, there is drought;

if he lets it loose, there is flood.

16In him are strength and perception;

deceived and deceiver are in his power.

17He leads counselors away stripped

and makes fools of judges.

18He loosens the belt of kings

and ties a loincloth about their waist.

19He leads priests away, barefoot,

and overthrows those in power.

20He compels advisers to keep silent

and strips elders of their discernment.

21He puts princes to shame;

he unties the girdle of the strong.

22(He uncovers the gloomy recesses

and brings the deep darkness to light.)

23He makes a nation rise and fall,

a people to grow and to dwindle.

24He deprives leaders of their judgment,

leaving them to roam in a trackless waste.

25Without light, they grope in the dark

and stagger like drunkards.


13 | •  1My eyes have seen all this,

my ears have heard and understood.

2What you know, I also know;

I am not inferior to you.

3But I would like to speak to the Almighty,

I want to plead my case with God.


4You are glossing over the problem

and offering false remedies.

5If only you would keep silent,

that would at least be wisdom.

6Hear now my argument;

listen to my defense.


7Will you speak falsely for God?

Will you defend him with false inventions?

8Will you side with him

and advocate on his behalf?

9What if he examines you?

Could he be deceived as people are?

10He will rebuke you for sure

if in secret you show partiality.

11You will be terrified by his majesty,

and you will be in dread of him.

12Heaps of ashes are your maxims;

mounds of clay are your defenses.


13So keep silent and let me speak;

this will be at my own risk.

14I am putting myself in jeopardy

and gambling for my life.

15Though he may slay me, I have no hope;

but I will still argue with him;

16and this boldness might even save me

for godless do not dare draw near him.

17Carefully listen to my words,

give my case a hearing.


18I will proceed in due form

believing that I am guiltless.

19If anyone makes good his charges,

I am ready to be silenced and die.

20Only grant me these two things, O God,

and from you, I will not hide:

21Withdraw your hand far from me,

and do not frighten me with your terrors.

22Summon me, and I will respond;

or let me speak and then have your reply.


23What are my faults, what are my sins?

Make them all known to me.

24Why hide your face from me

and consider me your enemy?

25Why torment a wind-blown leaf

or pursue a withered straw?

26But you search for accusations

and you recall the sins of my youth.

27You shackle my feet,

keep watch on all my paths

and mark out my footsteps.


The Man Born of Woman Has a Short Life

14 | •  1Man born of woman

has a short life full of sorrow.

2Like a flower he blossoms and withers;

transient and fleeting as a shadow.

13 28He falls apart like worm-eaten wood,

like cloth devoured by the moths.

3Is he the one you look on

and bring before you for judgment?

4Who can bring the clean from the unclean?

No one!


5Since his days are measured

and you have decreed the number of his months,

set him bounds he cannot pass,

6then leave him alone. Turn away from him

till he completes his day like a hireling.

7There is hope for a tree:

if cut down, it will sprout again,

its new shoots will still appear.

8Though its roots grow old in the ground

and its stump withers in the soil,

9at the scent of water, it will bud

and put forth shoots like a young plant.


10But when man is cut down, he comes undone;

he breathes his last—where will he be?

11The waters of the sea may disappear,

rivers drain away,

12but the one who lies down will not rise again;

the heavens will vanish before he wakes,

before he rises from his sleep.


  • 13If only you would hide me in the grave

and shelter me till your wrath is past!

If only you would set a time for me

and then remember me!

14If you die, will you live again?

All the days of my service

I would wait for my release.

15You would call and I would answer;

you would long for the work of your hands again.

16Now you watch my every step,

but then you would stop counting my sins.

17My offenses would be sealed in a bag,

and you would do away with my guilt.


18But as mountains erode and crumble,

as rock is moved from its place,

19as waters wear away stones

and floods wash away the soil,

so you destroy the hope of man.

20You crush him once for all, and he is gone;

you change his appearance and send him away.

21If his children are honored, he does not know it;

if brought low, he does not see it.

22Only the pain of his own body does he feel;

only for himself does he mourn.


Another Discourse of Eliphaz

15 | 1Eliphaz the Temanite spoke:

2Should a wise man answer with airy notions,

puff himself up with senseless opinions?

3Should he argue in empty talk,

in meaningless words?

4You are undermining piety

and meditation in God’s presence.

5Your iniquity instructs your mouth,

and you talk like the crafty.

6Your own mouth condemns you,

your own lips, not mine.

7Are you mankind’s firstborn?

Were you brought forth before the hills?

8Are you privy to God’s counsels?

Do you alone possess wisdom?

9What knowledge have you that we do not have?

What do you understand that is obscure to us?

10The gray-haired and the aged are among us,

men older than your father.

11Are God’s consolations too small for you,

and the words were spoken gently to you?

12Why does your heart carry you away,

why do your eyes flash

13when you turn your wrath against God

and utter such words as these?

14What is man to claim innocence,

the child of woman to be cleared of guilt?

15If God puts no trust in his holy ones,

and (the) heavens are not clean in his eyes,

16how much less man who is vile and corrupt,

who drinks evil as if it were water!


17Listen, and I will explain;

I will tell you of my experience

18and of the sages’ teachings

passed on to them by their fathers,

19to whom alone the land was given

when no foreigner moved among them.


20The wicked are in torment all their days.

During the years allotted to the tyrant

21his ears are filled with terrifying sounds,

his peace shattered by the attack of marauders.

22He despairs of escaping the darkness

and sees himself given to the sword,

23then left as a prey for vultures,

he knows his destruction is at hand.

24The hour of darkness fills him with dread,

as distress and anguish close in on him.

25But look: he challenged God,

he raised his hand against the Almighty,

26charging stubbornly against him

behind a thick, sturdy shield.


27His face had grown full and fat,

his thighs bulged with flesh.

28He would dwell in ruined cities,

in deserted and crumbling houses.

29He will not prosper or take root;

he will not escape from darkness;

30a flame will wither his shoots;

the wind will carry off his blossom.

31Let him not trust in greatness

for he will get nothing in return.

32He will be paid in full before his time,

and his branches will never again be green.

33Like a vine, he will be stripped of unripe grapes;

like the olive, he will shed his blossoms.

34For the breed of the godless will be barren,

and fire will consume the tents of extortioners.

35Who conceives mischief will bring forth evil,

deceit will spring from his own womb.


Where Then Can My Hope Be?

16 | •  1Then Job answered:

2I have heard many such things.

What miserable comforters you are!

3When will your airy words end?

What ails you and keeps you arguing?

4I too could talk as you do,

if you were in my place;

I could declaim over you

and shake my head at you.

5I would give you strength,

and comfort you with words.


6Yet if I talk, my suffering is not eased,

if I refrain, it does not go far from me.

7I am upset with such ill will;

an evil band 8takes hold of me.

