Corinthians-2 Chapters

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1 | •  1Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and Timothy, our brother to the church of God in Corinth and to all the saints in the whole of Achaia. 2May you receive grace and peace from God our Father, and from Christ Jesus, the Lord.


Blessed Be God,

the Source of All Comfort

  • 3Blessed be God the Father of Christ Jesus, our Lord, the all-merciful Father and the God of all comfort! 4He encourages us in all our trials so that we may also encourage those in any trial with the same comfort that we receive from God.

5For whenever the sufferings of Christ overflow to us, so through Christ, a great comfort also overflows. 6So, if we are afflicted, it is for your comfort and salvation; and if we receive comfort, it is also for you. You may experience the same comfort when you come to endure our sufferings. 7Our hope for you is most firm; just as you share in our sufferings, so shall you also share in our consolation.

8Brothers and sisters, we want you to know some of the trials we experienced in the province of Asia. We were crushed; it was too much; it was more than we could bear, and we had already lost all hope of coming through alive. 9We felt branded for death, but this happened that we might no longer rely on ourselves but on God who raises the dead. 10He freed us from such a deadly peril and will continue to do so. We trust he will continue protecting us, 11but you must help us with your prayers. When the intercession of many obtains such a favor, so will there be many to give thanks to God on our behalf.


The Plans of Paul

  • 12There is something we are proud of: our conscience tells us that we have lived in this world with the openness and sincerity that comes from God. We have been guided, not by human motives, but by the grace of God, especially in relation to you. 13There were no hidden intentions in my letter, but only what you can read and understand. 14I trust that what you now only partly realize, you will come to understand fully and so be proud of us, as we shall also be proud of you on the Day of the Lord Jesus.

15With this assurance, I wanted to go and visit you first, and this would have been a double blessing for you, 16for I would have left you to go through Macedonia, and I would have come back to you on my way back from Macedonia, and you would have sent me on my way to Judea. 17Have I planned this without thinking at all? Or do I change my decisions at the spur of the moment so that I am between No and Yes?

18God knows that our dealing with you is not Yes and No, 19just as the Son of God, Christ Jesus, whom we—Silvanus, Timothy and I—preach to you, was not Yes and No; with him, it was simply Yes. 20In him, all the promises of God have come to be a Yes, and we also say in his name: Amen! giving thanks to God. 21God, himself, has anointed us and strengthens us with you to serve Christ; 22he has marked us with his own seal in a first outpouring of the Spirit in our hearts.


Paul Refers to a Scandal

  • 23God knows, and I swear to you by my own life, that if I did not return to Corinth, it was because I wanted to spare you. 24I do not wish to lord it over your faith but to contribute to your happiness, for you already stand firm regarding faith.


2 | 1So I gave up a visit that would again be distressing. 2If I make you sad, who will make me happy, if not you whom I have grieved? 3Remember what I wrote you, “May it be that when I come, I do not feel sad because of you, who should rather make me happy.” I trust in everyone and am sure my joy will be yours.

4I was so afflicted and worried when I wrote to you that I even shed tears. I did not intend to cause you pain but rather to tell you of my immense love for you.

5If anyone has caused me pain, he has hurt not me, but in some measure (I do not wish to exaggerate) all of you. 6The punishment he received from the majority is enough for him. 7Now you should rather forgive and comfort him, lest excessive sorrow discourage him. 8So I beg you to treat him with love.

9This is why I wrote to you, to test and know if you would obey everything. 10The one you forgive, I also forgive. And what I forgave, if indeed I had anything to forgive, I forgave for your sake in the presence of Christ, 11lest Satan takes advantage of us, for we know his designs.


We Are the Fragrance of Christ

12So I came to Troas to preach the gospel of Christ, and the Lord opened doors for me. 13However, I could not be at peace because I did not find my brother Titus there. So I took leave of them and went to Macedonia.

14Thanks be to God, who always leads us in the triumphant following of Christ and spreads the knowledge of him everywhere like an aroma through us. 15We are Christ’s fragrance rising up to God and perceived by those who are saved and those who are lost. 16To the latter, it smells of death and leads them to death. To others, it is the fragrance of life and leads to life.

17But who is worthy of such a mission? Unlike so many who make money out of the word of God, we speak with sincerity: everything comes from God and is said in his presence in Christ.