They stand to testify against me;

and answer me with slanders.

9They assail me with fury

and gnash their teeth at me;

my enemies lord it over me.

10With open mouths they jeer at me;

they strike my cheek, and together

they mass themselves against me.

11God has given me over to sinners

and cast me into the clutches of the wicked.

12All was well until he shattered me,

but he seized me and dashed me to pieces.

Having set me up for a target,

13he had his arrows pointed at me,

striking from every direction,

piercing my sides without pity,

spilling my gall on the ground.

14Like a warrior he bears down on me,

thrusting me unceasingly.

15I have fastened sackcloth over my skin

and buried my brow in the dust.

16My face is red with weeping,

deep shadows ring my eyes;

17yet my hands are free of violence,

and my prayer sincere.


18O earth, do not cover my blood;

let not my cry come to rest!

19Even now, my witness is in heaven

and my defender is on high.

20Now my prayer has gone up to God

as I poured out my tears before him.

21Would that one could discuss with God

as he does with his fellows.

22My years are numbered, and soon

I will take the road of no return.


17 | 1My spirit is broken,

my days are over

and the grave awaits me.

2Mockers surround me;

my eyes grow dim with nights of bitterness.

3Sponsor me, O God,

since no one will support me.

4You have closed their minds

so they will not dare.

5Who will help a friend when his children are in need?

6I have been made everybody’s byword,

a man in whose face people spit.

7My eyes have grown dim with grief,

my frame shrunken to a shadow.

8At this, the godly are appalled,

and the guiltless rail against the wicked.

9The righteous feel at ease

and those with clean hands are strengthened.

10But come on again, all of you;

I will not find a single sage among you.

11My days are ended, my plans shattered,

and so my heart desires

12the night when it is day,

the coming of light as soon as it darkens.

13Where is my hope? The grave is my home,

in the darkness, I spread out my bed,

14I must call corruption “my father,”

and the worm “my mother” or “my sister.”

15What can I wait for,

and who will see any hope for me?

16Will it go down to the bars of death,

shall we descend together into the dust?


18 | 1Bildad the Shuhite replied:

2When will your empty words end?

Listen, and then we can talk.

3Why do you regard us like beasts?

Are we stupid in your sight?

4You who tear yourself in your wrath,

must the earth be lost on your account

the rocks be moved out of their place?


5Surely the evil man’s lamp is snuffed out;

his fire stops burning.

6The light dims in his tent;

the lamp shining on him goes out.

7His vigorous steps weaken;

his own schemes make him stumble.

8His feet take him to a net

or lead him into a pitfall.

9A trap seizes him by the heel;

a snare lays hold of him.

10Hidden in the ground is a noose for him;

pitfalls await him along the way.


11Terrors assail him on every side;

they harry him at every step.

12Hungering among his goods,

doom awaits him if he falls.

13Sickness eats his skin;

death’s firstborn devours his limbs.

14Torn from the security of his tent,

he is marched off to the king of terrors,

15His tent is no longer his:

take it! Brimstone is scattered over his field.

16Dried up below are his roots;

withered above are his branches.

17His memory perishes in the land,

his name is forgotten on the earth.


18From light he is driven into darkness;

he is banished from the world.

19He has no descendants among his people,

no survivor where he once lived.

20All in the West are appalled at his fate;

those of the east are seized with fright.

21Such is the lot of the wicked;

such is the place of one who knows not God.


19 | 1Job answered:

2How long will you vex me,

crush me with your words?

3Ten times now, you have reviled me,

you have attacked me shamelessly.

4If indeed I am at fault,

I alone am concerned with it.

5If you want to gloat over me

and use my humiliation as an argument,

6know then that God has treated me unfairly

and surrounded me with torment.


7Though I cry injustice, I am not heard;

Though I called for help, it was in vain.

8He has blocked my way to prevent me from passing;

he has shrouded my path and made it dark.

9He has stripped me of honor

and removed the crown from my head.

10On every side, he tears me down

and uproots my hope till it is gone.

11He directs his anger against me

and counts me as his enemy.

12Against me, his troops build a siege ramp,

and around my tent, they encamp.


In My flesh, I Shall See God

  • 13He has distanced me from my brothers,

completely estranged me from my friends.

14My kinsfolk and companions have gone away;

my guests have forsaken me,

15my maidservants count me as an alien

as if they had never known me

16I summon my servant, but he does not answer,

even when I plead with him.

17To my wife my breath is offensive;

to my own brothers, I am loathsome.

18Even little children ridicule me:

Come! Let us make fun of him!

19All my intimate friends detest me;

those I love have turned against me.

20I have become skin and bone

and have escaped with only my gums.


21Have pity, my friends, have pity,

for God’s hand has struck me!

22Why do you hound me as God does?

Will you never have enough of my flesh?

23Oh, that my words were written,

or recorded on bronze

24with an iron tool, a chisel

or engraved forever on the rock!


25For I know that my Redeemer lives,

and he, the last, will take his stand on earth.

26I will be there behind my skin,

and in my flesh, I shall see God.

27With my own eyes, I shall see him—

I and not another. How my heart yearns!


28If you say, “We will pursue him!

let us find a charge against him,”

29be afraid of the sword yourselves;

when Wrath is inflamed against wrong,

you will know there is judgment.


Zophar: Evil Will Come To an End

20 | 1Zophar of Naamath spoke next:

2My troubled thoughts move me to reply

because I feel impatient.

3I hear a rebuke which puts me to shame,

and I am inspired to give an answer.

4You know how it has been from of old

since man was placed on earth,

5that the triumph of the wicked is short

and the joy of the godless is but a moment.

6Though his pride reaches to the heavens

and his head touches the clouds,

7he vanishes like a phantom;

those who have seen him ask where he is.

8Like a dream, he takes flight,

like a night vision.

9The eye that met him sees him no more;

neither shall his dwelling shelter him again.

11His youthful frame that was full of vigor

shall at last lie with him in the dust.

12Evil was sweet in his mouth,

and he hid it under his tongue,

13He liked it and did not let it go

and still kept it within his mouth,

14yet his food turns sour

and becomes venom in his stomach.

15He vomits the riches he swallowed;

God compels his belly to belch it out.

16Because he sucked the poison of a viper,

he will be killed by the fangs of an adder.

17He will no longer see the streams of oil,

no rivers of honey and milk.

18He gives back the fruit of his toil: he could not swallow it.

19For he has oppressed the poor

and seized houses instead of building them.

10His children must make amends to his victims;

his own hands must pay back his riches.

20For his greed had no limit,

and no one could escape his appetite;

21he devoured them, one and all.

This is why his prosperity will not endure.

22In the midst of plenty, distress seizes him,

the full force of misery falls upon him.

23When his belly is filled, God unloads his wrath upon him

and pelts him with his arrows.

24While he flees from an iron weapon,

the bronze bow strikes him down.

25A dart sticks in his back,

in his liver an arrow.

He is in the grip of a terrible fear;

26total darkness has been stored for him,

a fire which he did not kindle devours him

and consumes whatever was left in his tent.

27The heavens will expose his guilt;

the earth will rise up against him.

28A flood will sweep away his house,

the waters of God’s wrath.

29Such is the fate of the wicked—

their lot, which comes from God.


21 | 1Job replied:

2Listen at least to my words,

enough of your consolation.

3Bear with me while I speak;

and then you can mock.

4Is my grudge against humans?

Why then should I not be impatient?

5Look at me and be appalled;

cover your mouth for a moment.

6When I think about this, I am troubled

and trembling seizes my body.


Job: It’s Well For the Wicked!

  • 7Why do the wicked live,

increase in age and in power?

8Their descendants flourish in their sight,

their kinsfolk and their offspring.

9Their homes are safe, free from fear;

they do not feel the scourge of God.

10Their bulls breed without fail;

their cows calve and do not miscarry.

11They have children as they have lambs

their little ones dance like deer.

12They sing to the rhythm of timbrel and harp;

make merry to the sound of the flute.

13They live out their days in happiness

and go down to Sheol in peace.


14Yet they said to God, “Go away!

We have no desire to learn your way.

15Who is the Almighty that we should serve him?

What will it profit us if we pray to him?”

16Though they planned everything far from God

prosperity is in their hands.

17How often is their lamp put out?

How often does calamity befall them?

How often does God’s anger wipe them out?

18How often are they like straw before the wind,

like chaff which the storm sweeps away?

19You say, “His children will pay for his sin.”

Let the man himself pay for his iniquity;

20let his own eyes see his misfortune;

let him drink the wrath of the Almighty!

21What does he care about his family when he dies,

when his months have been cut off?


22Can anyone teach God knowledge,

since he judges even the highest?

23One man dies in full vigor,

at ease and completely secure;

24full and nourished is his figure,

rich in marrow are his bones.

25Another dies in bitterness,

never having enjoyed happiness.

26But in the dust, they lie down

side by side, covered with worms.


27I know your thoughts fully

and your schemes about me.

28For you say, “Where is the house of the great prince?

Where is the tent of the wicked?”

29Have you never asked the travelers,

or have you misunderstood what they say—

30that the evil man is spared from calamity,

delivered from the day of God’s fury?

31Who will denounce his conduct to his face

or pay him back for what he has done?

32When people carry him to the grave,

his image is seen from his tomb.

33The soft earth is sweet to him;

behind him, you see everyone following

and before him, a countless horde.

34How, then, can you console me with your nonsense?

Pure falsehood is all you have said.


Eliphaz: Can we be of any use to God?

22 | 1Eliphaz the Temanite replied:

2Can we be of any use to God?

Only he, a wise man, benefits.


  • 3What would the Almighty gain if you were upright?

What profit if you were blameless in your ways?

4Is it for your piety that he reproves

and brings you to judgment?

5Is it not for your great wickedness,

for there is no end to your sins?

6Without any need, you kept your kinsmen’s goods

and stripped them naked of their clothing.

7You denied drink to the thirsty

and withheld bread from the hungry.

8The powerful control the land

and allot it to their cronies.

9You have sent widows away empty-handed

and crushed the arms of orphans.

10No wonder snares are round about you

and sudden terror makes you dismayed,

11you are blinded by darkness

and covered by flood.


12Is not God above the heavens?

See how lofty are the highest stars.

13Yet you say, “What does God know?

Can he see through deep shadows?

14He cannot see for thick clouds veil him

as he walks upon the vault of the heavens.”

15Will you keep to the old path

that the wicked have trod?

16In a moment, they were carried off

and their foundation washed away.

17They said to God, “Away from us!

What can the Almighty do to us?”

18He had filled their houses with good things,

but the thoughts of the wicked were far from him.

19The righteous see their ruin and are glad,

the innocent laughs at them and says,

20“Now the great have come to nothing,

fire has devoured their heritage.”


21Come to terms with God and make peace;

in this way, you will prosper.

22Listen to his teaching

and keep his words in your heart.

23If you return humbled to the Almighty,

if you drive injustice from your tent,

24then you will look on gold as dust,

gold of Ophir as pebbles from a stream.

25For the Almighty will be your gold

and your sparkling silver.

26For then you will delight in the Almighty

and lift up your face to God.

27You will pray to him, and he will hear,

and you will fulfill your vows.

28You will succeed in your decision,

and light will shine upon your way.

29For God brings down the proud

and saves the downcast.

30He who rescues the innocent,

will rescue you too if your hands are clean.


23 | •  1Job answered and said:

2Again today, my complaint is rebellious;

I groan under his heavy hand.

3If only I knew where to find him,

if only I could go to his dwelling,

4I would bring my case before him

and lay out in full my arguments.

5I would find out his answer

and understand what he would say.

6Would he need great power to debate with me?

No! he needs only to listen!

7He would know the complainant to be an upright man

and I would be free of my judge.

8But if I go eastward, he is not there;

if I go westward, I still cannot see him.

9Seeking him in the north, I do not find him;

looking for him in the south, he is not there.

10But he knows my every step,

and I will come out as gold in his test.

11I have always walked along his path;

I have kept his ways and not turned aside.


12I have not departed from his commands,

instead, I have treasured his words.

13But who can oppose once he has decided?

He does what he desires.

14He will carry out his decree

and other plans laid out for me.

15That is why I am terrified

when I think of all this.

16God has made me lose courage;

the Almighty has made me afraid,

17but I am not silenced by darkness,

by the thick gloom that covers my face.


Why Does God Not Ask?

24 | •  1Why is what happens hidden from God?

Why do his faithful never see his justice?

2The wicked remove landmarks

and steal both flocks and shepherds.

3They seize the orphan’s ass

and for a pledge, take the widow’s ox.

4The needy stay far from the road,

the poor go into hiding.

5Like wild asses in the wasteland,

they look for food;

the poor toil in the night,

there is no food for their children!

6They gather fodder in the fields,

work in the vineyards of the wicked.

7Destitute, they lie down naked,

shivering in the freezing cold.

8Drenched with mountain rains,

they hug the rocks for lack of shelter.


9The fatherless child is snatched from the breast,

the infant of the poor seized for a debt.

10Without clothes, they go naked,

starving as they carry the sheaves.

11Between the millstones, they crush olives;

they tread the winepress but suffer thirst.

12In the city, the dying groan,

and the wounded cry out for help

but God pays no attention.


13Many rebel against the light,

they do not know its way or stay in its path.


  • 14When dawn breaks, the murderer rises

to kill the poor and the helpless.

15The adulterer waits for dusk,

thinking that no eye watches him.