The Great Dignity of Christ’s Ministers

3 | •  1Am I again commending myself? Or do I need to present letters of recommendation as some do, or should I ask you for those letters? 2You are the letter. This letter is written in your inner self, yet all can read and understand it. 3Yes, who could deny that you are Christ’s letter, written by us—written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God carved not in slabs of stone but in hearts of flesh.

4This is how we are sure of God through Christ. 5As for us, we would not dare consider that something comes from us: our ability comes from God. 6He has even enabled us to be ministers of a new covenant no longer depending on a written text but on the Spirit. The written text kills, but the Spirit gives life.

7The ministry of the law carved on stones brought death; it was, nevertheless, surrounded by glory, and we know that the Israelites could not fix their eyes on the face of Moses, such was his radiance, though fleeting. 8How much more glorious will the ministry of the Spirit be! 9If there is greatness in a ministry, which used to condemn, how much more will there be in the ministry that brings holiness? 10This is so glorious that, in comparison, the former’s glory is like nothing. 11That ministry was provisory and had only moments of glory, but ours endures with a lasting glory.


The Veil of Moses

12Since we have such a great ambition, we are quite confident—13unlike Moses, who covered his face with a veil. Otherwise, the Israelites would have seen his passing radiance fade.

14They became blind; however, until this day, the same veil prevents them from understanding the Old Covenant, and they do not realize that it is nullified in Christ. 15To this day, whenever they read Moses, the veil remains over their understanding, 16but for whoever turns to the Lord, the veil shall be removed. 17The Lord is Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

18So, with unveiled faces, we all reflect the glory of the Lord while we are transformed into his likeness and experience his glory more and more by the action of the Lord who is Spirit.


We Carry this Treasure in Vessels of Clay

4 | •  1Since this is our ministry, mercifully given to us, we do not weaken. 2We refuse to stay with half-truths through fear; we do not behave with cunning or falsify the message of God but manifest the truth; we commend ourselves to the conscience of everyone in the sight of God.

3In fact, if the gospel we proclaim remains obscure, it is obscure only for those who go to their own destruction. 4The god of this world has blinded the minds of these unbelievers, lest they see the radiance of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is God’s image. 5It is not us we preach, but Christ Jesus, as Lord; and for Jesus’ sake, we are your servants. 6God who said, “Let the light shine out of darkness,” has also made the light shine in our hearts to radiate and to make known the glory of God as it shines in the face of Christ.

7However, we carry this treasure in clay vessels so that this all-surpassing power may not be seen as ours but as God’s. 8Trials of every sort come to us, but we are not discouraged. 9We are left without an answer but do not despair; persecuted, but not abandoned, knocked down but not crushed. 10At any moment, we carry in our person the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in us. 11For we, the living, are given up continually to death for the sake of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may appear in our mortal existence. 12And as death is at work in us, life comes to you.

13We have received the same spirit of faith referred to in Scripture that says: I believed and so I spoke. We also believe, and so we speak. 14We know that he who raised the Lord Jesus will also raise us with Jesus and bring us with you into his presence. 15Finally, everything is for your good so that grace will come more abundantly upon you, and great will be the thanksgiving for the glory of God.


We Long for Our Heavenly Dwelling

  • 16Therefore, we are not discouraged. On the contrary, while our outer being is wasted away, the inner self is renewed daily. 17The slight affliction that quickly passes away prepares us for an eternal wealth of glory, so great and beyond all comparison. 18So we no longer pay attention to the things that are seen, but to those that are unseen, for the things that we see last for a moment, but that which cannot be seen is eternal.


5 | 1We know that when our earthly dwelling, or rather our tent, is destroyed, we may count on a building from God, a heavenly dwelling, not built by human hands, that lasts forever. 2Therefore, we long and groan: Why may we not put on this heavenly dwelling over that which we have? 3(Indeed, are we sure we shall still wear our earthly dwelling and not be unclothed?)

4As long as we are in the field tent, we indeed bemoan our unbearable fate, for we do not want this clothing to be removed from us; we would rather put the other over it, that the mortal body may be absorbed by true life. 5This is God’s purpose for us, and he has given us the Spirit as a pledge of what we will receive.

6So we feel confident always. We know that while living in the body, we are exiled from the Lord, 7living by faith without seeing, 8but we dare to think that we would rather be away from the body to go and live with the Lord. 9So, whether we have to keep or lose this house, we only wish to please the Lord. 10Anyway, we all have to appear before the tribunal of Christ for each one to receive what he deserves for his good or evil deeds in the present life.