At night the thief walks about

and puts a mask over his face,

16ready to break into the houses

that he chose during the day.

17Morning is their darkest hour

the time for them to fear.

18The wicked are foam on the face of the waters;

their portion of the land is cursed,

and no one goes to their vineyards.

19As drought and heat snap up the thawed snow,

so Sheol swallows up the sinner,

20and the womb that formed him forgets him.

Evil men are no longer remembered,

like a fallen tree, they are broken.

21They preyed on the barren, childless woman

and showed no kindness to the widow.

22But the powerful stands against

them and drags away the mighty.

23He may let them feel secure,

but his eyes are upon their ways.

24They are momentarily exalted and then gone;

they wither and fade like a weed.

They are cut off like heads of grain.

25If this is not so, who can prove me wrong

and reduce my words to nothing?


25 | •  1Then Bildad the Shuhite


2His is dominion and awesome power,

he who establishes peace in the heavens.

3Can his armies be numbered?

Upon whom does his light not rise?

4How can man be righteous before God?

How can one born of woman be pure?

5Even the moon is not bright

nor are the stars pure in his sight—

6how much less man—this insect,

the human—a worm?


26 | •  5The shades of the deep are terrified,

the waters and their inhabitants tremble.

6Sheol is naked before God;

destruction lies uncovered.

7Over the void, he spreads out the northern skies;

over emptiness, he suspends the earth.

8He wraps up the waters in his clouds,

yet the clouds do not burst their seams.

9He covers the face of the moon

and spreads his clouds over it.

10On the face of the waters, he draws the horizon

as a boundary between light and darkness.

11The pillars of the heavens quake,

stunned at his thunderous rebuke.

12By his power, he stilled the sea;

by his wisdom, he smote Rahab.

13By his wind, the skies were cleared;

his hand pierced the fleeing serpent.

14These are but hints of his power;

a whisper is all that we hear of him.

But who can understand the thunder of his might?


  • 1Job answered then:

2What help have you given to the powerless,

what strength to the enfeebled arm?

3What advice have you offered to the foolish,

and what great insight have you shown?

4Who has inspired in you these words?

Whose spirit spoke from your mouth?


27 | 1Job continued his discourse:

2As surely as God lives, who denies my right,

the Almighty, who has made me bitter,

3as long as I have life within me

and God’s breath in my nostrils,

4my lips will not speak falsehood

nor my tongue utter deceit.

5Never will I admit you are right,

nor deny my integrity till I die.

6Never will I let go of my righteousness;

my conscience is not put to shame.

7Let my enemy be as the wicked

and my adversary as the unrighteous.

8For what hope has the godless

when God cuts him off,

when God takes away his life?

9God will not listen to his call

when he is beset by trouble.

10For he did not delight in the Almighty

or call upon him constantly.

11See, I tell you the deeds of God

and do not conceal the ways of the Almighty.

12You have witnessed this yourselves.

Why then these empty words?

13This is a wicked man’s portion from God,

the heritage of an oppressor

which he receives from the Almighty.

14Though his children be many,

the sword is their destiny.

His offspring will go hungry.

15The plague will bury those who survive,

and their widows will not mourn for them.

16He may heap up silver like dust

and pile up clothes like clay,

17but what he stores, the just will wear,

and the innocent divide his silver.

18He builds his house like a cobweb,

or like the hut a watchman makes.

19Once more he lies down rich

and wakes to see his wealth all gone.

20Terrors rush upon him by day;

at night a whirlwind carries him away.

21The east wind lifts him up, and he disappears

as it sweeps him out of his place.

22People strike at him without mercy

as he flees headlong from their hands.

23They clap their hands in mockery

and hiss at him from where they are.


The Miners Praise the Wisdom of God

28 | •  1There is a silver mine

and a place where gold is refined.

2Iron is taken from the earth

and copper is smelted from ore.

3Trying to conquer darkness,

piercing to the uttermost depths

in darkness for the gloomy stone,

4strange people cut a shaft

in places remote and long forgotten,

and there they labor, dangling and swaying.


5The earth, which produces food,

is plowed up as if by fire.

6Sapphires come from its rocks,

gold nuggets from its dust.

7No bird of prey knows the hidden path,

no falcon’s eye has seen it yet.

8No proud beast has trodden it,

no prowling lion has passed over it.

9Man attacks the flinty rocks,

and upturns mountains by their roots.

10Tunneling through the earth’s layers,

he sees all its treasures.

11He searches the source of rivers,

and brings hidden things to light.


12But where does wisdom come from?

Where does understanding dwell?

13Man has known no way to wisdom;

it is not found in the land of the living.

14The deep says, “It is not in me”;

the sea says, “It is not with me.”

15It cannot be purchased with the finest gold,

nor can its price be weighed in silver.

16It cannot be bought with the gold of Ophir,

nor with precious onyx or sapphire.

17It is beyond comparison with gold or crystal;

its worth is unmatched by any golden vessel.

18Not worth mentioning are coral and jasper;

the price of wisdom is above the biggest pearl.

19The topaz of Cush cannot equal it;

it cannot be valued in pure gold.


20Where then does wisdom come from?

Where does understanding dwell?

21It is hidden from the eyes of all the living,

concealed from the birds in the sky.

22Destruction and Death can only say,

“We have heard of it.”

23God alone knows the way to wisdom,

his eye enters its dwelling place.

24When he looked to the ends of the earth,

and watched everything under the heavens,

25when he gave the wind its force

and measured out the waters,

26when he set a bound for the rain

and a way for the thunder and lightning,

27then he looked at wisdom and appraised it;

he established it, knowing it in depth.

28And to humans he said:

The fear of the Lord is wisdom;

avoiding evil is understanding.


Whoever Listened To Me, Spoke Well of Me

29 | •  1Job continued his discourse:


                                               2Oh, that I were in months gone by,

in the days when God watched over me,

3when his light shone upon my head

and I walked with it through darkness.

4Oh, that I were in my prime,

when God’s friendship blessed my home,

5when the Almighty was still with me

and my children were around me,

6when milk bathed my footsteps

and olive oil flowed from the rock.


7When I went to the city gate

and took up my seat in the square

8the young men stepped aside

and the old men rose to their feet;

9the chief men dared not speak

but laid their hands on their mouths;

10the princes were silenced,

 their tongues stuck to the palate.

21They listened to me and waited in silence

for my counsel.


22Once I spoke they said no more,

but drop by drop my words kept falling on them.

23They waited for me as people wait for showers;

they drank in my words like spring rain.

24If I smiled at them, they did not dare believe it;

not a glance of mine was lost.

25I pointed out the way, as a leader

and took a king’s place among the troops.

Wherever I led them, they went.


11Whoever heard me spoke well of me,

and those who saw me commended me,

12for I rescued the poor who cried for help,

the fatherless and the unassisted.

13I was blessed by the dying man;

I turned to peace the widow’s pining.

14I was wearing my honesty like a garment,

my integrity was my robe and turban.


15I was eyes to the blind and feet to the lame,

16father to the needy, the stranger’s advocate.

17I broke the jaws of the wicked

and from his teeth forced out the prey.

18I said to myself: “I will die old,

my days as many as the grains of sand.

19My roots will reach to the water;

at night my branches will be wet with dew.

20My glory will remain fresh,

the bow ever strong in my grip.”


30 | 1And now I am the laughing-stock

of people much younger

whose fathers I considered unfit

to put with the dogs of my flock.

2Not even their arms were helpful to me,

for all their vigor had gone,

3worn out by hunger and want.

They roamed the parched wasteland,

4they gathered salt herbs from the brushwood,

their food was the roots of the broom plant.

5They were banished by their fellowmen

who shouted at them as if they were thieves.

6They were forced to seek a home in caves,

among the ravines and rock crevices.

7They brayed among the bushes

and huddled in the underbrush.

8They were driven from the land

for being base and senseless.

9And now their sons sing of my disgrace;

I have become a byword among them.

10They do not hesitate to spit before me;

they abhor me and keep their distance.

11Seeing that God has unstrung my bow,

they have cast off restraint in my presence.

12On my right, the rabble rises,

build siege ramps and lay snares.

13They attack, with none to restrain them.

14They advance, as through a wide breach;

they come in waves amid the uproar.

15Terror grips me;

my dignity is blown by the wind

my safety has vanished like a passing cloud.


  • 16And now my soul is poured out

because of my days of grief and suffering.

17At night gnawing pain pierces my bones.

My veins have no rest.

18With power God has caught my garment,

binding me about as the collar of my coat;

19throwing me into the mire,

where I am now like dust.

20I cry to you, O God, but there’s no answer;

I stand but you merely look on.

21You have become cruel to me, you pursue me

mercilessly with your strong hand.

22You lift me up and make me ride

till the storm tosses and throws me down like rain.

23I know you will bring me down to death,

the destiny of all the living.

24I did not raise my hand against the poor

when he cried for help in his disaster.

25Have I not wept for those in trouble?

Has not my soul grieved for the poor?

26But when I looked for good, I encountered evil;

when I waited for light, darkness came.

27My heart in turmoil is never at peace,

for days of distress have come upon me…

28I go about darkened, but not by the sun;

if I rise in council, it is to voice my grief.

29I have become a brother of jackals,

a companion of owls.

30My skin blackens and peels;

my bones burn with fever.

31My harp is tuned to laments,

and my flute to sounds of weeping.


Have I Eaten My Food Alone?

31 | •  1I have made a covenant with my eyes

not even to gaze at a virgin.

2For what is man’s lot from God on high,

his heritage from the Almighty above?

3Is it not ruin for the wicked,

disaster for the wrongdoer?

4Does he not see my ways

and number all my steps?


5Have I walked in falsehood?

Have my feet hastened towards deceit?

6Let me be weighed on honest scales,

that God may know I am guiltless.

7If my steps have turned from the way

and my heart’s desire has gone astray,

if my hands have been stained,

8then may others eat what I have sown,

or may my crops be stricken down.

9If I have been enticed by a woman,

if I have lurked at my neighbor’s door,

10then may my wife grind for another,

and may other men sleep with her.

11(For that is enough to make one ashamed,

a crime that should be utterly condemned.)

12For it is a fire that burns to destruction;

it would have consumed all my possessions.


13If I have denied justice to my servants

when they had a grievance against me,

14what would I do when confronted by God?

What would I answer when called to account?

15No less than I, they too were formed in the womb

by the same God who formed us all within our mothers.


16Have I denied anything to the poor,

or allowed the widow’s eyes to languish?

17Have I eaten my food alone,

not sharing it with the fatherless?

18No! since youth, I have fostered him,

and from my mother’s womb, I have guided the widow.

19Have I seen a man cold and shivering,

destitute, in need of clothing,

20who did not bless me from his heart

for giving him the warmth of my fleece?

21If I have raised my hand against the orphan,

trusting in my power and influence,

22then let my shoulder fall from its socket,

let my arm be broken at the joint.

23For I feared God-sent calamity,

and how could I stand in his presence?


24If I have put my trust in gold

or have sought my security from it,

25if I have gloated over my wealth,

my fortune and accomplishments,

26if I have regarded the sun in its radiance

or the moon in its splendor,

27and having been enticed offered them

a kiss of my hand in homage,

28then these also would be sins to judge

for I would have been unfaithful to God.


29Have I rejoiced at my enemy’s misfortune

or gloated over the disaster that came his way?

30I have not even allowed my mouth to sin

by invoking a curse against him.

31Those of my household used to say,

“Who has not been fed with Job’s meat?”

32No sojourner ever spent the night in the street,

for my door was always open to wayfarers.


38If my land has cried against me

and its furrows wept

39because I have eaten its fruits unjustly

after getting rid of its owners,

40let thorns grow instead of wheat

and weeds in the place of barley.

33Have I, out of human weakness,

hidden my sins and concealed guilt in my heart,

34keeping silent by myself,

because I feared the crowd and their contempt?

35Oh, that I had someone to hear me!

Let the Almighty answer! This is my plea.

Let my accuser write his indictment

36and I will wear it on my shoulder,

or bind it round my head like a turban.

37I would give him an account of my every step,

and go as boldly as a prince to meet him.

This is the end of the words of Job.



Second Part: Elihu Intervenes


32 | •  1The three men made no further reply to Job because, in his own eyes, Job was in the right. 2But Elihu, son of Barachel the Buzite, of the family of Ram, became angry with Job for justifying himself before God. 3He was also angry with the three friends for failing to refute Job because they had allowed God to be condemned. 4Because they were older than he, Elihu had bided his time; 5but when the three gave up the argument, his anger burst out. 6Thus Elihu, son of Barachel the Buzite, spoke:


I am young and you are quite old;

therefore I was timid and afraid

and dared not tell you of what I know.

7“Age should speak,” I thought;

“advanced years should teach wisdom.”

8But it is the spirit in man,

the breath of the Almighty,

that makes him understand.

9It is not the old alone who are wise,

nor the aged who understand what is right.


10Therefore, I said: Listen,

let me also show my knowledge.

11I waited for you to speak,

listening for your reasons,

as you searched for words.

12I gave you my full attention

but none of you has proved Job wrong,

none has refuted his arguments.

13Stop saying, “We have met wisdom;

God has instructed us, not man.”

14I will not resume your argument

or answer Job with your reasoning.


15They keep quiet for they are dismayed

and have nothing more to say.

16Must I wait, now that they are silent,

making no effort to reply?

17I, too, will show my knowledge.

18For I am full of words

and prodded on by the spirit.