We Proclaim the Message of Reconciliation

  • 11So, we know the fear of the Lord and try to convince people while we live openly before God. And I trust that you know in your conscience what we truly are. 12Once more, we do not try to win your esteem; we want to give you a reason to feel proud of us that you may respond to those who heed appearances and not reality. 13Now, if I have spoken foolishly, let God alone hear; if what I have said makes sense take it for yourselves.

14Indeed, the love of Christ holds us, and we realize that if he died for all, all have died. 15He died for all so that those who live may live no longer for themselves, but for him who died and rose again for them. 16And so, from now on, we do not regard anyone from a human point of view; and even if we once knew Christ personally, we should now regard him in another way.

17For that same reason, the one in Christ is a new creature. For him, the old things have passed away; a new world has come. 18All this is the work of God who, in Christ, reconciled us to himself and who entrusted to us the ministry of reconciliation. 19Because in Christ, God reconciled the world with himself, no longer taking into account their trespasses and entrusting us the message of reconciliation.

20So we present ourselves as ambassadors in the name of Christ as if God himself appeals to you through us. Let God reconcile you; we ask you this in the name of Christ. 21He had no sin, but God made him bear our sin so that in him we might share the holiness of God.


6 | 1Being God’s helpers, we beg you: let it not be in vain that you received this grace of God. 2Scripture says: At the favorable time, I listened to you, and on the day of salvation, I helped you. This is the favorable time; this is the day of salvation.


The Trials of an Apostle

  • 3We are concerned not to give anyone an occasion to stumble or criticize our mission. 4Instead, we prove we are true ministers of God through our endurance in many trials, hardships, afflictions, 5floggings, imprisonment, riots, fatigue, sleepless nights, and days of hunger.

6People can notice in our upright life, knowledge, patience and kindness, the action of the Holy Spirit, sincere love, 7words of truth, and the power of God. So, we fight with the weapons of justice to attack and defend.

8Sometimes we are honored, at other times, insulted; we receive criticism and praise. Although we speak the truth, we are regarded as liars; 9as unknown, though we are well known; as dead, and yet we live. Punishments come upon us, but we have not, as yet, been put to death. 10We appear to be afflicted, yet always joyful; we seem to be poor but enrich many; we have nothing but possess everything!

11Corinthians! I have spoken to you frankly and uncovered my inner thoughts. 12My heart is wide open to you, but you feel uneasy because of your closed heart: 13Repay us with the same measure—I speak to you as to my children—open your hearts wide.


Have Nothing to Do with Evil

  • 14Do not make unsuitable covenants with those who do not believe: can justice walk with wickedness? Or can light coexist with darkness, 15and can there be harmony between Christ and Satan? What union can there be between one who believes and one who does not believe? 16God’s temple must have no room for idols, and we are the temple of the living God. As Scripture says: “I will dwell and live in their midst, I will be their God and they shall be my people.

17Therefore: Come out from their midst and separate from them, says the Lord. Do not touch anything unclean, 18and I will be gracious to you. I will be a father to you, that you may become my sons and daughters, says the all-powerful God.”


7 | 1Since we have such promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from all defilement of body and spirit and complete the work of sanctification in the fear of God.


Welcome us in Your Hearts

  • 2Welcome us in your hearts! We have injured no one. We have harmed no one; we have cheated no one. 3I do not say this to condemn you: I have just said that you are in our heart so that together we live, together we die. 4I have great confidence in you, and I am indeed proud of you. I feel very much encouraged, and my joy overflows despite all this bitterness.

5Know that when I came to Macedonia, I had no rest at all. Still, I was afflicted with all kinds of difficulties: conflict outside and fear within. 6But God, who encourages the humble, gave me comfort with the arrival of Titus, 7not only because of his arrival but also because you had received him very well. He told me about your profound affection for me; you were affected by what happened. You worried about me, and this made me rejoice even more.

8If my letter caused you pain, I do not regret it. Perhaps I did regret it, for I saw that the letter caused you sadness for a moment, but now, I rejoice, 9not because of your sadness, but because it brought you to repentance. This was a sadness from God so that no evil came to you because of me. 10Sadness from God brings firm repentance that leads to salvation and brings no regret, but worldly grief produces death. 11See what this sadness from God has produced in you: What concern for me! What apologies! What indignation and fear! What a longing to see me, to make amends and do me justice!