19I am like bottled-up wine

or a wineskin bursting with wine.

20I have to speak to find relief,

open my lips, and make a reply.

21I will be partial to no one

and will not flatter anyone.

22For if I were skilled in flattery,

my Maker would soon do away with me.


Have You Heard God’s Warning?

33 | •  1So now, O Job, hear my discourse,

listen to everything I say.

2My words are on the tip of my tongue,

3words from an upright heart,

words full of knowledge and sincerity.

4The spirit of God has made me;

the breath of the Almighty keeps me alive.

5Answer me if you can;

draw up your arguments and take your stand.

6Like yourself, I too have been taken

by God from the same clay.

7Thus no fear of me need alarm you,

nor should my presence lie heavy on you.

8But I heard what you said,

none of your words escaped my hearing:

9“I am clean and without sin;

I am innocent, guiltless.

10Yet God has found fault with me

and considers me his enemy;

11he shackles my feet,

keeps watch of all my paths.”


12I tell you, you are wrong in this,

for greater than man is God.

13Why, then do you complain

that he will answer none of your words?

14See, God gives a warning

but does not repeat it a second time.

15In a dream, in a night vision,

when deep sleep falls on people,

while they slumber in their beds,

16it is then he opens their ears

and gives warnings by terrifying them.

17So he turns man from wrongdoing

and keeps him away from pride,

18God preserves his soul from the pit,

his life from perishing by the sword.


19Man is also chastened on his bed by pain

and constant distress upon his frame,

20so that he finds food repulsive,

even the choicest meal loathsome.

21His flesh wastes away to naught;

his bones, once unseen, now protrude.

22His soul draws near to the pit,

and his life to the place of death.

23Yet if there is an angel by his side—

a mediator, one in a thousand—

to show him what is right for man,

to give him justice once again,

24God will have mercy on him and say,

“Deliver him from going down to the pit;

I have found for him a ransom.”

25Then his flesh will be renewed as a child’s,

restored as in the days of his youth.

26He will pray and find favor with God;

he will see God’s face and rejoice.

27He will witness to men and say,

“I sinned and perverted what was right,

but I was not punished as I deserved.

28He rescued my soul from going down

into the pit and gave me life to enjoy the light.”

29God does all this to man—

twice, even thrice—

30to turn him back from the pit,

to lead him with the light of life.

31Pay attention, Job, listen to me;

be silent, and I will continue to speak.

32But if you have anything to say, say it then;

speak up, for I wish to see you justified.

33If not, then do listen;

be silent as I teach you wisdom.


34 | 1Elihu continued speaking:

2Hear my words, you, the wise;

listen to me, you, who know.

3The ear tests the word

as the palate tastes the food.

4Let us discern what is right,

learn between us what is good.


5Job has said, “I am innocent,

but God denies me justice

6and disregards my right.

Though guiltless, my wound is hopeless.”

7Who is like Job,

who drinks in blasphemies like water?

8He keeps company with evildoers

and follows the path of the wicked.

9For has he not said, “It does not profit a man

if he tries to please God?”


10So hear me, you men of understanding,

far be it from God to do evil,

far from the Almighty to do wrong!

11Rather, he repays man for what he has done;

he gives him what his conduct deserves.

12How unthinkable that God would do wrong,

that the Almighty would pervert justice!

13Who gave him charge over the earth?

Who else laid out the whole world?

14If he were to take back his spirit,

to withdraw his breath to himself,

15all flesh would perish together

and man would return to dust.


16If you have any intelligence,

listen, Job, hear what I say.

17Can an enemy of justice govern?

Or do you condemn him who is mighty and just,

18who says to kings, “You are worthless,”

and to nobles, “You are wicked,”

19who is impartial to princes

and favors not the rich over the poor,

for they are all his handiwork?

20They die in a moment, even at midnight;

people are shaken and pass away.

Without effort, he removes a tyrant.

21His eyes keep watch on human’s ways,

and he sees their every step.

22For him, there is no dense darkness

where evildoers can hide.

23He forewarns no man of his time

to come before God in judgment.

24He shatters the mighty without inquiry

and sets in his place another strongman.

25Because he knows their evil deeds,

he turns at night and crushes them.

26He punishes them for their wickedness

in a judgment that humans witness.

27For they had turned away from him,

heeded none of his ways,

28and oppressed the poor so much

that their cries of suffering reached him.

29If he remains silent, who stirs him up?

If he hides his face, who can see him?

Yet he watches man and nation alike,

30and restrains those who mislead the people.


31If a wicked man says to God,

“I was misguided but will offend no more.

32Teach me what I do not see;

if I have done wrong, I will do so no more.”

33In such a case, do you think God will punish?

Speak, you who reject his decisions

and think you know more than I do;

tell us what you know.


34Men of understanding,

wise men who hear my views will say to me:

35“Job speaks without knowledge;

his words are without insight.

36Let Job be tried to the utmost

for answering as wicked men do!

37To his sin, he adds rebellion

by scornfully brushing off our arguments

and multiplying his words against God.”


It Is Because They Did Not Call On God

35 | 1Elihu continued and said:

2Do you presume you are right

and innocent before God,

3when you say, “What is it to you,

am I doing you harm with my sins?”

4I will answer you and your friends as well.

5Look up to the sky and see,

gaze at the clouds above.

6If you sin, what is that for God?

Do your many offenses hurt him?

7If you are just, what do you give him?

Or what does he receive from your hand?

8It’s a man like yourself that your sin touches,

a son of man that your justice affects.

9People cry out when greatly oppressed;

they plead for relief under the tyrant’s reign.

10But no one says, “Where is God, my Maker,

whose songs of jubilation are heard in the night,

11who teaches us through the beasts of the earth,

who makes us wise through the birds of the air?”

12This is why he does not answer when they cry out:

because of man’s arrogance.

13In vain! God does not listen,

the Almighty takes no heed of it.

14How much less then will he listen

when you say you do not see him and wait,

for your case is before him!

15And you say that though he is angry

he does not know how to punish

for he has taken no notice of wickedness.

16So Job opens his mouth in empty talk,

without knowledge, he multiplies words.


God Tests Humans To Correct Them

36 | 1Elihu proceeded further:

2Bear with me a little, and I will explain,

for I have more to say on God’s behalf.

3I will spread my knowledge afar

to do justice to my Maker.

4Be assured that my words are not false,

for you have before you an enlightened man.

5God is mighty indeed

but he does not despise the pure of heart.

6He cuts off the power of the sinner

and restores the rights of the oppressed,

7he does not forsake their claim.

He sets kings on their thrones

and makes them firm forever.

But if they raise themselves in pride,

8he has them bound with fetters

and held fast by bonds of affliction.

9Then he tells them what they have done,

all their sins and arrogance.

10He opens their ears to correction

and exhorts them to repentance.

11If they obey and serve him,

they spend their days in prosperity

and their years in contentment.

12But if they do not listen, they go to the grave:

knowledge would have saved them.

13These hypocrites harbor resentment:

they do not pray for help in their bonds,

14therefore, they die in their youth

and perish among the reprobate.


15God saves the wretched through their suffering,

God instructs the unfortunate.

16In like manner, he brings you from distress

to a free and broad space,

to a table filled with rich food.

17Then you will judge the wicked;

justice and judgment will be yours.

18Take care lest you be seduced by generosity;

do not yield to arrogance, bribery, and corruption.

19Your wealth and all your mighty efforts

will not bail you out of distress.

20Do not long for the coming of the night

to drag people away from their homes.

21Beware of turning to iniquity;

because of it, you have been tried by affliction.


A Hymn To God’s Greatness

  • 22God is exalted in his power.

What teacher is there like him?

23Who has prescribed his ways for him

or said to him that he has done wrong?

24Remember to extol his work,

of which many have sung.

25Everyone has seen it;

all gaze on it from afar.

26God is great beyond our understanding;

the number of his years is past reckoning.

27He holds in check the water drops

which distill from the mist as rain,

28then the clouds pour them down

and drop them onto the earth as showers.

31This is how he nourishes the land

that provides food in abundance.

29Who can understand how he spreads the clouds,

how he thunders from his pavilion?

30He unfurls his mists

and covers the expanse of the sea.

32With both hands, he lifts up lightning

and commands it to strike the target.

33His thunder warns the shepherd

and the flock senses the tempest.


37 | 1This is why my heart pounds

and leaps from its place.

2Listen to the thunder of his voice

as it comes rumbling from his mouth.

3Under the heavens, he hurls his lightning,

sending it to the ends of the earth.

4Then comes the sound of God’s roar–

the majestic peal of his thunder.

He does not check his thunderbolts

until his voice has fully resounded.

5God thunders, and his voice works marvels;

he does great things we cannot perceive.

6He says to the snow, “Fall on the earth”;

and to the showers, “Be a strong downpour!”

7So he keeps people under cover

to let them acknowledge his work.

8Wild beasts go back into their lairs

and remain quietly in their dens.

9The storm comes out from its chamber

and the cold from the driving winds.

10The breath of God forms ice,

and the broad waters become frozen.

11With thunderbolts, he loads the clouds,

and through them scatters his lightning.

12At his direction, they do their rounds,

upon the face of the habitable world,

13whether for punishment or mercy as he commands.

14Listen to this, O Job:

pause and consider God’s marvels.

15Do you know how he controls the clouds,

how he makes his lightning flash?

16Do you know how the clouds hang poised,

all these wonders wrought by his perfect knowledge?

17You who swelter in your clothes

when the earth lies still under the south wind,

18can you, like him, spread out the skies,

hard as a mirror of molten bronze?

19Teach us then what we shall say to him;

we cannot draw up our case because of darkness.

20Does it take an angel

to bring this to God’s attention?

21A while ago we could not see the light

and the clouds darkened the sky,

but the storm has just cast them out.

22A blaze comes from the north,

a dreadful glory around God.

23The Almighty is beyond our reach;

exalted in power, great in judgment;

the Master of justice oppresses no one.

24Therefore, people revere him;

the wise are nothing in his sight.


The Lord Answers Job

38 | •  1Then the Lord answered Job out of the storm:

2Who is this that obscures divine plans

with ignorant words?

3Gird up your loins like a man;

I will question you and you must answer.

4Where were you when I founded the earth?

Answer and show me your knowledge.

5Do you know who determined its size,

who stretched out its measuring line?

6On what were its bases set?

Who laid its cornerstone,

7while the morning stars sang together

and the heavenly beings shouted for joy?


8Who shut the sea behind closed doors

when it burst forth from the womb,

9when I made the clouds its garment

and thick darkness, its swaddling clothes;

10when I set its limits

with doors and bars in place,

11when I said, “You will not go beyond these bounds;

here is where your proud waves must halt?”


12Have you ever commanded the morning,

or shown the dawn its place,

13that it might grasp the earth by its edges

and shake the wicked out of it,

14when it takes a clay color

and changes its tint like a garment;

15when the wicked are denied their own light,

and their proud arm is shattered?


16Have you journeyed to where the sea begins

or walked in its deepest recesses?

17Have the gates of death been shown to you?

Have you seen the gates of Shadow?

18Have you an idea of the breadth of the earth?

Tell me if you know all this.


19Where is the way to the home of light,

and where does darkness dwell?

20Can you take them to their own regions,

and set them on their homeward paths?

21You know, for you were born before them,

and great is the number of your years!


22Have you entered the storehouse of the snow

or seen the storehouse of the hail,

23which I reserve for times of woe,

for days of war and battle?

24What is the way to the place

where lightning is dispersed,

or the place whence the east wind

begins spreading over the earth?

25Who has cut a channel for the torrents of rain,

and a path for the thunderstorm,

26to bring rain to no-man’s-land

and to the unpeopled wilderness,

27to enrich the wasted and desolate ground,

to make the desert bloom with green?

28Does the rain have a father?

Who fathers the drops of dew?

29From whose womb comes the ice,

and who gives birth to the frost from the skies,

30when the waters lie as hard as a stone,

when the surface of the deep is frozen?

31Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades,

or loosen the bonds of Orion?

32Can you guide the morning star in its season,

or lead the Bear with its train?

33Do you know the laws of the heavens,

and can you establish their rule on the earth?

34Can you raise your voice to the clouds

and order their waters to pour down?

35Will lightning flash at your command

and report to you, “Here we are?”

36Who has given the ibis foresight

or endowed the cock with foreknowledge?

37Who has the wisdom to count the clouds?

Who tilts the water jars of heaven

38so that the dust cakes into a mass

and clods of earth stick together?

39Can you hunt the woods to appease

the hunger of the lioness and her whelps,

40as they crouch in their dens

or lie in wait in the thicket?

41Who provides prey for the raven

when its young cry out to God

and roam about desperate for food?


39 | 1Do you know how mountain goats breed?

Have you observed the hinds in labor,

2numbered the months they must fulfill,

and fixed the time they must give birth?

3Have you watched them end their labor

as they crouch and drop their young,

4how they wait for them to grow,

until they leave, never to return?


5Who has given the wild ass his freedom,

and loosed the bonds of the wild donkey?

6I have given him the desert for a home,

the salt plains for a shelter.

7For he scorns the city’s tumult,

and is free of the driver’s shout and insult;

8he prefers the hills for his pasture,

ranging for food in the rich verdure.


9Is the wild ox willing to serve you,

to pass the night by your manger?

10Can you make him work with a plow or harrow

if you provide him with the proper gear?

11Can you rely on his great strength

and leave him to do your heavy work?