You have fully proved that you were innocent in this matter. 12In reality, I wrote to you not on account of the offender or the offended, but that you may be conscious of your concern for me before God. 13I was encouraged by this.

In addition to this consolation of mine, I rejoiced, especially to see Titus very pleased with how you all reassured him. 14I had no cause to regret my praise of you to him. You know I am always sincere with you; likewise, my praise of you to Titus has been justified. 15He now feels much more affection for you as he remembers the obedience of all and the respect and humility with which you received him. 16Really, I rejoice, for I can be genuinely proud of you.


The Collection for Those in Jerusalem

8 | •  1Now, I want you to know about a gift of divine grace among the Churches of Macedonia. 2While they were so afflicted and persecuted, their joy overflowed, and their extreme poverty turned into a wealth of generosity. 3According to their means—even beyond their means—they wanted to share in helping the saints.

4They asked us for this favor spontaneously and with much insistence 5and, far beyond anything we expected, they put themselves at the disposal of the Lord and of us by the will of God. 6Accordingly, I urged Titus to complete, among you, this work of grace since he began it with you. 7You excel in everything: in the gifts of faith, speech and knowledge; you feel concern for every cause and, besides, you are first in my heart—Excel also in this generous service.

8This is not a command; I tell you the determination of others to check the sincerity of your fraternal concern. 9You know well the generosity of Christ Jesus, our Lord. Although he was rich, he made himself poor to make you rich through his poverty.

10I only suggest this because you were the first not only to cooperate but also to begin this project a year ago. 11So, complete this work and, according to your means, carry out what you decided with much enthusiasm. 12When there is a good disposition, everything you give is welcomed, and no one longs for what you do not have. 13I do not mean that others should be at ease and burdened. Strive for equality; 14at present, give from your abundance what they are short of, and in some way, they also will give from their abundance what you lack. Then you will be equal, 15and what Scripture says shall come true: To the one who had much, nothing was in excess; to the one who had little, nothing was lacking.

16Blessed be God who inspires Titus with such care for you! 17He not only listened to my appeal, but he wanted to go and see you on his own initiative. 18I am sending with him the brother who has gained the esteem of the churches in the work of the gospel; 19moreover, they appointed him to travel with us in this blessed work we are carrying on for the glory of the Lord, but also because of our personal enthusiasm.

20We decided on this so that no one could suspect us concerning this generous fund we are administering. 21Let us see to it that all may appear clean, not only before God but also before people. 22We also send with them another brother who, on several occasions, has shown us his zeal and now is more enthusiastic because of his confidence in you.

23You, then, have Titus, our companion and minister, to serve you; with him, you have our brothers, representatives of the churches, and glory to Christ. 24Show them how you love them and prove all the good things I told them about you before the churches.


More About the Collection

9 | •  1It is unnecessary for me to write to you about assistance to the saints. 2I know your readiness, and I praised you before the Macedonians. I said, “In Achaia, they have been ready for the collection since last year.” And your enthusiasm carried most of them along. 3So I send you these brothers of ours. May all my praise of you not fall flat in this case! May you be ready, as I said. 4If some Macedonians come with me, let them not find you unprepared. What a shame for me—and perhaps for you—after so much confidence!

5So I thought it necessary to ask our brothers to go ahead of us and see you organize this blessed work you have promised. It shall come from your generosity and not be an imposed task.

6Remember: the one who sows meagerly will reap meagerly, and there shall be generous harvests for the one who sows generously. 7Each of you should give as you decided personally and not reluctantly as if obliged. God loves a cheerful giver. 8And God is able to fill you with every good thing so that you have enough of everything at all times and may give abundantly for any good work.

9Scripture says: He distributed, he gave to the poor, his good works last forever. 10God, who provides the sower with seed, will also provide him with the bread he eats. He will multiply the seed for you and increase interest in your good works. 11Become rich in every way and give abundantly. What you give will become, through us, a thanksgiving to God.

12This sacred relief will result in much thanksgiving to God after providing the saints with what they need. 13 This will be a test for them; they will give thanks because you obey the requirements of Christ’s gospel and share generously with them and with all. 14They shall pray to God for you and feel affection for you because the grace of God overflows in you.

15Yes, thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!