12Can you depend on him to come home alone,

carrying your grain to your threshing floor?

13Can the wing of the ostrich be compared

with the plumage of the stork or falcon?

14She lays her eggs on the ground

and lets them warm in the sand,

15not knowing that a foot may step on them

or some wild beast may crush them.

16Cruel to her chicks as if they were not hers,

she cares not that her labor be in vain,

17for God has given her no wisdom

nor a share of good sense.

18Yet in the swiftness of foot,

she makes sport of horse and rider.


19Is it you who give the horse strength

and clothe his neck with splendor,

20who make him leap like a grasshopper

and his proud snorting strike terror?

21Rejoicing in his strength, he fiercely paws

and charges into the fray,

22afraid of nothing, laughing at fear,

not shying away from the sword.

23Against his side rattles the quiver,

along with the lance and flashing spear.

24In frenzied excitement, he eats up the ground;

there is no holding him when the trumpets sound.

25He cries “Hurrah!” at each trumpet blast.

He catches the scent of battle from afar,

the shout of commanders and the battle cry.


26Is it by your wisdom that the hawk takes flight

and spreads his wings toward the south?

27Is it at your command that eagles fly

and build their nests on high?

28They dwell on cliffs and spend the night;

their stronghold is the rocky crag.

29From there, they look out for food,

which they detect even from afar.

30They and their young feast on blood,

and where the slain lie, there they are.


40 | •  1The Lord said to Job:

2Must a faultfinder contend with the Almighty?

Let him who would correct God answer.

3Job said:

4How can I reply, unworthy as I am!

All I can do is put my hand over my mouth.

5I have spoken once, now I will not answer;

oh, yes, twice, but I will do no further.

The Lord’s discourse continues

6Then the Lord addressed Job out of the storm:

7Gird up your loins like a man;

I will question you, and you must answer.

8Would you deny my right

and condemn me that you may be justified?

9Have you an arm like that of God,

and can you thunder with a voice like this?

10Then adorn yourself with glory and splendor,

array yourself with grandeur and majesty.

11Unleash the fury of your wrath;

12look for every proud man and abase him;

crush the wicked where they stand.

13Bury them all in the dust,

lock them in the dungeon.

14If you can do this, I, myself, will praise you,

admitting that your right hand can save you.


15Just think about Behemoth,

who feeds on grass like the ox.

16What strength he has in his loins,

what power in the muscles of his belly!

17Like a cedar, his tail sways,

the sinews of his thighs are like cables.

18His bones like tubes of bronze,

his limbs like iron rods.

19He is first among the works of God,

created to dominate his companions.

20The mountains give him their produce,

as do all the wild beasts who play there.

21Under the lotus trees, he lies,

hidden among the reeds of the marsh.

22The lotus trees cover him with their shade;

the poplar trees on the bank surround him.

23He is not alarmed though the river rages and torrents surge against his mouth.

24Who can capture him by the eyes

or trap him and pierce his nose?


25Can you pull in Leviathan with a hook,

or curb his tongue with a bit?

26Can you put a ring through his nose

or pierce his jaw with a hook?

27Will he keep begging you for mercy,

or speak to you with tender words?

28Will you make him your slave forever?

29Will you make a pet of him like a bird,

or put him on a leash for your maids?

30Will traders bargain for him?

Will merchants sell him retail?

31Can you fill his hide with harpoons

or his head with fish spears?

32Just try and lay a hand on him—

you will not forget the struggle,

and you will never do it again!


41 | 1Any hope of subduing him is vain,

for the mere sight of him is overpowering.

2He grows so ferocious when aroused

that no one dares face him.

3Who has attacked him and come off unharmed?

No one under the sky.


4I need hardly mention his limbs, nor

describe his matchless strength.

5Who can strip off his outer garment

and penetrate his double breastplate?

6Who can dare open the gates of his mouth

to confront the terrors of his rows of teeth?

7Rows of scales are on his back—

rows of shields that are tightly sealed.

8So closely fitted are they

that no space intervenes;

9so closely joined

that they hold fast and cannot be parted.

10Light flashes forth when he sneezes;

like the light of dawn are his eyes.

11Flaming torches and sparks of fire flash from his mouth.

12Smoke comes from his nostrils,

like hot steam from a boiling pot.

13His mere breath sets coals afire,

with the flame pouring from his mouth.


14Strength is in his neck,

and terror dances before him.

15Tightly set are the folds of his flesh,

firmly cast and immovable.

16His heart is hard as stone,

as hard as the lower millstone.

17When he rises up, the mighty are terrified,

the waves of the sea fall back.

18Should the sword reach him, it will not pierce him,

nor will the spear, the dart, or the javelin.


19Iron is to him no more than straw;

and bronze, no more than rotten wood.

20Arrows will not put him to flight;

a sling-stone tickles him like hay.

21Clubs are as splinters to him;

he laughs at the whirring javelin.

22His belly is as sharp as pottery sherds;

he moves across the mire like a plow.

23He churns the depths into a seething caldron;

he makes the sea fume like a burner.

24Behind him he leaves a white gleaming wake,

making the deep appear a hoary head of age.

25He has no equal on earth:

Such a horrible creature he was made!

26He makes all, however lofty, afraid;

he is king over all proud beasts.


42 | •  1This was the answer Job gave to the Lord:

2I know that you are all-powerful;

no plan of yours can be thwarted.

3b I spoke of things I did not understand,

too wonderful for me to know.

5My ears had heard of you,

but now my eyes have seen you.

6Therefore, I retract all I have said,

and in dust and ashes, I repent.


The End of Job’s Poem

  • 7After the Lord had spoken to Job, he turned to Eliphaz the Temanite, “I am angry with you and your two friends because you have not spoken of me rightly, as has my servant Job. 8Now, take seven bulls and seven rams, go to my servant Job, offer a holocaust for yourselves and let him pray for you. I will accept his prayer and excuse your folly in not speaking of me properly as my servant Job has done.”

9Then Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar the Naamathite went and did as the Lord had ordered. The Lord accepted Job’s intercession.


Here Ends the Traditional Story of Job

10After Job had prayed for his friends, the Lord restored his fortunes, giving him twice as much as he had before. 11All his brothers, sisters, and former friends came to his house and dined with him. They showed him sympathy and comforted him for all the evil the Lord had brought him. Each of them gave him a silver coin and a gold ring.

12The Lord blessed Job’s latter days much more than his earlier ones. He came to own fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand camels, a thousand yoke of oxen, and a thousand she-donkeys. 13He was also blessed with seven sons and three daughters. 14The first daughter he named Dove, the second Cinnamon, and the third Bottle of Perfume. 15Nowhere in the land was there any woman who could compare beauty to Job’s daughters. Their father granted them an inheritance along with their brothers.

16Job lived a hundred and forty years; he saw his children and their children to the fourth generation. 17He died old and full of years.