Paul’s Defense and Admonition

10 | •  1It is I, Paul, who, by the humility and kindness of Christ, appeal to you; the Paul “who is timid among you and bold when far away from you!”

2Do not force me to act boldly when I come, as I am determined and will dare to act against people who think I act from human motives. 3Human is our condition, but not our fight.

4Our weapons for this fight are not human, but they have divine power to destroy strongholds—those arguments 5and haughty thoughts that oppose the knowledge of God. We compel all understanding that they obey Christ. 6So, I am prepared to punish any disobedience when you should show perfect obedience.

7See things as they really are. If someone is convinced that he belongs to Christ, let him consider that, just as he is Christ’s, so am I. 8Although I may seem too confident in the authority that the Lord gave me for building you up and not for pulling you down, I will not be put to shame for saying this. 9Do not think that I can only frighten you with letters. 10“His letters are severe and strong,” some say, “but as he is, he has no presence and is a poor speaker.” 11To such people, I say, “Be careful: what my letters say from afar is what I will do when I come.”

12How could I venture to equate or compare myself with some people who proclaim their own merits? Fools! They measure themselves with their own measure and compare themselves with themselves. 13As for me, I will not boast beyond measure, for I will not go past the limits that the God of true measure has set for me: He gave the measuring stick when he made me set foot in your place.

14It is not the same when someone goes beyond his field to where he has been unable to set foot. But I am he who first reached you with the gospel of Christ. 15I am not making myself important where others have worked. On the contrary, we hope that as your faith increases, so will our area of ministry among you, too, be enlarged without going beyond our limit. 16So, we shall bring the gospel to places beyond yours without entering into the field of others or boasting and making ourselves important where the work is already done. 17Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord. 18It is not the one who commends himself, who is approved, but the one whom the Lord commends.


11 | 1May you bear with me in some little foolishness! But surely you will. 2I confess that I share the jealousy of God for you, for I have promised you in marriage to Christ, the only spouse, to present you to him as a pure virgin. 3And this is my fear: the serpent that seduced Eve with cunning could also corrupt your minds and divert you from Christian sincerity. 4Someone now comes and preaches another Jesus, different from the one we preach, or you are offered a different spirit from the one you have received with a different gospel from the one you have accepted—and you agree!

5I do not see how I am inferior to those super-apostles. 6Does my speaking leave much to be desired? Perhaps, but not my knowledge, as I have abundantly shown to you in every way.


Paul Commends the Apostle Paul

  • 7Perhaps my fault was that I humbled myself to uplift you or gave you the gospel free of charge. 8I called upon the services of other churches and served you with the support I received from them. 9When I was with you, although I was in need, I did not become a burden to anyone. The friends from Macedonia gave me what I needed. I have taken care not to be a burden to you in anything, and I will continue to do so. 10By the truth of Christ within me, I will let no one in the land of Achaia stop this boasting of mine.

11Why? Because I do not love you? God knows that I do! 12Yet I do, and I will continue to do so to silence any people anxious to appear as equal to me: this is my glory. 13In reality, they are false apostles, deceivers disguised as apostles of Christ. 14It is not surprising: if Satan disguises himself as an angel of light, 15his servants can easily disguise themselves as ministers of salvation until they receive what their deeds deserve.

16I say again: Do not take me for a fool, but if you do take me as such, bear with me that I may sing my own praises a little. 17I will not speak with the Lord’s authority, but as a fool, bringing my merits to prominence. 18I will do the same as some people boast of human advantages. 19Fortunately, you bear rather well with fools, you who are so wise! 20You tolerate being enslaved and exploited, robbed, treated with contempt, and slapped in the face. 21What a shame that I acted so weakly with you!

But if others are so bold, I shall also dare, although I may speak like a fool. 22Are they Hebrews? So am I. Are they Israelites? So am I. Are they descendants of Abraham? So am I. 23Are they ministers of Christ? (I begin to talk like a madman) I am better than them.

Better than they, with my numerous labors. Better than they, with the time spent in prison. The beatings I received are beyond comparison. How many times have I found myself in danger of death! 24Five times the Jews sentenced me to thirty-nine lashes. 25Three times I was beaten with a rod. Once I was stoned. Three times, I was shipwrecked, and once, I spent a night and a day adrift on the high seas.

26I have been continually in hazards of traveling; because of rivers, because of bandits, because of my fellow Jews, or because of the pagans; in danger in the city, in the open country, at sea; in danger from false brothers. 27I have worked and often labored without sleep; I have been hungry, thirsty, starving, cold, and without shelter.

28Besides these and other things, I was daily concerned for all the churches. 29Who is weak, that I do not feel weak as well? Whoever stumbles, am I not on hot bricks?

30If it is necessary to boast, let me proclaim the occasions on which I was found weak. 31The God and Father of Jesus the Lord—may he be blessed for ever!—knows that I speak the truth. 32At Damascus, the governor under King Aretas placed the city under guard to arrest me, 33and I had to be let down in a basket through a window in the wall. In that way, I slipped through his hands.


Extraordinary Graces

12 | •  1It is useless to boast; but if I have to, I will go on to some visions and revelations of the Lord.

2I know a certain Christian: fourteen years ago, he was taken up to the third heaven. 3Whether in the body or out of the body, I do not know, God knows. But I know that this man, whether in the body or out of the body—I do not know, God knows—4was taken up to Paradise where he heard words that cannot be told: things humans cannot express.

5Of that man, I can indeed boast, but of myself, I will not boast except of my weaknesses. 6If I wanted to boast, it would not be foolish of me, for I would speak the truth. 7However, I had better give up lest somebody think more of me than what is seen in me or heard from me. Lest I become proud, after so many extraordinary revelations, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a true messenger of Satan, to slap me in the face. 8I prayed to the Lord three times that it might leave me, 9but he answered, “My grace is enough for you; my great strength is revealed in weakness.”

Gladly then, will I boast of my weakness, that the strength of Christ may be mine. 10So I rejoice when I suffer infirmities, humiliations, want, persecutions: all for Christ! For when I am weak, then I am strong.

11I have acted as a fool, but you forced me. You should have been the ones commending me. Yet I do not feel outdone by those super-apostles, 12even though I am nothing. All the signs of a true apostle are found in me: patience in all trials, signs, miracles, and wonders.

13Now, in what way were you not treated like the rest of the churches? Only in this: I was not a burden to you—forgive me for this offense!


This Is My Third Visit to You

  • 14For the third time, I plan to visit you, and I will not be a burden to you, for I am not interested in what you have, but only in you. Children should not have to collect money for their parents, but the parents for their children. 15As for me, I am ready to spend whatever I have and even my whole self for all of you. If I love you so much, am I to be loved less?

16Well, I was not a burden to you, but was it not a trick to deceive you? Tell me: 17Did I take money from you through any of my messengers? 18I asked Titus to go to you, and I sent another brother with him. But did Titus take money from you? Have we not both acted in the same spirit?

19Perhaps you think we are again apologizing, but no: we speak in Christ and before God, and I do this for you, dear friends, to build you up. 20I fear that if I go and see you, I might not find you as I would wish, and you, in turn, might not find me to your liking. I might see rivalries, envy, grudges, disputes, slanders, gossip, conceit, and disorder. 21Let it not be that in coming again to you, God humbles me because of you, and I have to grieve over so many of you who live in sin, on seeing that they have not yet given up an impure way of living, their wicked conduct, and the vices they formerly practiced.


13 | 1This will be my third visit to you. Any charge must be decided upon by the declaration of two or three witnesses. 2I have said, and I say again, being still far away, just as I did on my second visit, I say to you who lived in sin, as well as to the rest: when I return to you, I will not have pity. 3You want to know if Christ is speaking through me? So you will. He is not used to dealing weakly with you, but rather he acts with power. 4If he was crucified in his weakness, now he lives by God's strength; so we are weak with him, but we will be well alive with him because God acts powerfully with you.

5Examine yourselves: are you acting according to faith? Test yourselves. Can you assert that Christ Jesus is in you? If not, you have failed the test. 6I hope you recognize that we ourselves have not failed it.

7We pray to God that you may do no wrong, not that we wish to be acknowledged, but we want you to do right, even if we appear to have failed. 8For we do not have power against the truth, but only for the truth. 9We rejoice if we are weak while you are strong, for all we hope is that you become perfect. 10This is why I am writing now so that when I come, I may not have to act strictly and use the authority the Lord has given me for building up and not destroying.

11Finally, brothers and sisters, be happy, strive to be perfect, have courage, be of one mind, and live in peace. And the God of love and peace will be with you. 12Greet one another with a holy kiss. All the saints greet you.

13May the grace of Christ Jesus the Lord, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.